Maybe academics have been going about this wrong.
Instead of playing defense as people with no experience in education seize control of universities and start breaking things, we should start showing up at corporate shareholder meetings to make equally wild and stupid demands of the business world.
Instead of playing defense as people with no experience in education seize control of universities and start breaking things, we should start showing up at corporate shareholder meetings to make equally wild and stupid demands of the business world.
Shareholders at an annual meeting objecting to Coke’s blind eye to the murderous union busting in Colombia & Guatemala got a shrug from the CEO & suggestion they just leave.
“Fiduciary Responsibility”. It’s the American way. 🇺🇸
Some more than others.
“Studies show that stock prices, including ours, are overvalued by family office investors.” (idk)
Start a “New Academic Reformation” movement to rival the “new Apostolic Reformation” with their 7 mountain mandate.
Apocryphal(?) tale fr AmGovt class: New England berg w/town-meeting style govt votes in a head tax to raise $$ off students at college on edge of town. Student body turns out for next town mtg, outnumbering locals. Student proposes they build new town hall, 8 stories high x 4 ft square.
This is funny.
Sometimes I wondered if you guys could make good things louder what would happen….
From 2003:
That'll get MSNBC to run chyrons like "Diversity? IBM Doesn't Have a Single Marxist on Its Board"
“This is another shitty report from you, Jeff.”
“Why are there no humanities professors - the folks that actually teach ‘critical thinking’ - on corporate boards? It’s a national
and capitalistic disgrace!”
(No I wouldn't, WSJ is paywalled. But I'd take a guest link.)
And by "effective," I mean "f'ing hilarious" to me.