the "discover" feed is a decidedly mixed bag but thanks for this - i actually laughed out loud (i am an old guy though, so maybe it's kind of a "dad" joke?)
Everyday I get up and enjoy Bluesky. It's a place where I feel safe and enjoy us all banding together to fight what is going on in the world right now. I feel like this little bird everyday.
Nice! Idea for a cartoon but I'm not the one to draw it. Panel 1: a super-cautious person leaves a building and looks one way down a street. Nothing coming. Panel 2: they look the other way down the street. Nothing coming. Panel 3, they walk ahead smiling, chin up. Panel 4: piano falls on them.
Our member is a Black trans woman, an advocate, a friend, and a proud blue voter. Currently incarcerated due to her gender identity. She is being sexual assaulted in the men's section of the jail. Her bond is $600. She doesn’t have the money to pay it.
They forgot to add 'or if you ever tweeted "Trump is a misogynistic/racist/fascist/imbecilic/ignorant/felonious/sex-pest/other(*) see you next Tuesday"'.
I love everything about this but may I please compliment the attention to motion parallax by keeping the cloud exactly where it is despite changes in the foreground/midground ❤️
No notes.
*except the ones the bird is singing
Needed more than I realized ~ bless you 🙏
And I appreciate that. 🤣🙏
I love this.....its perfect
I have always loved Dad jokes so much.
Who was that bird?
Twig Newton.
(Whaddya want? I haven't finished my coffee, yet.)
Sorry to make it political but it literally immediately came to my mind.
* - delete or add as you feel appropriate
I love the concept and execution.