I expect a massive wave of sympathy for Colombia in Latin America, as there is for Denmark in Europe
To an extent there is a need for this crackdown but the actual execution & delivery of this policy is going to be very very costly to the taxpayers.
”Colombia have complied fully with our demands”
One or two flights is manageable, but if Trump starts to deport e.g. 100'000 Colombians, these people have to be absorbed and housed, which will disrupt Colombia's economy and social system.
The US is a failed state, sympathy to all it's victims.
The EU should make trade deals with all of SA (bar a few) and help prop them up if the dictator in spe goes more overboard than he already is.
I just wish the US would hash it out in a civil war that doesn't involve the rest of us
The MAGA hoard hate nothing more than a Union..
It's just creating chaos.
It's like every tetchy tweet assumes the force of law.
Sharks, batteries and raking some forrest....
Sounds like Israel all over again
The US imports crude oil from Columbia, & exports refined petroleum there. Since its not all the same "oil" that can be drilled immediately here, somebody needs to explain what this means.
Might be Trump's friends in the oil industry.
Not sure how that will work out for USA though
#counterattack #retaliate
'Nor was picking his friends.'
'Like Kimmi-boy, Xi-bear and Polonium-Vlad'
You've elected Trump twice and with the amount of Stupid in your country, you can find someone even worse.
You have no friends left, except maybe ruSSia
Just make sure he doesn't wreck too much irreversibly. And elect a sane candidate next time, please.
Being ally with the US is being allied to uncertainty.
I hope Denmark won't - We need to find better allies - The US is a failed nation
In public far right (ironically) and far left will prosper in Europe, Canada & rest of the Americas. Far right was anti-American before it was popular, and emboldened by Musk.
It was more a general point spouted at frustration.
gone in four years.
Or just start ghosting?
Like a chessplayer that can only think one step ahead (his own). I will not reveal if that makes you a smart chessplayer.... :-)
It's about trade and force.
The US can't control the world if the world turn their backs to them. All those bases, gone. All the easy trade, gone.
There's not going to be a fight unless the US does the invading and history has shown they're useless at holding ground.
It's effectively impossible, but that's what they'll try for.
They don't understand, that the US has become no1 because of their control of trade. They offload subsidised commodities, using cheap labour worldwide to generate wealth, enjoying few trade barriers.
No country is self-sufficient. Costs will go up while production stagnates
Cut oil, electricity in US and a whole US will collapse because americans aren't ready to live without cars and technology.
But if the US does collapse, well, that's what Putin wants anyway.
They have been working towards being no1 in economic might. This could be their open door.
And you get a tariff
And you get a tariff
That’s what’s known as the
trump doctrine