I think they’re aware it’s a possibility but don’t truly care. An economic collapse could be the tipping point that turns Trump cultists away from him.
It's the only thing that will. Trump is the Magic Economy Man in the mind of the average low-info voter and only him shitting the bed with the economy is going to change that (but it WILL change it).
Unfortunately they do, part of the plan. The billionaires will profit greatly from sell offs and rebuys down the pike. Crushing an economic sector leaves it wide open to carrion eaters and they will fill the void left behind making it theirs. The plan has been curing a long time.
I think they’re every bit aware, and that this is part of what they’re about. They mean to dismantle the country. Partly this is because Musk and Trump are Russian and Chinese assets, and partly because destroying the federal government is an immense financial opportunity for them.
It's hard to overstate how insane the American right wing actually is, and the financial side is just as crazy as the social conservative side, perhaps even more so. They have been stewing in this stuff for decades.
No, definitely insane too. A lot of what they’re proposing would result in them losing all of their wealth at best, being consumed in the chaos of revolution at worst.
1) They might be incorrect in their assumptions, but they’re not insane. Musk, for example, wants to run all federal payments through X. If he manages that, he’ll have turned the entire US economy into a massive rent.
Trump, Musk and others of extreme wealth will use a
the 'if he manages it' is maybe the insane part tho. just such massive overvaluation of his own capacity to pull this caper off that it is practically delusional.
This all is going to come down to who the armed services/ police back if there’s civil unrest… If Musk / Trump screw the economy up enough that the guys w guns sympathize w the general public, they’ll have problems.
1) Yes, but possibly not for the reasons you're suggesting.
Trump will lose some % of the court cases looming against him. Federal Courts depend upon the US Marshalls Service to enforce those decisions. That service is part of the DofJ, reporting either to the Deputy AG (who has operational .
Destroying the economy leaves those with immense wealth in complete control, able to buy the most valuable assets for far less than they would have otherwise. In so doing, they'll end up controlling the wealth of the US
I don’t want to rain on your rant, but…….. they have access to the best schools in the world, and have the means to get there. It’s public education they mean to destroy.
The true believers, keeping in mind a whole bunch of them are not true believers and just doing it all for tax cuts, is that any cut to taxes would pay for itself, that any cut to an entitlement program would just allow for a more efficient private sector solution to spring up.
Their beliefs are amorphous though, it's backwards thinking often times like conspiracy theorists. They start from their conclusion, what they want to do, massive cuts, and then find a reason for it to be necessary. You do find niche beliefs cropping up, like a return to gold standard.
also big believers in hierarchy who, incidentally, find themselves at the top. this is what belief in "natural law" gets them: false beliefs about their ordained greatness & everyone else's need for their guidance, or uselessness.
Not fantasists.They’ve an excellent idea and roadmap for accomplishing what they wish. The real power here isn’t the Dominionists, Evangelicals, or white nationalists (though there are common elements). It’s the Tech Bros and other vastly wealthy folks who see an opportunity to sell the US for parts
But who is the “financial aide” now? The crypto bros or the trickle downers? Bc trickle down guys have to see that a Greater Depression won’t help corporations much. The oligarchs just want massive wealth and extreme poverty for the rest? I honestly can’t see what else they’d be thinking…
I keep thinking about all these people who supported Trump and now they’re just gleefully destroying their entire lives. Probably don’t even blame them.
yeah that's true, that's the next layer up, because they blame the Jews for all the woke/DEI stuff. I suppose they'll make a distinction between "good Jews" (the portion of Israelis that kills Palestinians and seizes their land) and "bad Jews" (the ones who oppose that).
Sabotage seems to be the goal. Might be to privatize it or maybe to cripple it so much, it would take a generation to fix. They keep saying this is their "best/only chance."
🚨 NZ relevance klaxon: we’re currently in the most prolonged post Covid recession of any developed country thanks only to relatively “orthodox” right wing slash and burn on government spending and employment. Don’t know where this ends for the US but we’ll know when the garum stops coming I guess
Disagree, I believe this is exactly what they want. Burn it all down, then complain that the only fix is privatization. Good for oligarchs bad for everyone else.
That’s what they *think* they want, sure. But when it actually happens, they’re going to be shocked and astounded at how bad things will get for them, in ways they’d never imagined.
Agreed. Consumers need money to buy stuff. And after the economic collapse, deaths by bird flu and reduced vaccines, spike in terror over Gaza, wars and global political isolation, there will be Dem party domination for decades and the business class will be taxed and regulated like never before.
