That is literally what the Green Party does. I know Dems think they only run presidential candidates, but they run at all levels all the time. Ballot access is different in every state, expensive, Greens have no money, and getting people to run for *every* office is very hard.
This might work as a starting point. Honestly if we can get attention, maybe she can help direct us to people to help one of the other groups. Is run for something traditional Dems only? The problem is we need money, time, and organization.
the fastest way forward would be for Democratic Congress members in safe districts (like AOC) to start a new party. if they don't do that it will take 10 years of grassroots bickering and building to make a new party from scratch. and the Green Party is awful, we can't go with them.
I don’t feel like I can do a whole lot in Massachusetts as my reps are pretty good, but (even though my husband is going to flip when he sees me write this) I’d move back to Louisiana and do everything I can to reform the state party if I had the money.
I don’t know. I would rather not, but that might be a good start to see what their temp is.
The fact of the matter is I have no idea how to get started with these things, and I know there are people that have already done this work and I’d rather follow/support them.
Working on it. Part of the problem will be the way the party controls itself - at least in states with a strong democratic machine. You pretty much have to set up an independent party apparatus to credibly challenge them in primaries if they don’t want you primarying their senator.
I’m switching to the Bernie party. At least he GIVES A FUCK. THIS BILL WILL PASS BECAUSE OF 8 TRAITOR DEMS. FUCK EM. After it’s done we’re DONE it’s over for us.
And one of the main tenants should be "tax the billionaires, because they're the only ones left with any money!" Enough upward redistribution of income! It's been going on since Reagan. Enough already!
Connotes grass roots involvement, big tent, not just yet another modification of an existing party, average/normal citizens, working together, every voice heard, etc.
There are millions of people who see no change, no matter which political party is in power Or which party helps Wallstreet We need to dismantle the system as lenin did. The whole point of communism and Socialism is we care about all people. Will fight for a better world
At this point, I might as well try to start it too. I don't even have a platform, but neither does about half the other fractured resistors out there 🤷🏻♂️
Whats needs done is we need to wise up as a country & end politicial bribery in your states & gerrymandering by politicians & any politician that denounces this on the ballot needs never to hold office
again, governments are not a cash bank for personal gain !
It seems like no one is doing anything on our side. This is above and beyond our ability and our preparedness level. What we are doing is losing, Biggly.
Open to this idea. Dems are party of weak losers right now. Wonder if it would be possible to combine forces & re-brand under Working Families Party? Something as simple as a name change could actually help get more ppl on board. Just a thought outside the box.
Imo the progressive party should break & declare independence. Since the dem party is now broken- as they’ve shown in election after election where we carried them, now the nail is in the coffin. Let the centrist dems join Prog’s in the vote if they want power or show their true colors & be replaced
This already happened in 2017, it was called “The Justice Democrats”….. it gave us the Squad (AOC, Omar, etc) and then promptly imploded, flopped, failed, and sufferer defeat after defeat during the easiest years to run as a Democrat….
Probably because The Young Turks suck ass and grifted
We did that after Bill Clinton shivved the Rainbow Coalition. It was called The Green Party. AMA. That's the party grassroots dems should take over. Kick out the Jill Stein types and build a real grassroots party. What we set out to build in 1990.
What, like stupid conspiracy theories and constant public belligerence, and then you become the cultist of a demagogue, except for Democrats? No thanks.
Fuck this shit. Reanimate the Progressive Party of Fightin' Bob LaFollette and go kick some Republican ass after you run these cowardly Dems out of office
Relatively Normal Party
Town Hall Party
FAFO Party
Borrowed-Name-From-Failed-Attempt Party
Modified-Existing-Party-Name Party
Constitution Party
Leopards Party
Other thing is I think pro-something rhetoric hits better than anti-something rhetoric. Realistically, we’re Pro-Democracy, but I’m not sure that hits as hard/clever as it could. Biden tried to double down on pro-democracy messaging and it didn’t really resonate. Granted, Biden… but still.
Accurate but don’t like that DJT’s already co-opted it. Granted, he’ll co-opt the new thing, but think something new is better for branding. I know that’s cynical, but we need to think about these things if we want to appeal to normies.
He’ll co-opt anything his opposition calls itself. We have to stop accommodating his psychos. Everything they hate is woke or communist and the don’t even have to bother knowing what communism is. Fuck them and fuck nomenclature that centers their psychosis.
And yes, Sanders is old, but he is in this for the right reasons - not to be president anymore, but because this is what he’s always done and what he knows is right. He’ll die fighting and I’m not about to stop him from fighting for us. 🤷♀️
Heck, even the Constitution Party would work. Defending checks and balances and the Bill of Rights as a limitation on government’s power over the people.
If you include the moderate suburban soccer Moms, your Democratic version of the Tea Party will be the largest political party in America. The suburban wine-drinking moms are angry. Figure out a way to harness their energy!!!
I have been asking people for days if they wanna cofound a socialist party, and while the readers will usually Give me a handful of "likes" it doesn't go beyond that :(
While the ideas floating around for names here are sometimes funny as hell, I think names take a backseat to issues of strategy and (offline) organizing. What're the selling points, policies, actions? how do you take back the DNC?
But also, while on the topic: Panda Party? Anyone? Bueller? 🐼❤️sU
I am a Democratic Socialist. When everyone wants EQUALITY, EQUITY, REPRESENTATION, A ROOF OVER PEOPLES HEADS, FOOD FOR EVERYONE AND HAPPINESS FOR ALL.… let me know. I hate capitalism and anything to do with it. No religion in politics either. No swearing on the Bible, no God on money or pledges.
