There is an asinine conventional wisdom forming that Democrats have abandoned blue-collar men and need to restore traditional jobs like farming and manufacturing to win them back.
*Every* election is already about this! And Democrats have far better policies than Republicans on how to do it!
*Every* election is already about this! And Democrats have far better policies than Republicans on how to do it!
oh do fuck off with that, author. i've seen how y'all value "protecting" people during the worst of the pandemic. you couldn't even handle the mild inconvenience of wearing a mask
It also explains their obsession with Trans People
A man that transitions to a woman and is happier undermines their whole thing
He did what every Republican has ran on in the past 50 years and no one even cared.
It's not like the incoming "pro-men" administration would immediately roll that back or anything
And that's what people are looking for.
Episodic thoughts and prayers (gifting of paper towels) is calling the shots; negotiated problem solving has been ghosted by our legislators.
Yeah, like Trump "protects" women.
We don't need protection *by* men. We need protection *from* them.
We know ‘blue collar’ is a dog whistle for white menu including Atlantic reporters who have wet dreams of being lumberjacks.
Sounds like men want to solve problems men have caused or will cause when you make a list out of them like that.
Fellas, get hobbies, hopefully occurring below 35mph and within a mile of shore.
At this point, I don't think the problem is masc vs fem. The problem is transitioning to adulthood. Harder than they thought it would be.
Democrats should be pointing out this *extremely obvious* dynamic, not trying to peddle a lighter version of the same narrative.
Stuff like this used to be normal. Accepting responsibility. It's all gone
Similar issues happen within the recovery community, where grifters see a vulnerable population and decide to market their BS as a solution to all their problems
Also agree anyone offering you self help or wellness just wants your money. They could give a shit both you.
They *like* the misogyny of it all.
George Soros ($7B), Spielberg ($5B), Oprah Winfrey ($3B) are clearly there, and you could make a case for Bloomberg ($104B), Moskovitz ($16B), and Steyer ($2B).
Even my 81-year-old father, who was a strong 2016 Trump supporter, refused to vote for him this time around because he realized that Trump’s just a rich greedy lowlife.
Democrats should simply point out that billionaires and the Republicans (and also the Democrats) that they bought are responsible for all of it. Apart from the fact that this is TRUE, it's something the poorest workers in America already kind of believe.
But that's not happening.
The only immigrant stealing jobs is Elon Musk
Lots of talk they’re opposing, but then they vote to assist. Every time.
At this point we need to ask “who do the Democrats think they are fooling?”, we see they’re willing maga/doge collaborators.
They are pretending they are victims and the big bad mean women and minorities are ruining their lives.
Such a fucking loser mindset.
Working class AND professional class both have suffered this, it creates a crisis of self confidence. They lose trust & decide to trust those who show the most confidence, regardless of their ability.
Remember how popular the “Republicans are weird” messaging was? Then he just… stopped?
This is false!
And articles like this, rather than exploring why the false belief persists or correcting it, end up reinforcing it.
Here's the reality tho, people describe the problematic behaviors of men. They rarely direct it specifically at individuals, if you are reading into that an attack. That is an opportunity for self reflection as to why.
Dems “I can’t combat this”
The most obvious one is "billionaires are making your life worse" but Dems have completely abandoned any semblance of class consciousness because donors.
But to actually do that believably, they themselves would have to shed THEIR weakness which...
I’ve watched his friends lurch to the right because the right wing media at least knowledges some of what young men are going through. And yes, what they’re going through is due to a LOT of what …/3
But for things like addiction, low college enrollment, biases in child custody battles, social isolation, and many more, the data is real & clear, men are falling behind.
However - the follow is useful to pick out outrage addicts, like yourself, who are more interested in purity tests & yelling at people than actual discussion or the ideas that are shared.
I just also see that men, as a class, need help.
They want a job but not the jobs the migrants do.
They want good pay but hate unions and education.
They want women to like them but treat women like crap.
It is their own fault but MAGA won't tell them.
There is a massive right wing propaganda machine that tells them that "liberals" are giving "others" a cut in the line for their women, their jobs, their guns, their religion and their entire "way of life".
White men are told 24/7 they are under attack.
That's why.
Men are viscous towards each other. Emotionally stone cold, competitive & hierarchical.
The men who succeed in the games rise to the top & the benefits outweigh the price paid.
And the rest are left behind.
I did follow up my first post, immediately, with:
“Not that women are all good. I’m a progressive and believe in women’s rights & raising women up & identifying areas where women struggle and using govt to provide supports to correct this.”
In fact most of those problems are things that Democrats have tried to put social programs in to help with
As a man who does not understand why so many dudes suck, I do not get your argument
Give one example.
“There’s a cliff you fall off once you become 60/40 female/male. It then becomes exponentially more difficult to recruit men.”
“Not that women are all good. I’m a progressive and believe in women’s rights & raising women up & identifying areas where women struggle and using govt to provide supports to correct this.”
I thought this was pretty clear!
women literally risked their lives and gave over their bodies to birth those children.
high-participation dads are still far off from being equivalent to mom. delusional to think they're 'co-parents' no matter how much time they spend with kids.
Also ask a woman what it's like to speak up for their rights on the modern internet
BUT this is only because liberals have ceded the space and offered no support, no solutions, not even an ear to listen.
or Biden pushes to invest in schooling ( and yes vocational schools ) and there is pushback on that too...
A lot of this is tied to IMO perspectives of that infamous "toxic masculinity" which insists if I talk about my feelings, or want to be a parent, that I'm not manly enough etc.
Social that Republicans are worse at.
Or maybe there's something wrong with our delivery system.
When we dismantle those? Men will free ourselves from those shackles.
The problem is inside of the house, man.
It’s just that, for men, especially working class, I also believe this should be done.
The last thing white men need are handouts. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps
I have him muted, don’t care what he says, but it lets me know a lot of you 🤡 who aren’t interested in any sort of discussion of ideas.
IMHO Bernie Sanders in 2016 showed we can win over men w/o doing the blame minorities game. But we don’t
I think the likes of Joe Rogan, Elon Musk, RFK (all former dem-leaning centrists) perfectly highlights the paradigm shift we’re witnessing
Everything they need to turn the GOP brand into mush is there. They just don't use it.
The Dems do need these "men." They're stupid, but as long as they're fairly treated (and you know they haven't been), they'll do whatever their party wants if pushed.
Do you want to support women in your income bracket, or would you rather do a solid to some beefy billionaire? Bros before hos, dude!"
Are you doing that or are you just yelling about boobs in video games being too small?
They especially leave out the tons of Black men who invest significant portions of their life to working with young men. But of course, that's not what they mean.
Also you could trip dick first into the WWE Hall of Fame if you showed up once. Drew Carey is in the Hall of Fame and he showed up once in 2001.