If they are now part of usds, website says "Onboarding to USDS can take several weeks depending on completion of a required background check. Our Talent team will be with you every step of the way and your Talent partner will keep you up-to-date throughout the process." *Background checks
The US paid musky $38 billion over the last few years and what does the USA have to show for it. Or is the US just renting service and musky owns the property rights to SpaceX, Skylink, etc. and America owns the bill.
Remember when Vivek was to be part of DOGE but forced out by Elon wanting only his eyes on what gov depts he is cutting,copying to external drives and awarding himself more contracts. Probably even Donald is unaware except for how Elon with his computer knowledge (Starlink) assured the election win.
I don’t think they used Starlink. Likely the malware was placed into the tabulation machines months before the elections. Bomb threats were called in to all the precincts with tampered machines so if a recount was done, Trump could claim someone stole ballots then and that threw off the count.
Also a possibility. Here in Pa the feature to check the processing of your mail in ballot was discontinued as of last Nov election. No way to verify ballot recd and processed. No one offers an explanation at Bureau of Elections. Clerks simply say don't know anything
I've gone personally to Bureau of Elections and nothing but blank stares. No explanation just sealed lips. PA sealed the deal as T bragged about. Noone here saw that coming as support for Harris was everywhere.
isn’t that interesting. although we heard nothing from the dems about possible election fraud, makes me wonder about the election results…
side thought. since shapiro is your governor can concerns/questions be raised to his office?
The USDS was launched on August 11, 2014, by President Barack Obama, inside the Office of Management and Budget within the Executive Office of the President. It provides consultation services to federal agencies on information technology.
And on the federal budget side, they just spent $36 billion more for the month of February year over year. Efficiency my a#s. Just funneling more money into their pockets.
We’re gonna break it, pillage data, leave no tracks & records, then just disappear with the data. Then Elon will claim only he can fix it & here’s a multibillion $ contract to get it working efficiently.
Oh, that's confidence building. "DOGE has no front office or org chart."
Meaning chain of command is completely unclear ... which presumably means Musk directs his minions to do his bidding and everything else is smoke and mirrors. Ugh.
The fact that this woman who was not in charge of this agency would issue any statement just shows you how vapid and shallow Republicans are. They're only after money and power that's it.
Why would this woman want to put herself in personal, financial and governmental peril for these goofballs? I’m sure she’s smart enough to realize she’ll be the fall guy for these dude bros…
I understand they aren't real. But you can use their cover band to your advantage. EM said do x, but he's not in charge of anything, so ignore. Doge isn't a structured dept, so ignore.
That it's hard to resist them despite them not being a legal defined agency. some orgs managed last week which is why they are now turning up with dudes with guns and serious threats of harm.
Before, #SEXOFFENDER #CONVICT #Trump, and his #MAGA minions,
TOLD you what they wanted to do.
Now They've All Clearly SHOWN You That They Are ALL Despicable Human Beings!
You would not believe the number of random strangers myself and friends come across who STILL parrot the Putin talking points. And I would venture I guess that that’s because they think nothing being done is going to affect them. And it probably hasn’t. Yet. Until it does, they won’t believe it.
Remember #AmyGleason as the #DOGEBoy admin so we can hold her accountable for all the crimes she is committing now. DOGE has no legal authority. Win back the @housedemocrats.bsky.social and @senatedemocrats.bsky.social and start the hearings and legal trials #DOGECriminals #Resist
About We the People
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
—The First Amendment, United States Constitution
Joni is to busy cheating on her hubby.https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2019/01/23/iowa-sen-ernst-denies-allegation-of-affair-with-soldier-while-deployed/
I'm sorry, but that breaks all the rules of organizational structure I was ever taught in any business class I ever took. This is a headless chicken; no wonder it shits on everything in sight...
Cite authority to hire by-name select hackers, WITHOUT ACCESS approval, to institutional portals. Order them to wreak havoc, steal people's information for profit, even if it causes death to recipients of EARNED benefits.
He did get into the vote counting computers to change the vote. Trump has admitted to this. Investigations indicate that the hack was really too perfect to believe. For example, Trump won ALL battleground States, which is highly suspicious.
DOGE needs to DOGE itself. I'd be happy to make an org chart for them. But really, send this to your elected officials and demand they get an org chart. They gotta do something...
