Time to make people angry again!
- It’s okay if you don’t write every day
- First drafts don’t have to be crap
- You don’t have to outline
- You don’t have to use beta readers
- Sometimes telling instead of showing is fine
Fuck all the writing “rules” they tell you about. There are no rules.
- It’s okay if you don’t write every day
- First drafts don’t have to be crap
- You don’t have to outline
- You don’t have to use beta readers
- Sometimes telling instead of showing is fine
Fuck all the writing “rules” they tell you about. There are no rules.
She always said no, and I did still get an A, but I think it was mostly because I knew how to tell my god damn story.
(even if yes, scenes would have been better)
Otherwise, I make my own rules... some very complex.
I probably make it harder on myself by printing the document, making notes in the hard copy, and then retype the whole thing during revision…but it helps me to find the weak spots, that I’d otherwise miss.
At least you spared yourself any Oxford comma drama
Most people write to be read. Like having control of your voice makes you a better singer, having control of your craft improves your writing.
However, failing that, being just some random... It is what it is.
The only commonality in writerly advice is someone willing to contradict it.
There’s no wrong way, though. We do whatever works for us. It’s awesome you can do it your way and have it work.
And that’s not to knock people who put together a crap first draft. If it works for them, great. It’s just not my style.
You can't call yourself a writer if you don't, you know, WRITE.
Heck, I’m not even a writer but, at least according to my advance degree in social media browsing, thems the rules.
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