the reason people don’t trust the democratic party is because it was incredibly obvious to everyone that bidens brain was hardly functioning at all but every party member and democratic funded influencer had to pretend like our eyes were lying to us
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True! Also, people don't trust Democrats because they lie and pretend to have delivered major economic gains for people, and then when people don't notice any gains, Democrats treat like ungrateful dummies.
And that when push comes to shove they’ll ignore popular consensus in the vain hope of continuing their tenuous grasp on power. There is no one they won’t throw under the bus to spare themselves.
Trump is literally talking about the word groceries as if it’s some amazing fascination but Biden has a pretty accurate understanding of Chinese industrial policy and European munitions issues dawg. Y’all don’t actually know what old people are and what dementia is
showing ur fucking ableism a man who stutters vs an insane man who thinks people seeking asylum is the same shit as people leaving mental asylums fuck off
this is a weird way to reveal you haven't read any of the admissions from democrats this week that, no, he actually wasn't doing just fine at any point.
i remember when we were told that we had to vote Biden to protect our rights from fascism, and then when shit like red-state governors launched attacks on LGBTQ people and people were begging Biden to do something, libs were all "ERRRMM, BIDEN HAS NO POWER HE CAN'T HELP YOU LEARN CIVICS AND VOTE"
Which is ironic because another problem the Democrats refused the solve was the mass voter disenfranchisement that had been happening since 2012 and went into overdrive after 2020.
If you don't understand why it's problematic that the Democratic party actively worked to hide the president's senility while he was president, you are in a cult.
I honestly don't know what to do about these boomers who cling to power. Had Biden won in 2020 and then made it clear he was passing the torch, we would have had a better chance. Instead we have this shit show with Pelosi still crushing young politicians like AOC. I doubt things will ever get better
The whole Biden situation befuddled me. It was such a no-brainer that Biden should have bowed out in time for Dems to hold an actual primary. Every poll was telling them Biden was a deal breaker for a significant amount of voters, even Democratic voters. The tell-alls for this will be amazing.
Harris' useless, vague and woodenly scripted talking points about this were terrible. The arrogance and stupidity of how they ignored their own base around this was awful. Her reluctance or inability to detach from Biden was deadening.
The stakes were too high to split hairs- no matter how big.
It was an unprecedented danger.
Sure, Dems are a joke, Biden's a vegetable, the Dem power brokers have rich people's interests at heart...
Still a billion times better than the fucking nightmare just beginning. Lost the battle, & the war.
Well, now there won't even be any chance of moderating the events in the middle east, so I guess you're right then. It's much better with the new, utterly for-sale amoral government which was already doing "deals" prior to the election with Israel.
Might be more complex than your assessment. A tad.
This isn't like 4 years ago, or any number of cycles ago. This is new.
Never has so much wealth and power been concentrated in the West in so few - and those being out-and-out white power techno-fascists. This won't be a repeat; it will become clear that there's a huge, terrible shift to a new world
It also doesnt help that most progressive policies they get praised for are things you explicitly remember protesting for and having to drag them with their boots dug into the dirt to basically get them to even consider it
It’s not even just that liberals take credit for these things, they memory hole the entire process of getting them and make themselves the main characters. Like someone convincing themselves they’re Superman and then saying “watch me stop this train” as they walk onto the tracks.
More importantly to me, he said he would be a one term 'transitional' president. Like he was going to lay the groundwork for non-boomers to step up and lead.
Then he said, "Surprise! It's actually me again!" And proceeded to drive the whole ship right into the rocks
Sure, Biden himself may never have said it out loud, but it was strongly suggested by his supporters.
Ultimately it doesn't matter. From Biden to Pelosi, old democrats have decided to die in office, clinging to power, sharing nothing and building nothing, so that the country can die with them.
The one guy that had to be on board with the idea, was not on board with it, and people just ran with it anyway because had to stop the left more than stop Trump, with this stupid idea that the guy that has derailed dem policy for decades is the key to stopping Trump.
Ah, man, the relief checks. Blue MAGA literally went from "he never promised that" to "he actually kept his promise" to "stop looking for handouts, moochers" in the space of like a week.
okay but if they just wrote another round of checks in October this would have been in the bag
why can't these politicians just try to buy the voters for ONCE?
Because it's a dangerous precedent to set when your job is to make people complicit in their own oppression. The Democrats' job is to repeatedly secure working class support while giving them absolutely nothing in return.
The way they talked down to and belittled folks raising questions was also...not great. You cannot threaten your way in to political power.