We need to bankrupt the S. African nepo-baby Nazi parasite. Visit https://teslatakedown.com and join a protest this Saturday! Let’s continue to tank this stock and make it as worthless as this unelected drug-addict shit stain! #BankruptMusk
Incorrect interpretation from the given information. They're not going through a ceremonial action that presents the entity to the outside, "formally." They still know what's what and who's who inside. They just didn't want to share.
Since there is no formal structure, all 89 employees are responsible for the organization’s unlawful actions and the court should hold all 89 employees responsible.
Indeed: how can vicarious liability operate in an organisation without a formal structure. Each is responsible for their own actions and should bear the consequences.
Who is in charge of asking to speak to the individual or any 5-89 individuals to ask what they do (top 5 this week?) and from whom they take direction? @connolly.house.gov Can the House Oversight Committee take this one?
Incorrect, it's, "we're not going to tell you what we know and we're going to pretend it's because we've not gone through some special ceremony to, 'formalize,' what we're all knowing of alread." AKA "we can't tell you our handles because reasons."
They never intended it to be anything but stealing from all of us. Then hacking our phones, computers, prison. Storming our homes in jackboots. Shut this shit down. Massive strikes. 5 alarm Fire. Whatever it takes.
How about Trump being quiet as a mouse for 1 week after the election .. just sitting at Mar-a-lago waiting to see if anybody found the key to uncover his election interference.
You are so right. Our country is going to be the pariah of the world for many years to come. I am so embarrassed for us right now. Shame is something we will all have to carry.
Ah good, so the agency that is supposed to get all the other agencies super organized and efficient can’t even create an organizational chart for itself, the most basic step in organizing. Maybe someone needs to sic DOGE on DOGE.
Wait, 89 coders are evaluating 2.28 million Fed employees?
That’s 25,000 employees per.
Man we’re lucky these are teenagers trained to multi-player game all night running only on Red Bull and Twizzlers.
They’ll save us for sure!!
If there is no org chart then on what authority is she speaking? Is she representing DOGE or is she just a random employee they dragged out to make a declaration?
If she’s an administrator, then there exists in doge a position called “administrator” which, based on its name, indicates a chain of command. How many administrators are there? What are their job functions? Do they have people who report to them? Who do they report to?
I'd really like to know how many of these ppl are double or triple-dipping salaries & benefits by simultaneously being employed as contractors or employees or special advisors, etc. by multiple agencies.
And they’re all pulling in six figure salaries. I’m pissed my tax dollars are paying for these pieces of shit. They are the definition of corruption and big government waste.
Id love to see a judge asking DOGE employees where they got orders/instructions and have responses followed up on to see if they came from Gleason or Musk!
I'd love to see their employment applications, what 'benefits' they are receiving, a copy of their resumes, with whom did they interview, etc.
Federal (and most state) job applicants have to go through screening. This is the kids on a mission with their cult leader Musk.
Must violate many laws.
No security clearances, no actual defined corporation, no supervision, no way to monitor what they do in or take away from databases no problem, they do have support from US Marshals What country is this anyway? Are there really no laws that protect the US security anymore? WTAF is going on???
Being paid by taxpayers and as far as I know at the highest GS-15 salary, high 6 figures…a grade level that takes most federal employees many many years of service to achieve and not many of those positions available and most don’t retire even close at that grade level.
89 employees?!?! This group was not officially approved by anyone accept for orange agent. Remember it was to be a group "volunteering". 89 is a small business!! Volunteering?? We know they are receiving salaries!! We know who really is the head!! No front office nor organizational chart, hmmm....
They're cross-hired. Almost all of them have posts in other federal agencies then they get reassigned/transferred to this special project. Which also sounds a lot like fraud, but what do I know?
Who pays these people? Not part of the government! Not sharing records! We need more information to stop these people from getting our private information!!
Will the court ask for an informal org chart then?
obviously, anyone who is involved in an active seditious plot are gonna drag their feet in court. but, is this nonsense an acceptable response?
More doublespeak. No formal org chart, like "we didn't make it pretty in Visio" or "we have no structure"? Everyone reads it as the latter, but they get to claim the former in court.
Organizational Chart? All they have to do is show a picture of any species in the animal kingdom taking a huge dump and there’s your organizational chart🐖💨💩
The subservient fascist GOP of course will block any attempt to subpoena Gleason or Musk to testify in front of Congress.
Felon Trump has completely neutered his party's Article I powers, which they willing gave up for him.
