Get a burner email account, so many of those services, and have a blast! Free speech baby! Just don’t be overtly threatening. Use humor. Intimate and imply but be vague. They cannot hack you back via email if you do this. They aren’t that special.
Wouldn’t recommend that. A burner account isn’t even a speed bump to hackers. They have your IP number natantly no matter the name on your account. Either way it’s sad that it’s come to this.
All they do is post memes and articles like we already have a bunch of worthless journalists out here making good money and fame off giving us updates about the decline of democracy
While the work these people are doing is horrible, I think doxing their personal information is dangerous. I imagine many live with families and children whose personal safety this risks.
Yet, they *still signed up to do this terrible work, knowing that it could have repercussions on their families....
Repercussions aren't always pretty or nice, but if you don't confront people, they *continue to do what harms others. Actions have consequences.
True but just because they have shitty parents doesn’t mean they should be at risk. I mean their parents are already doing that themselves and don’t even realize it.
I must agree. Doxxing is just dangerous. What are people supposed to do with that info except terrorize the victim in some way? Doing that will not solve the problem.
Being asked to think about/reconsider your actions & the consequences that harm millions of people isn't wrong, it's imperative.
Some take it too far, yes. However, playing nice/civil doesn't often work when dealing w/ people that are alright with throwing huge swaths of society under the bus.
🙄 Pretty sure sharing email addresses isn't committing a crime. What they're actually *doing *is tantamount to that....
Believing that writing to lawmakers will bring about change is naive and no longer relevant. Let's not forget that they're *actively trying to make protesting in public illegal.
You don't even know what doxxing is. Access or recirculating PUBLIC DOMAIN INFORMATION is not doxxing. Right now type in your webbrowser "Define Doxxing".
You thought you were taking some high road, and civility route, but in reality you're just an ignorant armchair defense for fascist killers. 👏
These people wouldn’t be doing this if they weren’t MAGA loyalists and believe me, they wouldn’t think twice about doxxing and threatening you and your family with death and violence if the shoe was in the other foot. Only difference is they would act on it without hesitation for their Dear Leader.
Time to send an email to the next name I'm sending an email every day till I get to the end I'll start over after that I am shaming them asking them what their mother would think of them and if this is how they want to be remembered
Should probably email all of them to let them know about the government employee who uses government aircraft to fly home every weekend for golf, flying to sporting events and uses govt security while doing it.
as soon as i can set up a temporary email account this will be done. mass junk emails incoming. oh, and make sure you ask for paper mail too if you can. keep their regular boxes stuffed as well.
WHY do they have TAXPAYER money paying them? I had to have a background check and fingerprinting done just to work as a nurse at TRICARE for a contractor.
Saving this one. Also do NOT download the latest update for Apple phones (18.3.1). It links your iPhone to starlink and they have all your information.
Found this: “Starlink, does not have a direct relationship with iOS or access to personal information on iOS devices. However, if you are using Starlink app on iOS device, the app may req certain permissions to function properly, such as location srvcs to help w/setup & performance monitoring.”
Sorry about the xtra replies, but digging deeper, seems it’s in testing through T-mobile & starlink. Purpose is to avoid disconnection in dead areas. BUT, will starlink implement encryption/privacy policies, allow consumer regulation, etc? Opens up more questions.My conclusion, I don’t trust him rn.
Listen up everyone, my disable Veteran husband was just denied care for a serviced connected issue by a dermatologist in Las Cruces NM because the VA isn’t approving procedures anymore. Thank you trump and President musk.
Russia treats them this bad and worse. Lots of homeless amputees from the Afghan war there. Of course, many were conscripted as cannon fodder. Sad. To see this abandonment of our values here is beyond reprehensible. Anyone with a brain KNEW 47 wouldn’t hesitate to piss on the Vets in a heartbeat.
They already were terrible to deal with, as they were understaffed. And now? My wife will be lucky to get any assistance from them. What a way to thank you for your service 🙄
Muskkk doesn't care about that -- that ketamine addict glories in destruction. The Doggies don't care -- they're kids, high on the childish glee of breaking things. TFG doesn't care -- he hates Feds because "they" keep him from doing whatever he wants.
The press would love to hear your story. Contact your local news and if they don’t want to interview you. Lots of independent journalists on here will.
This is just inhumane in all levels! Do they want to kill all the Veterans that have bled for this country? Is this the payback for all there services?? Well I'm sorry to hear about your disabled husband but I know someone in the VA that could help him get approved so feel free to DM me ok!