Can we provisionally call it the Chuck Schumer Needs to Go Party? Then I’m open to ideas but I’d proffer Chocolate Milk Party. No reason. I just really like it. 🙂↕️
is that what you think the “democrats of the tea party” would be? do progressives not speak out against fascists? democratic governor gavin newsome is doing buddy-buddy podcasts with actual white supremacists.. burn the entire democratic party to the ground
This is why 'right wing, left wing, same bird' is a real thing. This is why for decades, Dems work fierce w/big $ to take down progressives, while playing footsie with fascists (formally known as Repubs). This is why Status Quo dems are death rattling. & rightly so.
we usually have a few pretty good local candidates from them and associated parties here, which is nice.
I know they don't have the means to have a presence everywhere, but might be a good choice for some of the people in this thread. it takes some effort but it can be done
The Democratic Party needs to rid itself of establishment members who are obsessed with doing the right thing and optics rather than being ruthless and actually fighting for democracy.
Need new leadership like AOC and Crockett who aren’t afraid to get down and dirty.
If you include the moderate suburban soccer Moms, your Democratic version of the Tea Party will be the largest political party in America. The suburban wine-drinking moms are angry. My advice is to figure out a way to harness their energy!!!
I'd love in, if you'll have me. I'm Seattle area, have given enough money in past cycles that Senators are trying to set up one-on-ones, and just got my my county party org to pass a resolution calling for Dems to fight or resign, to some not-insignificant displeasure from the old guard.
you go to or to or similar and see what they've been needing for the last ten years and start pitching in
for real. the alternatives already exist. blue wave people have been insulting and harassing them this whole time instead of actually fighting.
Okay, what's going on with this? I think we can make lists of the races that are reasonable for primary, and then see if there are already alternative candidates.
Interestingly, you can't recall senators, but a 2/3 vote can expel them. Seems like getting the no votes on board to expel the collaborators would be much more effective than waiting for a chance to primary
This would require Republican votes. They're not going to expel the Democrats who are willing to cave into Trump's demands. And that's if all the 'No' Democrats would agree to it, which they won't.
Or imagine Fetterman. You seriously think Republicans are going to vote to expel an overt collaborator so Dems can pick someone better? Wake up from the dream, Adam.
Where exactly did I say that? Every one of these people should be primaries and heckled every time they are in public. The fact i called your impossible idea impossible does not mean I don't think anything should be done. Do YOU think there are 2/3rds of the Senate prepared to expel Schumer?
Still: I'm desperate for an alternative to these flop-sweat drenched losers and I know neither of you will show up in my TL sporting tricornes or powdered wigs. But DAMN it's depressing to realize that Senate Dems can't even pretend to have the strategic wherewithal of Tommy fucking Tuberville.
Oh absolutely. But part of making their lives miserable is having announced primary challengers this month for elections that might be 3 years off. Gotta use every available tool to generate consequences for this abominable supplication.
If getting national ballot measures is on the platform, that would be cool in my opinion. Not every national ballot measure will be good or pass. But voting on the issues on a national level (like we already do on the local and state levels). Be much better than supporting either major party.
…Yeah, that’s right, the Senate Democrats have even lost the CORNIEST members of their base!
That way folks who need an escape can afford it and you also aren't losing voters to Texas/Florida/Etc.
The fact of the matter is I have no idea how to get started with these things, and I know there are people that have already done this work and I’d rather follow/support them.
I have a sketch in my mind based on the strongest parties that I know deeply.
It worked when Obama embodied "Hope"
the symbols and groups are already doing this work. come join in. we are out here already.
Democrats also fear Republicans base.
Truly an outstanding opposition party
Connotes grass roots involvement, big tent, not just yet another modification of an existing party, average/normal citizens, working together, every voice heard, etc.
There are millions of people who see no change, no matter which political party is in power Or which party helps Wallstreet We need to dismantle the system as lenin did. The whole point of communism and Socialism is we care about all people. Will fight for a better world
Moderates won. Progressives lost
again, governments are not a cash bank for personal gain !
Probably because The Young Turks suck ass and grifted
Commit here:
Town Hall Party
FAFO Party
Borrowed-Name-From-Failed-Attempt Party
Modified-Existing-Party-Name Party
Constitution Party
Leopards Party
Walz is getting his footing, but we know he has a way with working class people that we will need.
spilt milk
maybe some grad student will do the Ph.D. paper
1. Every citizen has an inalienable right to vote
2. Districting must be done outside of the political process
3. The Supreme Court does not get to police itself - and has term limits
4. Convicted felons cannot be president.
5. Separation of church and state is sacrosanct.
Platform will be amended to outlaw our stupid corporate funding of politics
Whoever wants to be a US Senator or Congressperson should declare their candidacy by Monday.
Just the launch will net them huge donations, even if they are basically nobody.
2. Cancel all long term donations to the Terrible 10 for Trump.
3. Work to primary the Terrible 10.
4. Cancel all donations to the DNC, DNSCC, etc.
5. Join and Support your local Indivisible chapter
to your left is the freedom to wear funky shoes, and a lot of "fuck you, see you tomorrow"
btw, does anyone wanna cofound a socialist party
But also, while on the topic: Panda Party? Anyone? Bueller? 🐼❤️sU
Or you could join someone like PSL or WFP who have been working on this for years or decades
It’s not about ideology. It’s about electing people who are willing and able to both recognize the fascism and do something about it.
I’m going to primary Gerry Connolly
I know they don't have the means to have a presence everywhere, but might be a good choice for some of the people in this thread. it takes some effort but it can be done
Need new leadership like AOC and Crockett who aren’t afraid to get down and dirty.
for real. the alternatives already exist. blue wave people have been insulting and harassing them this whole time instead of actually fighting.
I know OWS wasn't all bad, but it hurts my stomach to think of the large douchebag fanbase it inspired.