DOGE is a rebranding of the US digital service to us doge service. And political/special government employees weren’t subject to probationary termination.
By whom? Under what authority? What appointment? If they're actually contractors, who's the Contracting Office Representative monitoring the contract? When was the contract issued? What was the competition? Are they sub-contractors off one of Leon's federal contract? Who's paying them?
Thanks for explaining the difference. Still learning.
They are SGEs, which can’t exceed 130 days (during consecutive 365-day period). So even if they started Jan.1, their position should terminate end of April. Of course he can hire new SGEs appoint new people.
Legacy USDS used to hire under a term employment status which generally had a 1 year term with a 1-year extension, but more time could be added through various means. Sometimes USDS people were detailed over to an agency, but often they worked under a MOU.
Reassuring to see that a quasi-governmental unit making major, fundamental changes to how the federal government is staffed, funded and operated has no organization itself and is just making shit up as it goes.
Musk is a shameless huckster
side thought. since shapiro is your governor can concerns/questions be raised to his office?
The USDS was launched on August 11, 2014, by President Barack Obama, inside the Office of Management and Budget within the Executive Office of the President. It provides consultation services to federal agencies on information technology.
Another fail for the ‘decent chap’ theory of how democratic norms operate in government
They don't like things in writing!!!
All have 4 letters.
Meaning chain of command is completely unclear ... which presumably means Musk directs his minions to do his bidding and everything else is smoke and mirrors. Ugh.
Remember in 1.0 campaign when they announced Trump was endorsed by 88 generals? This is white supremacy signaling. 88 is HH is Heil Hitler.
This is unlikely to be true. It’s a message.
Tell us something we don’t
know ! 🤦🏻♂️
Before, #SEXOFFENDER #CONVICT #Trump, and his #MAGA minions,
TOLD you what they wanted to do.
Now They've All Clearly SHOWN You That They Are ALL Despicable Human Beings!
Time To Learn Lessons- And VOTE U.S. BACK!
🇺🇸 🗽
About We the People
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
—The First Amendment, United States Constitution
Please sign this petition to remove
Elon Musk!
She was on leave in Mexico when she was supposedly named to this role. I wonder what kind of hit or payoff she’s taking?
i wonder how much elon paid her to go along with this bs.
Cite authority to hire by-name select hackers, WITHOUT ACCESS approval, to institutional portals. Order them to wreak havoc, steal people's information for profit, even if it causes death to recipients of EARNED benefits.
They just aren’t sharing it.
I won’t hold my breath, however.
Keep them from locking on!
And Miss Gleason & Musk will both be found to be full of shit, even with the scant documentation being properly done & their avoidance of FOIA.
Another version of DOGE exists to enable the criminality by going to court and pretending to be too confused to comply with court orders.
That’s 25,000 employees per.
Man we’re lucky these are teenagers trained to multi-player game all night running only on Red Bull and Twizzlers.
They’ll save us for sure!!
If there is no org chart then on what authority is she speaking? Is she representing DOGE or is she just a random employee they dragged out to make a declaration?
-Elon Musk, S.O.B., P.O.S., M.F.
Actual Head of DOGE
The #DOGEbags are ridiculous smoking holes in our national security. Their boss is who, exactly?! 🤔
Who's ultimately in charge of securing the data being fed into the DOGE AI? Who's managing and monitoring access to those data? 🤨
This is not journalism.. this is stenography.. a real actual human is not necessary to do what you’re doing here 😏
Apparently she’s not smart.
Amy Gleason - who the Trump admin claims is running DOGE - has been working at another agency for weeks. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-doge-musk-amy-gleason-b2718166.html
"I keep a job, but nobody tells me anything until after it's done."
Federal (and most state) job applicants have to go through screening. This is the kids on a mission with their cult leader Musk.
Must violate many laws.
Sounds super legitimate. Super competent.
just a bunch of cosplaying juvenile hackers with handful of flash drives stealing information for nefarious reasons.
obviously, anyone who is involved in an active seditious plot are gonna drag their feet in court. but, is this nonsense an acceptable response?
Until proven otherwise, I'd say they're right.
Felon Trump has completely neutered his party's Article I powers, which they willing gave up for him.
SGEs are allowed to accept compensation.
They are SGEs, which can’t exceed 130 days (during consecutive 365-day period). So even if they started Jan.1, their position should terminate end of April. Of course he can hire new SGEs appoint new people.
Am I understanding that right?