I was trying to teach Orin a lesson about the world today and I asked, “what percent of earth’s land is our country.” And he stood there and thought for a second and said, “Like three percent?” And I was like, “well, pretty much yeah 😒.”
He’s getting too old, I need new tricks.
He’s getting too old, I need new tricks.
Their answer would go something like, "All of it, because Jesus and my guns say so. Besides, many of them are not white, so we deserve it more than they do, blah, blah, blah".
You raised him well.
Considering percent of all land area, USA is ~6%.
Yes, I asked the AI(lm) Perplexity. Who knows if it is correct?
This would certainly make us the largest new Russian Satellite Country.
Unlike - I might add - the internets in general and AI in particular (two consecutive searches yield different results!)
If my daughters guesses are correct, then our part of the country will be annexed by Canada. That probably wouldn't be so bad 🤷🏻
The U.S. has freedom of speech on paper, but not really in practice. The U.S. executes plenty of disabled folks, too. We just use the police instead of doctors.
I know that my knowledge tells me that microwaves are probably one of the most impressive common household technologies.
Silver lining is he’s too smart to be a rabid nationalist too.
A wet one, and one that needs a lot of towels
When our kid was little he was convinced by his friend to blast the garden hose into the exterior exhaust vent to our recently installed brand new furnace. The repair guy said we were a few more ounces from buying another one.
Pretty fair looking back
Don’t we all.
Seems obvious.
Or maybe not.
C'mon Hank, a practical man like yourself, some PVC pipe, a t junction, maybe a trap or NRV and youv'e got the opportunity to teachanother valuable life lesson...
Please break it to this old man gently.... 😐
I'll be thinking of this next time I get worked up over what's happening in the US.
"... I was gonna say 'it's made of cheese'"
(no such thing as half a hole)
Turn a water faucet on just enough that there’s a small stream of water. Then ask him why it’s thicker at the top than it is lower down.
Yet 99% of global wealth is owned by 1 American whom is paid 24% to 25% of USA GDP every year.
All of which used to be giving out in public grant funds globally.
Until numb nuts halted public grant funds.
No longer trust US Government
All grants terminated.
They will determine distribution of grants.
US Treasury Department no longer has access and all obligatory debts must be paid.
US credit rating dependent.
US credit rating F otherwise.
I just want to thank you for all your educational videos on YouTube
You never talk down to your audience and you deconstructed/break down the information in easily understandable format
You are a great teacher of the masses
Tell Orin to keep up the good work