I'm not even this committed to my own survival than these people are to making the world a worse place for as many people as possible, it's absolutely insane to see people live life without a shred of empathy.
Signed languages use non-manual features (ie facial expressions etc) to communicate meaning in a similar way to how spoken languages use tone of voice… when the person speaking is communicating about an emergency situation, the interpreter can communicate this in their expressions.
Also, many of the people who use signed languages (may be d/Deaf, Hard of Hearing, neurodiverse etc) don’t necessarily have English as their first language so reading subtitles (which aren’t always accurate anyway) can be very difficult
it's just wild to me how this large group of people has seemingly no actual problems, so they just point at any mild inconvenience and they're like "actually this is satan it makes me very uncomfortable"
And their voters, who presumably DO have real problems, seem to overwhelmingly prefer it to “Hey I think I know how to fix these problems!” for some fucking reason.
Whatever they are, they are NOT conservatives. They are radical reactionaries, hell bent on undoing every measure of decency achieved over the past hundred years. In the case of the radical Christianists, the past two, sorry three, hundred years.
I'm melancholy by nature but I can't imagine waking up every morning and being upset about something as inconsequential to my daily life like a sign language interpreter.
These people have severe undiagnosed medical health issues.
It's like getting upset that some small college on the other side of the country is teaching a curriculum you disagree with and you lobby the state's governor to give you unrestricted power to destroy that curriculum.
I will defend to the death, America's fundamental right to comedically unqualified interpreters who are obviously just winging it at public speech ceremonies.
I genuinely think their current approach is to be as outrageous and offensive as possible so that normal far-right conservative authoritarianism looks like a compromise to liberals with no critical thinking skills.
It doesn't work, they just declare victory and crap on the table. Evidence: my own timeline right now. I'm still trying to figure out what was wrong with that guy.
They're fundamentally antisocial individuals, and they will always find some difference and seek to malign and marginalize 'the other,' but there's no bottom. They would even turn it on other conservatives if they had the political power. Each, in the end, wants a society of just their self.
We at least owe him a demonstration of some actual 'wild human gesticulations' so he can recalibrate. Something percussive and life altering, you know?
Marginalization is the only thing they understand life is defined by winners and losers to them, and in their society there has to be suffering to make themselves feel superior.
I'm sorry, but we have to stop with the ridiculous auditory communication. There's closed captioning on every channel and streaming service. No wild ululations necessary
Long story short but conservatives are motivated by selfishness and a loathing of everyone other than themselves. They can unite to persecute a minority, until they run out of targets and turn on their fellow conservatives.
Anyhow, the gleeful response to the LA fires from conservatives proves the point (yet again). They love seeing people suffer, and they love not helping people in need.
Plus all the "we'd help, but only if they think and act more like us, and do stuff that benefits us". Like Trump gloating about it.
Conservatives are only motivated by selfishness and disregard of others.
For example conservatives created the antivaxxer movement because they didn't want to spend time (and money) to protect their own children from preventable diseases. Their children's health, not worth one doctor visit to them.
There is nothing surprising about fascists going after the Deaf community, whom they deem “physically impaired.” They’ve got the LGBTQ+ community squarely in their sights. You can absolutely rest assured that the next bullet after they shoot us is already reserved for “disabled” people.
Some of us are trying hard to continue being decent bc we want to live in a polite society. But I’m also not against society normalizing telling these insufferable beings to stfu to their face.
All they have is grievance, it’s the entire worldview. They have to lie to themselves about everything to make sure there’s always something to get mad about
The only campaign these people have is either "I want to make everyone on the other side miserable" or "AAAAAAGHH!! EVERYTHING IS BAD!! EVERYONE IS OUT TO GET YOU!!!"
There is no limit to conservative cruelty. They don't see deaf people as human beings anymore than people in wheelchairs or the LGBT. And yes, they do indeed think being gay is a disorder or disease. Well, the slightly less evil ones do.
They won't ever stop looking for new ways to hurt others.
"There was a ramp next to the stairs at the bank. What if someone accidentally tripped and rolled down the ramp? This farcical liberal architecture needs to be eliminated"
It's really become noticeable how modern conservatism has a policy pipeline that starts with seeing what outrageous nonsense does well on social media. Somebody spouts some nonsense that drives enough engagement and it gets picked up and run with as far as it will go.
He really is a moron...You can't view closed captions when you're right at the scene. That's primarily what it's there for! Also, CC is not available on every medium, nor as readily available since their accuracy relies on human input.
Referring to sign language as “wild human gesticulation” is incredibly offensive. This a-hole also doesn’t understand how often captions are simply wrong.
But sure, he thinks it looks silly so stop subjecting him to it.
If memory serves, this guy is an expert complainer and is the reason woke became an overused and devalued term because his specific aim was to label anything not in line with alt-right conservatism as "woke". On one hand he's silly and should be ignored but on t'other, his method can work apparently
Conservatives barely veiled eugenics bullshit reminds me of a certain other historically evil entity who had a problem with everyone who wasn't them too
I dunno. The melting pot is pretty crazy hot as is. People are sick of crazy ass conservative supremacists. And if their descendants are this stupid, blatantly corrupt and look up to an orange painted geriatric sex doll writing with maggots and cream cheese, they are just necessitating their removal
Rufo is a thoughtless & intolerant man who thinks HIS quirky “feels” & rabidly hostile sensitivities are all that matters.
I actually enjoy watching the interpreters hands & expressions … I get a kick out of trying to guess which gestures match which words & phrases. It’s fascinating.
the unspoken point is that they don't want there to be people in the room that need the help. they want to sweep all of us various 'undesirables' out of public view.