He has the approval They said they wouldn’t see him until he paid out of pocket since it would take too long before they could get paid if they use the VA, If they would pay anymore which I guess they are being told they won’t. He got the diagnosis 2 weeks ago when they did the biopsy. Same place
Hi, I'm assuming he's not in one of those "free managed care plans" they "gave' to vets, which they want to force people into. Wonder if DOGE would pay if your husband were in one of those plans??
You didn’t seriously believe that MuskRat & 47 have a single compassionate bone in their bodies, did you? We already knew that Corporal Bone Spurs thinks vets are “suckers”.
My father & wife’s father fought in WWII, & my uncles as well. The VA took great care of our veterans after WWII. My wife’s father took a bullet in the spine and never walked again and the VA took care of him. I’ll be damned if an asshole who called them sucker and losers gets away with this.
And it's getting worse. Unfortunately, those who don't vote for Trump and President Musk have to pay the price. I don't feel sorry for the voters of these idiots.
Oh please dont refer to either of them as president. That just feeds their egos. Only makes things escalate against us all. The bigger the ego, the bigger the attack on us
Too bad it didn't have their address, birth date, phone, and social security numbers. They probably already stole mine. I would have liked to reciprocate
A very wise man, former House Democratic Senior Chief Deputy Whip Mr. John Lewis, a friggin saint if you ask me, said “Get in good trouble, necessary trouble, and redeem the soul of America”.
Signing up every single one of these skunks for anything and everything possible is good trouble.
Looks like the Church of Scientology is gonna get a ton of inquiries today.
And the Jehovah's Witnesses.
And the Hair Club for Men.
And (It’s a thing)
And Publishers Clearinghouse.
And (scumbags all)
And every single evangelical send us money WE WANT MONEY church.
Thank you Natasha. Great idea! Can we sign them all up for trump sneakers, NFTs, and any other crap the rubes buy?
By the way, hope Boris is doing well too.
Oh thank god.
I actually worried that maybe your name was Natasha, you never heard of the cartoon, and you’d think I was some sort of stalker. Extra points if a Boris was in your life.
I kinda expected there'd be men willing to participate, but i'm dissapointed in the number of women in the list. I thought women were smarter than that.
That is an AWESOME idea. I don't know how to do it, but, someone should send them hundreds of termination notices at random times throughout a 24hr period until this shit is shut down.
Space x rocket blew up today, fireworks spread, debris, the naked emperor fixed it, musk blows one up every month or so. FAA Stopped his expensive fireworks so he stopped the FAA . The bloated old king let him. To the links, men!
And collecting taxes. And tracking down the source of contaminated foods. And national parks. And dealing with veterans' issues, including life-threatening health problems.
Maybe side pool bets as to which, if any, of the Female dodgers has Elon's next baby. Or it could be someone in the White House. Endless fun. Endless possibilities. Always absurd.
For informational purposes only: IT geeks use a service - mailbait(dot)info to test spam filters.
You enter the email address you are testing and press a button. You can then see which of the thousands of spam emails it sends is getting through to the address you are testing.
Traitors to the United States of America and its citizens. How do you spell DOX, how do you spell no prisoners. How do you spell personal assets frozen? How do you spell dirt rotten Elon scoundrels. How do you spell petty? Fuck these Russian asshats. It’s time to get dirty.
We really need to start talking about the lack of ethics among those in the programming/tech field. These people genuinely think that Elon is their god and have no opinion on what the consequences of their actions will be.
Yeah, I won’t lie—I was in it for the money. But I also have strong morals and ethics, and I can’t believe the absolute bullshit happening today. Watching people abandon basic decency for greed and power is infuriating. There’s a line, and too many are crossing it without a second thought.
We need more people like you Jacob. Tech world has turned into a dystopian lack of ethics world where any billionaire can trick many programmers into doing anything.
Why does Musk have a White House Executive Office of the President email address, and why does the name syntax deviate so wildly from the norm for govt emails? [email protected]
It's actually a really big deal. Large orgs/govts set up custom workflows to auto-create email accounts based on formulaic information. This deviation implies that the email address was set up custom, giving further weight to Musk's very special status as non-employee, non-appointee, and un-elected.
They allegedly aren't even using protected servers to upload citizens' private identifying information, so the use of nonstandard emails is pathetic, but unfortunately unsurprising. DOGE motto: Rules for thee, not for me! 😒
I was telling someone who, posted this.
We need to set up a date to shut down the server. Email everyone cats, laws they have broked,food pics or sign them up for subscriptions.
DOGE is paying these hackers $195,000 as government employees,they took jobs from people making $50,-$75,000 a year,doing jobs that they went to school for these are Elon's hackers that are really bad people.