Winning was as simple as not arming Israel, but arming Israel was more important than winning the election. They threw the race on behalf of the Israelis.
Someone’s brain is hardly functioning. Biden had one of the most productive terms of any president in modern history. A stutter has no bearing on a person’s cognitive function.
Debating a buffoon who lies as fast as he can talk is not relevant in any way to governing. I watched his administration for four years. It is far more informative.
Obvious reality? 🤣 it’s clearly visible to your media bubble. I also disagree with plenty of his foreign policy but that doesn’t negate his domestic economic accomplishments.
it is not a matter of media bubbles, again, it is a matter of using your eyes and ears. to watch any of those debates, or any of biden’s public appearances over his term, and to say that all that is going on is a stutter is not just ignorant. you are lying to people on purpose
yeah the someone is biden. he had dementia from the get-go, and we were all willing to pretend otherwise, but they shit the bed. the consensus is gone.
pretending you're not incapable of grappling with reality is no longer worth the effort. until you can admit the dnc fucked up, shut it.
we're not talking about the stutter, we're talking about how the fact that the white house straight up didn't function on days where his brain was soup
Not your pal, not interested in your mindless gifs. Yes, to bring the economy back from catastrophe faster and better than any other country, to pass numerous bills and executive acts that significantly improved the lives of millions of Americans, required significant cognitive function.
Record low unemployment, best inflation control of any developed nation in the world, biggest infrastructure funding in decades, first significant action on student debt relief. Are those good for a start?
What on earth are you smoking? Unitless and subjective? I assure you the employment rate, inflation, debt forgiveness all are measured in objective empirical units.
Ok, Mr. Stancil. Then wow me with these numbers. Unless of course you can't. But of course you won't examine Biden's role in helping create some of the crises he's supposed to have solved (especially student debt) so it doesn't really matter what scurrilous dataset you produce
Not your brother. Check again, I was responding to an unsubstantiated claim. It is not my responsibility to educate everyone who says something ignorant on social media. Your education and was your job and you clearly failed.
Because Republican voters LIKE the bullshit. It’s not disheartening or demoralizing to them. The project is to get power into the hands of “their guys” and inflict maximum damage to the “other guys”. This project is largely not opposed (and sometimes even embraced) by the Democrats.
Have you actually followed any of Biden’s interviews (two recent ones easy to access) or noticed any of the list of successes and accomplishments throughout the last four years?
The Democratic Party can’t even make the most basic and obvious arguments against Republicans. The whole party seems to have a barely functioning brain.
It’s not even that, it’s the lies that tie it together. An anti racist party wedded to polite white supremacy, a working party for the CEOs and shareholders, a party of peace committing genocide, the anti corruption party insider trading and taking bribes and pardoning their kids. It can’t hold.
She should've broke from Biden too. I'm not saying she should've talked shit on him or anything but saying she wouldn't have done anything different really hurt.
Her quote from her “The View” about how she wouldn’t have done anything fundamentally different than Biden was a massive mistake and probably tanked any chance her campaign left
That was supposed to be a layup question but when one of your top goals is to not say anything bad about Biden at all, it becomes harder to answer. Still though, she could've came up with *something*.
even Trump knew she had the same policies as Biden. that was one of the only coherent points he made during the debate, and Kamala failed to disprove that
and the only issues she differed on were ones where she was MORE right-wing than Biden. she promised to finish Trump’s wall, which is fucking insane for a Democrat to say
Kamala likes being rich and having a career doing important things with important people and not being shot in the head in a dark alleyway for crossing the wrong official lines
You people have brains addled with conspiracy brainrot.
The one silver lining is that at least you don't pretend to be on the side of the Democrats and liberalism.
I certainly don't do that lol, but I don't see what part of this is "conspiracy" when everything in it can be supported with concrete evidence. Do you think that the two major party national committees function democratically????
The one time that she really got on his ass and let him go on the spiel about dog eating was probably the closest we got to most people agreeing that Trump's insane, yet they just dropped that ball and let the right take the mic again. Pathetic party.
I guess democrats figured Trump has been showing signs of dementia, derangement, and indecency for years and the press has shrugged. Maybe they assumed it was accepted as a sign of greatness.
I remember after the embarrassing debate, every centrist was like, "obviously this is a man with a stutter and a cold!" If that turned him into a mumbling babbling incoherent cartoon of an old man, maybe 4 more years aren't a good plan.
they also pretended to understand the gravity of a fascist president and then happily and ceremoniously welcomed him into the white house
oh also they don't ever do anything about anyone's material wellbeing
and they enable genocide as best they can
4 very long years of him taking Ls (Ws for his decrepit, theocratic, racist ass though) while his brain rotted away in his skull. Deportations jumped and family separations continued, Roe v. Wade undone, and thousands of dead Palestinian kids. Libs were happy to oblige the "He's fine" campaign.