Not just economic. There’s a possibility for a collapse of US democracy and society. They’re going after the press, science, knowledge, and government, creating and fuelling distrust and confusion. They lie until their fake reality becomes real, or until nobody knows what’s real anymore.
That’s their goal. Many of them seem to worship this dipshit, self-styled prophet Yarvin who advocates the destruction of democracy to make way for a CEO/Dictator. Not sure these stunted technocrats have the capacity to understand the big picture nature/skills of the resistance they’re encountering
They don't actually understand what Moldbug was arguing tho. They are ripping down the Cathedral because they are the most divorced men in the world, and as the Bazaar they are shooting themselves in the fucking foot. So basically it is pure nihilistic accelerationism.
and the US has a lot of guns and people that have spent the last few years getting *very* angry - if that starts getting targeted specifically, it can get very nasty, very fast
They might just be banking on it. Cash out just before the crash, crash it all, then buy it all back - plus any assets they didn't own before - for cheap.
The scary thing is that Trump's actions will affect the global economy not just the USA. When your nation or mine makes a stupid choice at the polls, we live with the consequences but little effect beyond but when the USA votes...
They're counting on it. Vulture capitalism preys upon crashed economic situations. They need the economy to crash so they can consolidate wealth and power by buying everything up cheap. Then when it rebounds, the oligarchs own everything. It's 1990's post-Soviet Russia.
Oh, you didn't know? They want this. They figured out in 08 and again in COVID that it's just an opportunity for the people holding all the cash to buy for nothing and come away owning everything. Well, unless you're mainlining ketamine.
I don't know if it's better or worse that they're going to be completely convinced that it's just like Milei in Argentina and needs a rough year or two before it gets good.
Some of them are dumber than a bucket of piss. Others of them are bright enough, but "have a theory" that destroying the federal government will usher in the millennium for genius tech billionaires. Unfortunately sticking to that ideology has the same effect as being dumber than a bucket of piss.
completely different scenario. Inflation was/is like over 100% annually in Argentina. You have buy things like houses in American currency - like literally bring 200,000 in banknotes and give them to the seller. Utterly different scenarioos.
They are TRYING to induce economic collapse to further enrich themselves and consolidate power into private hands. That is also why they are trying to destroy government.
Team Elon will accelerate and worsen it, but that was the plan either way. Crash it, take advantage, get richer while regular people suffer. Putting hundreds of thousands of federal workers/federally funded roles out of a job is a kickstart. Putin wants weak US and NATO and they are delivering.
I normally dislike replies like this, but in this case it's true. They know. If you look back, a bunch of now admin officials were talking about hurting the economy before they'd make it "better." They wanted to crash everything to rebuild a feudal system they control. Think Cultural Revolution.
Do they assume they’ll move fast and break things fast enough to stay ahead of the consequences? Or do they think the collateral damage won’t have consequences for them?
At least you're aware. There's still a LOT of low-no information people. They're making travel plans for later in the year, etc. And they're not wealthy. I try to slide in a 'you might want to hold off on those plans for a while'.
This. So many people are so checked out that they have no idea. And MSM isn’t covering it so it’s not just the far right. When all this started, I felt crazy for believing what I did but I don’t anymore. They were clear. Most people prefer pretending things are okay but they’re just not.
the moment when large numbers of people and businesses realize that things aren't looking good or even uncertain and hold off on major purchases, that's guaranteed economic recession
Lotsa folks in the replies here identifying the third step (profit!), but this is underpants gnome levels of planning. If they break stuff badly enough, a lot of paper wealth might disappear quickly, including theirs.
They already have all the money. Once the crash happens, they will have the added leverage of a fully broken population. That will be much easier to control.
Though the board game ends at this point (as it was a game to warn of endgame capitalism) their game can keep going. They will turn on each other, as demonstrated by both of their actions.
The american public is giving them no reason to tap the brakes. If theyre looking at any public survey information then they're seeing Trump is as popular as he's ever been. Full steam ahead.
I think we have almost played out the weird billionaire is stealing our info, and need to shift to “Trump is to blame for Elon stealing our info” in formats used by low-info voters.
I think going after Trump specifically is a bad move unless out of all other options, I think you have to attack a cult of personality obliquely, not directly
You'd hope as fellow Americans these aholes would care more than to merely hope they dodge the law of unintended consequences as they perform the equivalent of open brain surgery without any training.
Musk had explicitly stated on X, sometime after the election, that he wanted to collapse the economy, and that we'd recover in roughly 2 years and be in a much better place. I suspect they want to collapse the high cost structure of the US to compete better globally. It obviously won't work...
