Everyone’s too polite to say it in their “what Democrats should do to win elections” posts but the obvious answer is lie and make a bunch of crazy promises because most voters are morons
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They do this but usually only for fundraising emails. “We will codify roe v Wade” and “trump wants to suspend the constitution” but most of them when they get in front of a camera they say “we’d like to work to lower the costs for Americans in a bipartisan manner with our friends across the aisle”
We are all a political football being kicked around. Every single voter by both political parties. Which has radicalized me into wanting them both gone completely by any means nessessary. For the greater good. They are enemies. I will not vote for enemies. Or trust anyone.
I’ve been saying we need to start lying like fools with a brazen lack of shame which would, in any circumstance, be massively hypocritical, except fuck everything rn, just flush these monsters OUT. If I stub my toe, I’m gonna blame it on Trump. They did it to Joe. Fuck em in their faces lol
https://www.electionguard.vote is "what Americans should do to win elections"
Paper ballots and end to end technology is used to make each voter a poll watcher, and election verifier, from our phones.
Unfortunately we are beyond that at this point. We are officially an Authoritarian country. The Dems in office know this. They just keep telling us all the awful things Trump is doing, hoping and praying we go to the streets in mass
at this point they've made it very clear to anyone going to the streets that it can't be in support of them. It has to be against both corporate parties.
Low-Information Voters, although they don't really respond to promises so much as they punish the Big Guy in Charge (and his party) if things don't seem to go well.
No! We don’t need to lie! We actually want to help the people, not steal all their money, cut off Social Security, cut Medicare, cut Medicaid, and trash the economy.
Basically. Effective kayfabe and propaganda are a bit more involved than that, and you can tell one narrative on one layer and a different one on another. But if you don't meet people where they are, that's a you problem. I have trouble believing dems that smart if they can't con(vince) morons.
its insane how democrats don't lie more, all i heard growing up was how policitians were all liars. obama lied so well that he won fucking indiana! sanders fully believes the things he talks about but he was also fully lying about his ability to do them as president and he STILL almost beat clinton!
Just a thought, they could go full pro-gun. You think about fascist dictatorships that have taken away gun rights, Tesla dealers getting shot up and assassination attempts, wouldn't be surprised if DT goes anti-gun now. If dems go pro-gun and anti tarrifs, it could win over a bunch of Trump voters.
Well, I suspect at some point they will decide that only certain people are allowed to have guns and will become Anti-Gun for LGBTQ, liberals, women, anyone who isn't white, non-Christians who know what other crap they might cite. It's only a matter of time.
For anyone who had any doubts over how hideous and cruel this Trump regime is:
Trump's State Department terminated a contract that was in the process of transferring evidence of Russian abductions of Ukrainian kids to European law enforcement.
Literally the Bernie Sanders campaign. He was saying he’d do executive orders while knowing that using them like that would be unconstitutional. He was promising policies which would require FDR ‘32 and Johnson ‘64 blue tsunamis to achieve. You’d need to win races in a ton of red states to do so
Republicans 'vote their own interests'. Progressives generally do not, but vote the interests of the people most adversely affected by government policy. Apparently, at least according to Republicans, Democrats don't vote.
It’s true. Democrats will not vote or vote third party to protest. Republicans will vote republican even if the hate the candidate. They treat it like a team sport. Politics shouldn’t be that way but I can’t deny it works for them.
This was just 4 months ago. If you start at 28:00 you’ll see some supporting evidence. There were morsels of truth in what the voter was saying but the lack of important nuance is how we keep ending up here
Well, that would get you the same hate as Trump. So, youre willing to be a lying, conniving, lowlife, just to be in charge ?
You've now joined the group of Billionaires, good job !
No, we should not. What we need is explain the truth in simpler terms, give people something to vote for instead of against and stop voter suppression. Voters shouldn’t have to do so much research bc many don’t & just vote w/their party. Make it easier and more honest.
I know that this was supposed to be a joke post, but if Democrats throw away everything and just become Republicans, that would be pointless. And no, I don't agree that they are Repub-lite: that's just an excuse for some people not to vote for them.
I'm sure that Trump is doing great in that regard. Yeah no, if anything the fault is Americans' for constantly flipping between left and right instead of always voting left and allowing the party become more progressive over time.