What kind of functioning brain or non-racist person votes for someone who supports racists? There’s something seriously wrong when non-white people back a guy who’d happily take them back to the days of slavery if he could. So yeah, it’s not just Biden’s brain that’s in question, it’s the people.
It's not even a good point because Biden said he didn't want his kids "growing up in a racial jungle" and cried when vehement segregationists like Strom Thurmond died, lmao.
Who ever was responsible for "protecting" the public from his failing mental state needs to take the bulk of the blame for the outcome of this election, right up until the news comes out that there was election interference. It's not like we were told before he was sworn in about it in 2016
Any analysis about why democrats lost that doesn’t begin with “we watched a president (slowing down in 2020) go through severe cognitive decline until he literally COULDN’T run again, every Democratic Staffer lied about it, and Kamala wouldn’t even acknowledge a problem” should be thrown out.
VP is still one of the most effective ways to kill someone's political career. They can never run for anything but president in the future, but also, they're selected based on qualities that would make a terrible president.
He wanted to be president since at least the 1980s, even after embarrassing failures (plagiarism scandal, etc). The ego on him (and most politicians) must be incomprehensible to normies like us. I’d bet things got ugly behind closed doors
I’m just not sure only because we are still a few years away from deep dive leak compilation books that give use an accurate picture of what his condition really was over time. I’m guessing the aides who were running for him were the ones ego tripping
Honestly it’s the electorate who puts up with this crap. We knew who he was coming in but we wanted to rid ourselves of Trump so bad we were grasping at straws. Biden unfortunately was the only option. We need a third party revolt to take hold. These two parties are bankrupt ruins.
The fact he had entire days already in 2021 where he couldn't work because his brain didn't work but they insisted he was fit to work until fucking 2028 is absurd. In a healthy system everyone involved in this scandal is thrown out of the party
It's so wild to think they knew how bad he was doing and still rammed him through the 2020 primary, getting all other moderates to drop out, just to make extra sure Bernie wouldn't have a chance.
Especially when you consider that they considered Bernie not dropping out fast enough to be such a threat to their campaign that people were legit saying people voting for him *in the primary* cost us the election. But insisting Biden was the only viable option in 2020 somehow isn't even brought up.
These Blue Uber Alles cult members can't even bear to hear criticism of their beloved party or any suggestion that they are anything but completely perfect and flawless. Ostriches sticking their heads in the sand to avoid any critical reflection or dealing with the reality of what the party is.
I see where you're coming from, and in some cases, absolutely that's a productive avenue to take. some people, however, both need and deserve to be told to get fucked.
there's a lot meaner ways of saying it, and being nice doesn't work with the bluemaga cultists. they are completely incapable of grappling with reality on any level. attempting to reason with them is a waste of time.
wow, after this interaction I'm starting to believe that saying something like "unfollow" to a stranger is a dumb thing that only a dumb person would do
Have some self-respect and actually analyze your crappy leaders. Your party fucked up what should have been an easy victory because it refuses to make demands of or hold responsible the liches in charge.
Also its kinda weird how they were sending Ukraine out-of-date shit that would've been more costly to scrap or store but gave Israel a bunch of neat toys to continue their genocide. All the while claiming they wanna broker peace talks between the bully they love supplying and their victim
He was already so senile within his first year in office that they were knocking full days off his schedule when he wasn't functional.
It's an absolute disgrace that the party hid this for so long and it's probably the most direct reason why Trump got re-elected. It's gerontocracy above all else.
i've been around enough suit-and-tie weirdos to think that this was less of a deliberate obfuscation and more that when you're around someone more often than the public sees, your standards for them tend to be much lower. the same thing happens with people who are buddies with trump
and then if you point out you already knew there was a problem people ask how you knew, as if they're never seen an old person with failing cognitive health
“Oh, you must a brain doctor who has personally examined his brain and conferred with your brain doctor colleagues to deliver this definitive proof of his brain failure? No? Then maybe stfu, trumper twatwaffle.”
Why should I believe and trust an “evil transsexual disinfo influencer, reputable journalist working for the onion” (these are his/her own words) has a well functional brain ! 😜
And you peeps fall for it?! 🤣
Because the public aspect of politics rewards energy and aggression.