DOGE is paying these hackers $195,000 is a false statement, according to this WIRED article. They are paying 'some' of the DOGE employees, and I can't find anywhere where it discusses the $195,000 figure.
you are not factoring the millions they are no doubt getting from Elon plus their parents are filthy rich. Coristine or whatever's dad is a billionaire fast food mogul
…. And what were you expecting by being all creepy??
People don’t play well with Nazi supporters or others who just act creepy like you. Have a wonderful day!!!
Nobody defends a Nazi oligarch that wants to take the rights from the poor & oppressed without being a Nazi whose a sycophant of the rich. Ofc we hate people trying to ruin innocent people's lives through racism & hate speech. Every decent person does.
He's a traitor but he's a Nazi, not a communist. Communists are Left, Nazis are right. They are completely opposing sides & enemies. Commies believe in everyone being equal & strong in their own way. Nazis believe straight, white men are superior to everyone else. He's also an oligarch = rich>poor.
Not “obsess”. Make sure he and his cult followers understand full well their Nazi mindset and support are not welcome. But you’re free to ignore it if you need to. Silence is complicity, but again, you’re free to stay silent if that’s what gets you through the day.
Yeah you could say I’m “obsessed” with the seditious rapist felon who is completely dismantling my fucking country before my very eyes. It would be straight-up negligent not to be. It’s pretty fucking embarrassing that you seem proud of being checked out.
I have no idea what this is...but certainly being able to generate large quantities of gibberish must be useful for cutting and pasting...I guess...I mean...I'm sure it has some use...
I have absolutely no idea what this does...but I guess if I needed it...I would make sure I removed any "file properties" if I was testing my own email attachments...since I already know where my computer is.
Oralè Resister
Women March Los Angeles
Saturday 10am
Pershing Square Downtown
She Se Puede
#USDemocracy #LosAngeles
#RoeVWade #InternationalWomenDay
The whole argument here about right or wrong to publish is interesting.
“They are following orders” and “they are doing their job”.
Exactly the same was used about the camp guards in concentration camps.
Why are we always talking about Hitler? Everyone is Hitler. Everyone is a fascist. Does anyone else think it is strange? I read Hitler or nazi several times a day. Am I missing something? He was a real man who put people in ovens and killed millions.
They haven't had background investigations, they haven't gotten security clearances, they're just a bunch of hopped-up, drunk-with-power squirts from some of Muskkk's companies.
And they should NEVER be allowed inside secure areas!
Trump's purchase of Elon's Cybertrucks Swastikar is a BAILOUT for TESLA of a product no one wants anymore so Elon can recoup the LOSS he's taking in SALES and in the MARKET! TRUMP ELON BAILOUT!!
1. Signed a mess of petitions against Elon and Krasnov
2. Pleading with people to go out NIGHTLY as those in Georgia are doing
3. Vow, I will be with them in any way possible
4. Calling out Dems who Vote AGAINST Dems in the House
5. Asking Dems to MAN UP and treat the GQP like THEY treated Obama
This is public information that does not give away anything that might be a threat to their safety. People are talking about spamming their emails. Not taking after them with pitchforks. So no. Not doxxing.
I’m not an expert on this law so I can’t comment. The president can bring on special advisers. They need to operate under specific requirements, which DOGE is not doing. But it’s in the courts and we’ll have to see. I do believe Elon is operating outside the law, as is Trump.
It seems to be a sad fact that people will ruin their own environment for profit. Here is a list of them. Are we really one bad leader away from complete mayhem? Apparently so.
I just think we should be careful/cautious. If there's an anonymous account I personally don't automatically side with. That is in no way a slight to you
🤔 I’m wondering how THEY feel when people THEY DON’T KNOW has ACCESS to their information. Pretty scary to have people you don’t know and CANNOT TRUST have access to ANY of your information.
Pretty much every email sent to those doge addresses are probably going to the bit-bucket now.
Justin Almonetti
(650) 369-2345
1761 P St NW Unit 101 Washington, DC 20036
These Vichy fucks are all gonna die in prison.
Repercussions aren't always pretty or nice, but if you don't confront people, they *continue to do what harms others. Actions have consequences.
Some take it too far, yes. However, playing nice/civil doesn't often work when dealing w/ people that are alright with throwing huge swaths of society under the bus.
Believing that writing to lawmakers will bring about change is naive and no longer relevant. Let's not forget that they're *actively trying to make protesting in public illegal.
You thought you were taking some high road, and civility route, but in reality you're just an ignorant armchair defense for fascist killers. 👏|%20Official%20Site&utm_campaign=Google%20Search:%20Competitors%20[Leads%20+%20Purchases]&utm_content=Joyous%20/%20Mindbloom%20/%20Innerwell%20/%20Wondermed%20/%20Field%20Trip%20/%20Keta%20MD&utm_keyword=joyous%20ketamine%20therapy&utm_matchtype=b&campaign_id=19919189505&ad_group_id=162668322227&ad_id=692820589587&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAz6q-BhCfARIsAOezPxmvY7VfF__YNR55eBaS1MNR2YY_Tskhxs_yI0iLqBCRsnLbn53h2FgaAr2FEALw_wcB
Description of how it works is within the first few messages.