More like "Since I don't specifically need or use it, it is an affront to all that is good and holy, and also an apocalyptic threat, that it exists, and it must be eliminated at all costs."
ASL is NOT English! It’s a language in its own right. It’s not designed as a one to one of English, and things in English often require creative translation or on the spot interpretation to be adapted into sign.
I mean, it’s not new if you take into account the eugenics movement that used to be more present. There were deaf schools forcing students to verbally speak and force them to learn to rip lead to hold “normal” conversations, completely banning ASL from being used. Even Alexander Graham bell, son of-
-a deaf mother, and husband to a deaf wife, had founded those kinds of deaf schools and even called on banning the marriage of two deaf people to make sure they didn’t have deaf children. It got so bad that there was an association (blanking on the name) used to film sign language to ensure it was-
-not erased from history. Eugenicists wanted to eradicate the deaf and hard of hearing, along side people people with physical and psychological disabilities. Modern eugenicist likely would want to reach that very same goal.
Daily reminder that SL is not simply 'English on hands', it is a whole language with different grammar structures and pronunciations. The 'wild' facial expressions are necessary to convey tone and intention.
I'm sorry, but we have to stop with those ridiculous sounds, that turn a serious press conference into a farce. There are closed captions an all broadcast channels and streaming services. No wierd human voices necessary.
I have to admit that my husband and I did have a chuckle during that press conference. But some people, like Chris Rufo, can't be adult enough to just get over themselves.
They will never stop.
They depend on imaginary culture wars to gain political power, and will always keep pushing to make others' life worse to feel superior.
Conservatives are the evil of the world, and appeasing them will always be a mistake.
That man is an idiot, for real. I have two deaf siblings, and this is just such an ignorant post. But then, what can you expect from a conservative's post?
Case example; the extremely privileged and well-off HATE being reminded that other people have it harder than them. No matter how little it harms them, no matter how much more accessible it makes it for folks other than them.
Love it when someone starts 'I'm sorry', meaning they aren't sorry or even slightly sympathetic to a situation, and what follows will be fucking whining.
I once thought to myself that it was weird that they had sign language interpreters and captions but then I was a normal person and went "Who the fuck cares it's for deaf people not me."
Conservatives just fundamentally struggle with the idea that the world does not revolve around them.
when fascists have suppressed everyone they deemed as an enemy they create new enemies, because without someone to fight against they cannot maintain the power they hold
given time, fascists *will* come after you, regardless of who you are
oh yea. accessibility for the deaf and a job for people that genuinely wanna help those people? utterly and completely unnecessary to me and my able body! get rid of it completely!
This is why when someone wants to throw a group under the bus, they're a fucking snake or a mark. Conservatives need a never-ending list of people to complain about to both unify dumb-dumbs and offload the failures of capitalism. "We'd be a shining utopia of not for ____." Yeah right
There are closed captions on all broadcasting channels and streaming services... Okay, what about the people AT the press conference? Lol and calling it a farce... I guess it would seem like a lot when the only hand gestures you usually see are from people flipping you the bird
All those deaf people expect me to ignore them, trying to understand what's going on. Who do they think they are? Human beings? With rights??? The nerve!!
Has he really never been entertained by the sign language interpreter when the speaker was boring?
literally when has anyone ever took issue with the person in the corner doing sign language??!!
Donald Trump Ordered Illegal Removal of Braille Because 'No Blind People are Going to Live in Trump Tower': Report Sep 12, 2018
"Get rid of the [expletive] braille. No blind people are going to live in Trump Tower," Trump shouted, according to Res. "Just do it."
These people have severe undiagnosed medical health issues.
The more inappropriate the setting, the better.
After deaf people, they’re going to start attacking chairs for being woke when people clearly have legs.
How rude of them for having a disability that requires another form of communication!
Conservatives really are snowflakes.
Complaining about nothing while
world is literally burning is a their only game and apparently it works.
That's masterful wordplay
Are you children safe from ASL!!!!!!!
Find out on Fox News tonight at 10pm
Plus all the "we'd help, but only if they think and act more like us, and do stuff that benefits us". Like Trump gloating about it.
For example conservatives created the antivaxxer movement because they didn't want to spend time (and money) to protect their own children from preventable diseases. Their children's health, not worth one doctor visit to them.
They won't ever stop looking for new ways to hurt others.
Never stop bitching and do anything to own the libs
Then the gays
Then the disabled
[Insert squid games quote]
Not that it'll stop them from killing us all trying.
But sure, he thinks it looks silly so stop subjecting him to it.
Conservatives the second they encounter the slightest inconvenience: We have to destroy this...NOW!
Send every conservative to the moon then see how they feel about "wildly gesticulating". 😌
The sad part is we'll probably need to fight them again 😞
I actually enjoy watching the interpreters hands & expressions … I get a kick out of trying to guess which gestures match which words & phrases. It’s fascinating.
That's a conservative for ya.
ASL is NOT English! It’s a language in its own right. It’s not designed as a one to one of English, and things in English often require creative translation or on the spot interpretation to be adapted into sign.
(This goes for other SL’s too, but regardless.)
Fuck him
Oh my god they’re actually morons…
They depend on imaginary culture wars to gain political power, and will always keep pushing to make others' life worse to feel superior.
Conservatives are the evil of the world, and appeasing them will always be a mistake.
But using it in this way is linguistic discrimination.
They would rather commit crimes than accommodate someone else
Is it because your worried they are making fun of you in their secret squirrel hand language.
Conservatives just fundamentally struggle with the idea that the world does not revolve around them.
Everything else is chaff, even their primary strategy of picking scape goats
given time, fascists *will* come after you, regardless of who you are