Exactly. Because only the right can buy people. So each time we move right someone else has been bought. Or they’re just a bad person. There really doesn’t seem to be an inbetween.You can only support those ideals if you lack morality.And you can only attain that amount of wealth through oppression.
You're right that Trump is about as bad on Gaza as it's possible to be, and Biden at least made some efforts to give humanitarian aid.
The problem is that the average voter doesn't do harm reduction. They vote emotionally. They didn't flip to Trump, they flipped to 'why bother at all'.
When people don't inform themselves on politics, they simply do not take charge of their country. Trying to be non-committal about it is exactly how things get worse. Pain has a habit of waking people up, so we'll see sooner or later.
I agree with you for the most part, but half the job of politicians is to meet people where they're at and make sure they're informed and motivated. Not meet them halfway, not make sure material is available, but reach out to the public even if it means starting from zero.
That's just a stupid thing to say, especially since the last election is not between two moderate parties, but between one moderate party and a completely unhinged one.
That’s my point. They’re both bad. If you think Bidens administration was “moderate” then you’re the idiot and there’s nothing either of us can do about that 🤷🏻♀️
This is a common dilemma facing legacy parties all over Europe, I've heard this complain often: 'but the Nazis just go on TikTok and promise everyone no taxes, low prices and full employment, how do we counter that?'
Probably because R leadership actually enforces that you follow party goals or you face consequences and Dem leadership just lets you spit in the face of party goals, no consequences. Look at the shutdown disgrace in the senate we’re in now. Even party leaders don’t follow thru on party goals
If we had an integrated propaganda network, it could actually work. But our tent is too big. There's no central source for info in the way the right uses Fox and AM radio.
The average American complained so much about not having politics in their entertainment Z. This election proved they need more politics in their entertainment. They need it driven onto their heads
Well, the right doesn't. The left does. That is why they play different games. The Reps play the toddler version, where one can make up all kinds of shit. The Dems perform a delicate dance on the eggshells that are their voters egos and immediately lose if a crack shows.
This is why I don't think Democrats are serious about winning. They don't even make promises, let alone lofty ones. Harris literally admitted she would follow anti-trans laws and proudly continue to arm Israel.
They could have easily lied, but instead they just kept saying shit people don't like.
Why? A weapons embargo? There are about 100k more Jews in PA than there are Muslims in Michigan. Threatening an embargo would also embolden Iran and risk the conflict expanding to a broader regional war.
They’re like a military obsessed with simulations, formalities, and historic battle strategies instead of listening to the commanders on the front lines who are telling them their troops are dying
They only want to win in the ‘right’ and ‘honorable’ way
No, I think it has to do with Twitter leftists absolutely hating them or begrudgingly still mocking them despite political support. If Democrats lied, y’all would tear into them about “doing nothing.”
We should call them by nicknames. Cadet Bonespurs, couch fucking cabbage patch kid, the real first lady elonia..it seems to work better than being nice.
Idk. In my arguments with these morons, they would refute the good things anyway. They picked their side. I think these people feel inferior, and they thought if their team won they'd prove everyone wrong. And now we all suffer because of their inferiority complex.
I disagree tho. They’ll never win playing by Trump’s rules. Instead, they need to lean into defining what factual and truthful is, showing them explicitly how the other side lies.
Yeah, pretty much. Say as much believable bullshit as you can, stick with it until after people leave the voting booths and then immediately renege once you get into office. Left? Right? Doesn't matter. It's the same play...
Dems couldn’t even whisper a single mention that there might’ve, possibly, could’ve, maybe a little bit have been a tad of election manipulation this past election.
You know what, if someone promised and put into place significantly better working conditions and a public holiday "pizza party day" they'd get get voted in.
My constant refrain is for the left to go absolutely hogwild day 1 of every term because only wonks will have any memory or feeling about it by re-election time.
I don't think that'll win it either. Because those Dems that stay dems because they actually have some sense will fall away in response.
Democrats are smarter than Republicans, they'll see through bullshit
If Harris would have just said fuck it, I’m going to cancel everyone’s student loans by closing down that division of the Department of Education, she would be President.