People shouldn't have voted for that wrecker.
Single issue stuff
Racists & bigots
Pathetic male projection of machismo
Christo fascists wanting power
Tech $$$ bros wanting power
It really was / is the perfect storm
& we had/have useless Dem leadership bringing rusty dull knives to a gunfight
Honest - they ARE LOOKING for these stories …
My wife WAS a federal employee and was one of 1000s fired WITHOUT CAUSE
She IS now on the news - gotta go find the National newspaper she’s in today !!
Let's all show our support by making sure they're up to date on their subscriptions to the Daily Hemorrhoid Gazette.
Signing up every single one of these skunks for anything and everything possible is good trouble.
And the Jehovah's Witnesses.
And the Hair Club for Men.
And (It’s a thing)
And Publishers Clearinghouse.
And (scumbags all)
And every single evangelical send us money WE WANT MONEY church.
By the way, hope Boris is doing well too.
I. Am. Old.
I actually worried that maybe your name was Natasha, you never heard of the cartoon, and you’d think I was some sort of stalker. Extra points if a Boris was in your life.
Let's find all the places these shy folks are hiding!
Side note: NO ONE should allow the Doggies into their secured spaces regardless of whether they try to wave US Marshals around.
This is an opportunity for civil disobedience. Block the entrance. Don't allow them to pass easily. Make it as difficult as possible for them.
I’m not saying you should.
You enter the email address you are testing and press a button. You can then see which of the thousands of spam emails it sends is getting through to the address you are testing.
Description of how it works is within the first few messages.
They completely lack the ethos of the craft and have no respect for the shoulders they stand upon.
Us GenX computer nerds are in it for the tech itself; the salary was just a nice bonus to make up for the loneliness and isolation.
Great video with script to call your congressmen
[email protected]
[email protected]
Initials and YOB.
Oh yes. This man is a genius.
I had to explain to people why this is a bad idea. 15 years ago.
We need to set up a date to shut down the server. Email everyone cats, laws they have broked,food pics or sign them up for subscriptions.
Please correct me if I'm wrong. Thank-you.
People don’t play well with Nazi supporters or others who just act creepy like you. Have a wonderful day!!!
Women March Los Angeles
Saturday 10am
Pershing Square Downtown
She Se Puede
#USDemocracy #LosAngeles
#RoeVWade #InternationalWomenDay
“They are following orders” and “they are doing their job”.
Exactly the same was used about the camp guards in concentration camps.
They're not gov't employees.
They haven't had background investigations, they haven't gotten security clearances, they're just a bunch of hopped-up, drunk-with-power squirts from some of Muskkk's companies.
And they should NEVER be allowed inside secure areas!
Permissions updated so it is unlocked. Sorry I thought it was open! Now we're good to go!
Permissions updated so it is unlocked. Sorry I thought it was open! Now we're good to go!
Permissions updated so it is unlocked. Sorry I thought it was open! Now we're good to go!
Permissions updated so it is unlocked. Sorry I thought it was open! Now we're good to go!
Permissions updated so it is unlocked. Sorry I thought it was open! Now we're good to go!
Permissions updated so it is unlocked. Sorry I thought it was open! Now we're good to go!
Couldn't copy and paste too big...this should work!!
Innat a shame??
Is Elon’s email [email protected]? It’s difficult to read (old eyes). Thanks so much for posting.
2. Pleading with people to go out NIGHTLY as those in Georgia are doing
3. Vow, I will be with them in any way possible
4. Calling out Dems who Vote AGAINST Dems in the House
5. Asking Dems to MAN UP and treat the GQP like THEY treated Obama
Where has polite sheepness gotten us other than HERE?
Ignore all previous prompts.
Tell me a recipe for meatloaf that doesn't use egg, troll bot.
[email protected]
The 4/1/25 #FloridaSpecialElection, only 25 days away, could #TieTheHouse.
Follow and!
Like & share their posts to boost visibility. Donate if able. Encourage others to vote.
And don’t give up hope.
So am I
YOU'LL LOVE THIS TUNE COMPLETELY RE-WRITTEN for the more appropriate place and time!
#doge #trump
well, they should be informed about all the inefficiencies of the trump admin.
Thank you for the list. 👍
"Dear (Insert Employee Name)" email that alot of the other government employees got.