I know this is absolutely meaningless in the whole scheme of things but whether it's TNG, Stargate SG1, Section 31, or any other scifi, but every time we have an "out of phase" story where people are walking through walls I'm screaming "WHY AREN'T THEY FALLING THROUGH THE FLOOR" at the screen
The doors opening to space but people can just hold on tighter and hold their breath long enough like a jet cargo drop.
Space suits are treated with scuba suits logic.
Me: "Witchcraft!"
Plus, I thought they had to wait for the lift because they couldn't use voice or physical controls.
But of course they don't fall through the floor because of anti-matter anti-gravity anti-fida stuff, shit and screenwriters.
How do they breathe even if the air is out of phase with them ?
How do you have a chain reaction that stops at a quadrant ?
also 'why are you bringing that unknown object back to our main secret base instead of the alpha site you dodos'
Stargate hq, otoh, might be the least secure military base I've ever seen in some ways. Opening direct connections to other worlds without so much as a decon shower.
but even then it lost a bit
way i see it is ya got to make it a story somehow
and if i dont notice so bad and its entertaining i can forgive stuff like that
this is why THIS can happen
make such scene's short or give some gobbly gook reason for it but make it a rule and stick to it
rlly, walls are barely real at all so it makes sense they're easier to go through
Wouldn't they just immediately fall out of the ship and suffocate? Wouldn't they suffocate immediately anyway because the
oxygen molecules would just phase through their lung tissue or something? 🤔
#TheFlash can vibrate his molecules to phase through matter. His superspeed momentum can carry him for miles before gravity pulls him to the ground.
"Dark Force"
"Unstable Molecules"
"Pym Particles"
"Power Cosmic"
All great excuses for not having to explain the physics or how anything works to STEM majors who read the comic.
The Foundation did the only thing they could. Made a giant phased bomb and sent it down. Mercy!
i guess it's handwaving with the gravity generators in the deck plates??????
TNG did this best when Kirk was floating around in a space suit and they all thought he was dead.
Also tangibility, moving objects, is about the mind, emotions and focus.
Gravity forms a dent in the spacetime continuum. It's like being in a rocket car going through a canyon. As long as the canyon is straight then the car keeps going because it's only movie in one dimension, not side to side.
Except gravity pulls the car through space as Earth moves.
While their mass is shunted enough that their remaining molecules fit around/pass by molecules in a vertical axis, they line up with molecules in a horizontal line.
Like fitting two combs together.
i also wonder this about ghosts. they’re incorporeal but don’t fall through the earth
(uh oh space is haunted, new dark energy theory spawned, pls tell all ur science friends)
What about the light? Is it also out of phase? How are they seeing?
How do they bodies process oxygen molecules of relatively larger or smaller size than normal?
People struggle just at less dense oxygen at high altitudes.
Not sure what shrinking atoms would actually do. Probably nothing good for anything alive.
Because that’s how you get this nightmare again