i really don’t want to hear another word about why we’re yelling at democrats.
Reposted from
This is where senator is this weekend.
Want to know what is in the water there.
Or just information ecosystems that have people in bubbles?
More grifters then heros in that pool, seems to me.
The big problem is runaway concentration of wealth.
He’s just another techbro that believes in the dark enlightenment authoritarian technocracy shit!!!
Dems have taken your advice, and now they've been so completely captured by wealthy PAC donors that they take their marching orders from them.
You think it's a coincidence that Ds are caving in the face of fascism?
The donors commanded them not to stick their necks out.
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.
ABC confirmed they were not sharing a public RSVP
We know all of this
Will Lindy Lee be signing autographs?
Chuck has no control over the Senate. They are individuals doing what is best for themselves.
That said, I understand your disappointment with this.
Certainly better than Sinema, who changed sides after getting elected and who we were stuck with for 6 years.
And he keeps voting to approve Trump's henchmen.
Our government creates our currency & banks create loans
We use government created dollars to pay tax & pay our banks back
It does not get much worse than Marc Andreessen.
It’s legitimately insane that he’s meeting with this guy at this particular moment in this country’s history. WTAF?
(feigned shock)
Healthcare living wage childcare education NOW.
The DNC clowns want to keep America the same always. Blue KASA
she showed up on his doorstep uninvited and unannounced because his progressivism turned her on
I've been wondering how long before she beats feet
gotta wonder if her immigration status is being used against her 😒
The Crypto Bros are Taking Over Politics: https://newrepublic.com/article/185150/crypto-campaign-finance-spending-2024
This is utterly deplorable. You Senators are Americans! Behave like you have a declaration of independence (Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness) in the land of the free!
Like I should listen but just that clip made me so ill. But it was clarifying
Dresses up greed with pseudo-intellectual "futurism" blather.
All these phonies need to read some history and philosophy and stop huffing their own farts.
On the other hand, Dem reps/sens are under a huge amount of pressure by the party to fundraise fundraise fundraise. It's enough to keep a lot of decent folks from ever wanting to run for office.
Blame the party machine here, too.
But doing a fundraiser with Andreessen raises the prospect that he's just trying to not alienate influential trumpers.
Make a note of it. There'll be a test.
Got no choice but to fix the Dem P
It’s hard to tell as things like the Green Party just seem to be a grift for their main candidates (I’m looking at you, Jill Stein).
From Progressive to Sinema in 2 months?
What a disappointment.
He’s making it more clear he is fully against us. See video below