Yeah, this. They may collapse the economy but it will prove impossible to rebuild it to what it was in 2024. In the meantime, China’s going to eat our lunch while they sit back and watch us destroy ourselves.
Apologies, slight correction: Someone else posted that the economy would crater but we'd be back in business in just two years, Musk replied in agreement.
There’s a strongly held belief in the libertarian circles that it’s better to get the pain over up front and that any wellbeing gains made through government action will have to be paid back eventually. For those true believers, the downturn would be seen as a return to baked in status quo growth.
I think the bigger problem for them is that Musk HAS realized the possibility, and embraced it. He's actively *trying* to crash the economy because he's a Milei fanboy.
The subprime recession didnt feature so many easily identifiable people to blame your hunger and homelessness on. Whereas, it’s very clear who is causing all of this and who to hold accountable when the bill needs to be paid this time around and it won’t be the taxpayer
Exactly. After the great depression laws leveled the playing field a bit and set up social safety nets. The oligarchs don't like labor laws and want people to be poor so they can pay less for their labor. They want to roll back everything from the New Deal to Obergfell.
U guys are overtly optimistic. Next 2009 style crash will lead to widespread violence that due to perfect gatekeeper Obama was avoided. Next time will be different. If u guys really think that anybody will listen to Shitlon,Zuck aside from some incels u r deluded. Their ‘own’ side will off them 1st,
They absolutely do. But they know instability is profitable for them. And they have other properties in other countries to flee to. They’re untouchable
They don't care if it gets bad. They only care that it hurts the people they see as unworthy more. Actually they don't even care if it hurts the unworthy more only that it hurts the unworthy.
I'm confident at least have no that's the plan so they can rule the ashes. They've all been talking about lower quality of life, disciplining the populace that there needs to be suffering etc for years
I think at this point it's an inevitability, though we may not see it for years. Secondary systems can compensate for a failure in the primary but now they're under more strain
Right. The point is to destroy the economic opportunities for as many people as possible and destroy the middle class. They need wage laborers. People aren’t having enough poor kids, so they’ll just make everyone poor.
the ones who understand want it, either to make their rubles more valuable or because they really think they can win an irl zombie apocalypse video game
But when it all collapses, how do even they benefit? I honestly don’t understand how anyone can be motivated to create a wholesale irreversible disaster.
You're right, nothing was. I guess I mean without a sense of putting up with anything but worship from others as a result; something like that in any case
They inherited an economy on the mend from the last Trump administration. They couldn’t just ride that wave and take credit. Have to live out a far right fantasy. Reality never plays out as good as fantasy.
No shame. No empathy for the devastation, stress and misery avg people experienced.
And the arrogance to think THEY would come out on top?! Fk them.
Trump, Musk and others of extreme wealth will use a
Pretty decent chance Musk ends up in jail despite his wealth. Have to assume he's betting on elections being rigged from now on.
Trump will lose some % of the court cases looming against him. Federal Courts depend upon the US Marshalls Service to enforce those decisions. That service is part of the DofJ, reporting either to the Deputy AG (who has operational .
Donald Jr.: "We don't need banks anymore, we have Russia"
I don't understand what impoverishing everyone gets them ...
I guess living in a country where everyone's miserable is a good thing, in their eyes?
I wonder if any of them wanted a good education for their kids -- trump will gut the best schools preschool - grad school
American Academy
also big believers in hierarchy who, incidentally, find themselves at the top. this is what belief in "natural law" gets them: false beliefs about their ordained greatness & everyone else's need for their guidance, or uselessness.
poor & disabled becoming biofuels
Don’t forget what Trump’s boys were chanting in Charlottesville.
Crushing America's economy will please their boss Putin.
They're banking on it.
The denial remains deeeppp
h/t @davetroy.com
It’s the plan.
Keep 'em poor and desperate and they become cheap and disposable
That isn't even enough to handle NYC, let alone the entire country.
Fear totalitarian values gaining acceptance through apathy, martial law is impotent without it.
Ask Philadelphia, if they want to take out whole city blocks, they can.
Disaster capitalism, baby.
the world is only 150x Argentina
everything changes when quantity becomes quality in relation to everything else
These folks aren't super bright. It's not like Rudy Giuliani is living the dream.
are the billionaires gonna turn on one another until there's only one left standing?
once they've stripped the country for parts, there won't be much left to rule
It’s a necessary step toward Dark Enlightenment and corporate fiefdoms.
My bet is that it's a default.
The point is to destroy everything and rebuild it in their image.
Destroy it all so his buddies can swoop in and buy it on the cheap
Sell us off to the Saudis, the Chinese and the Russians.