Polite, diffident, incremental tweakings of institutions, and pallid helps handed out couldn't compete with the bold, saucy lies spouted by Trump team, and the action they promised the disaffected.
Ugly, but here we are.
Also, conservatives have been proven to have lower critical thinking skills on average, so they dont question, and fall in line behind their "glorious leader"
: /
The Republicans are in culture war mode 24/7. They're single issue voters and that issue is owning the libs at any cost. Democrats don't have anything remotely resembling this single-minded cohesion, let alone a cogent ideological program.
He's the loud, belligerent kind of senile that's hard to distinguish from his baseline personality. Biden was never a great public speaker, and it's your weakest traits that tend to give way first. It also helps that the GOP platform has been senile ramblings for decades.
He does and says all the bad things they’ve always wanted from their candidates. On the other hand Democrats don’t look to please their base, they seem to despise them. Of course Republicans hate their own voters as well but they throw them some red meat and do a better job of hiding their disgust
Trump is dumb and definitely sundowning but he's doing better than biden in the vegetization department. Also republicans are all already half braindead.
i don't care what republicans do. i don't ever see myself even considering voting for a republican. i want the party that claims to be their opposition to actually do their jobs.
Right. Democrats doubled down on "securing the border" and throwing LGBTQ people under the bus while antilgbtq laws were passed in Red States the last 4 years.
If the right to abortion as medical care were codified under US law, the gap of issues on which to both fundraise and differentiate themselves from Republicans would shrink dramatically
Please learn a lesson.
That's why.
Have some ethics.
It is never a combination of "Americans are really into bigotry" and "Your candidate/campaign was shit".
Better shit all over them
It was an unprecedented danger.
Sure, Dems are a joke, Biden's a vegetable, the Dem power brokers have rich people's interests at heart...
Still a billion times better than the fucking nightmare just beginning. Lost the battle, & the war.
"Youre splitting hairs! Shut up and fall in line!"
Still don't get it i see
Might be more complex than your assessment. A tad.
Never has so much wealth and power been concentrated in the West in so few - and those being out-and-out white power techno-fascists. This won't be a repeat; it will become clear that there's a huge, terrible shift to a new world
Then he said, "Surprise! It's actually me again!" And proceeded to drive the whole ship right into the rocks
Ultimately it doesn't matter. From Biden to Pelosi, old democrats have decided to die in office, clinging to power, sharing nothing and building nothing, so that the country can die with them.
That shit could have been one line in a congressional bill.
why can't these politicians just try to buy the voters for ONCE?
Winning was as simple as not arming Israel, but arming Israel was more important than winning the election. They threw the race on behalf of the Israelis.
you are correct that he was extremely productive though. he was very efficient at deportation and genocide
pretending you're not incapable of grappling with reality is no longer worth the effort. until you can admit the dnc fucked up, shut it.
You don't get to trust them and also not trust them.
Maybe actually read.
and democrats typically help them get it.
Biden could have been firebombing American orphanages and these idiots would say, "well DRUMPF would bomb more!!!"
Get some standards, Americans.
weird way to let people know.
The Left needs to stop acting like it has zero issues and start acting pragmatically, and yes that includes engaging in electoral strategies
The one silver lining is that at least you don't pretend to be on the side of the Democrats and liberalism.
oh also they don't ever do anything about anyone's material wellbeing
and they enable genocide as best they can
If we cannot even critically dissect our own past failures in the effort to do better in the future, wtf are we even doing?
Disagreeing without being disagreeable is my goal.
we're done with that shit, we don't have time to coddle you wretched old fucks
wow, after this interaction I'm starting to believe that saying something like "unfollow" to a stranger is a dumb thing that only a dumb person would do
Do you ever feel that way Maggie
Democrats ran a great Republican campaign.
It's an absolute disgrace that the party hid this for so long and it's probably the most direct reason why Trump got re-elected. It's gerontocracy above all else.
It's really blatant.
-Aaron Rupar, probably
And you peeps fall for it?! 🤣
Polite, diffident, incremental tweakings of institutions, and pallid helps handed out couldn't compete with the bold, saucy lies spouted by Trump team, and the action they promised the disaffected.
Ugly, but here we are.
What they want is stupid and/or evil, but he still gets some of it done.
: /
what republicans want out of trump is owning the libs
Almost like they wanted to lose. Fundraising is more important than winning.
They win elections because hatred wins.
The ERA still hasn't been ratified.
It's why the minimum wage hasn't been raised in over 16 years but they got endless tax cuts.