This guy is a joke, and all the press he can buy won't change that.
When he first started by press coverage, I went around to a bunch of my friends and family, showed them an image of him, and asked, "How old do you think this guy is?"
Almost everyone said "mid 40s". (and a few "30s" & "50s")
Not dying sounds terrifying! Who has infinite income? Lifetime affordable healthcare? Employers who will hire anyone over 50 for anything other than greeter at Walmart? Surely there are more important things to focus on?
😂🤣 I'm so tired of people trying to talk about dumb shit with a serious tone like that makes it any less dumb. It's a bad behavioral epidemic this internet thing created. I'm old enough to remember when all we had to do was not invite them to parties.
The very last thing, on this entire earth, I would ever want is to be forced to spend eternity with assholes like Musk and Trump's insufferable Cokehead-grifter children
I've always thought that the core of the vampire archetype is dead aristocracy draining the vitality of the living rather than allow another generation to flower.
I appreciate the guy is strange and very over the top, with hyperbolic goals of living forever, but exploring health in general seems like a reasonable thing to do / learn from. Seems better to just let him be strange and garner any reasonable learnings from his experiences.
I'm not sure why anyone would want to be the last one alive. You get the pleasure of seeing everyone you ever loved or cared about die first. You have to endure a lot of grief. How is that a benefit?
I'm also not volunteering to go today. Kind of a paradox.
One of my greatest moments was pointing out to a wannabe tech bro that even if you could upload your consciousness to a computer that would probably just be a copy and not actually the "you" you.
Evey moment you become a new copy, the continuity of consciousness in your meat brain is the same as a new copy of you being made and the old one being destroyed over and over again, every second, all your life. There is no you, there is no copy, the force only, there is.
Guy's gonna have a heart attack at 67, meanwhile every "Woman Turns 100" story in the local news has a line like "My secret? I drink a Dr. Pepper every day."
Ironically, he looks every bit his age. What he's doing is not "living". He's invested way too much time & money in being a human experiment that the rest of us neither want to do or can afford to do. Eat right, exercise, have healthy relationships, and sleep well=good life.
Bryan seems to forget that it won't matter how healthy he's kept himself when one of the poor people he's had to trample on in order to get so rich decides to violently end his life.
He looks like the guy in the zombie movie who got bit and keeps lying about it. He doesn't look youthful, his coloring suggests he's about to start to decompose.
The rank cowardice and hubris of the modern rich. At least the Pharaohs accepted the inevitable and just built pyramids. These f*cks just want to break with the one experience all life on earth shares and become space vampires. Just a mouth with legs forever.
The correct answer Kevin isn’t “no ones cares,” it’s just “no.” No, you’re not going to live forever. You are going to die. Of course you are going to die. Don’t be an idiot.
Karma is loading up the car and buckling her seat belt. She not only will run over him, she will back over him and then do it again.
Donate the 2mil instead, dude.
What PR firm is getting paid to place this story and the one about the pale couple with thick glasses who decided their genes needed to be procreated eleven hundred times
I would like to pass when it is my time vs living forever
When he first started by press coverage, I went around to a bunch of my friends and family, showed them an image of him, and asked, "How old do you think this guy is?"
Almost everyone said "mid 40s". (and a few "30s" & "50s")
Just was thinking about that now for some reason.
I'm also not volunteering to go today. Kind of a paradox.
What do they say? Youth is wasted on the young.
And what a dweeb spending $2M when he could just drink beer and choose to be happy 🤦🏼♀️
OR, dies during a botched cosmetic surgery...
Allow, if you’re still alive, 6 to 8 years to arrive…
I’m guessing he’s also on the short list for the immortality promises being peddled lately. Pinnacle of arrogance.
Yep, nobody cares
I'm not doing this shit forever.
During these difficult times, any support would mean the world to us. I hope you can feel the significance of it:
Also, yeah, we don’t care because on the off science his junk science accidentally unlocks immortality he isn’t sharing it anyway
Did I get it right?!
Donate the 2mil instead, dude.