Yes, I would phrase at least some of it as taking aspirational positions on issues instead of pre-emptively reminding people "cantnopeneverhappen", like Medicare For All (after the primaries, even).. Some roll their eyes when you say "Overton window" but it often feels like our side doesn't even TRY
It is certainly a feasible system to run, I just don’t know if it’s politically achievable in this country within a four year term.
Not without major changes, which may be coming.
I’m just tired of talking about whether or something is politically viable or not. Who cares? Let’s try it anyway.
That’s simply good policy, need to be more outlandish. To draw an equivalent to what Republicans do, promise that no one ever has to work again, zero taxes for anyone, and magical gnomes that will serve your every desire. Voters are stupid and will love it.
voters don’t want that, or at least, voters don’t vote for that. that’s what you should do once you get in power. if those talking points got you elected, then bernie would have won in 2016.
No one ever says, “Pretend to be republicans and infiltrate the Republican party then never vote for anything republicans want”. You know like Schumer does for the republicans.
I honestly think Dems should stop running Dem candidates in deep red areas and only fund “independents” who are democrats. Make elections R vs I instead of R vs D. Kind of my little “infiltration” strategy
Honestly the whole idea of R v D is a reason why there's such division. It's like team sports, you register as say Lakers, you'll always support them regardless. Registering for a party itself starts this mess. How about just register as a voter instead of what party?
Yes, I agree there, but just saying the system itself causes you to lean towards a form of tribalism.
You sound be more informed of a voter. You should consider more than a single issue. Just that clearly people don't have time or desire to be engaged that way.
See this is the strategy I wish was being used. It would take coordination though bc it could only happen through one election before it's questioned and Dems don't seem to be good at organization.
That would be nice but the major problem is the media - who are supposed to act as the main messengers to the public - don’t let Democrats get away with lying. They only cover for Republican lies.
They’ve done all this shit extra-legally. I saw the next President promises “Medicare for all” but states it like “the government will
Pay your hospital bills” so it doesn’t sound like socialism but an extra special handout just for them. And even make exclusionary language like “but only for/1
Exactly. It's just like "here comes the airplane!" b/c Americans are allergic to the word "socialism" but they could get behind the policies if you were creative about how to pitch them.
People with jobs” and “people
That are citizens” (this is the bait for the Trumpers). Then get in there. Declare Medicare for all.
Add like 10 Supreme Court judges. But the twist is Medicare is for ALL. Ppl without jobs, non-citizens.
Thats the kind of lying Dems should do. Remember when Obama /2
Hedged about gay marriage? I’m quite certain he believed gay people had the right to marry but he hedged on the campaign and that was the right kind of lying.
Those who voted for Trump are not stupid, they just wanted people they don't like to get hurt. Some believe he won't hurt them, and some don't care if they are in the crossfire. The US needs to reevaluate its ideals and grow the fuck up.
We just need someone with fuckin’ nuts, man. Someone to rip off the goddamn bandaid and be a tough guy in talk and in walk. Someone who, given the opportunity, will not just encourage action, but take part in it directly.
What democrats need to do to get elected is to quit trying to cater to the far left fringe. Both parties have ignored the middle, but the democrats pretend there is no middle while the Trumpublicans just lie to them.
It's nice to know what the moonshot is. Harris' was "we'll start working toward a public option over 10 years if Republicans don't blow it up" and not "I WOULD KICK A WOLVERINE IN THE BALLS THEN GET IN THE DIRT WITH IT TO GET YOU UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE"
I think yall underestimate how much of a winning issue healthcare is. All it would take is one big story about Medicaid fraud to turn people against it. All it took for Reagan to get people on board with him gutting the safety net was bring up the welfare queen stereotype.
And no, leftists would not be enough to get the Senate seats to pass legislation like that. You’d need a blowout similar to FDR ‘32 and Johnson ‘64. Even Obama’s senate wasn’t enough.
If musk could get away with a million dollar lottery to bribe people which is illegal she literally could have told every American vote for me I'll send you a $10,000 stimulus check which is legal.
Explain to me like I'm a 3yr old how that wouldn't have gotten 89 million people up off the couch.
Just get mean as hell! You can still tell the truth, just do it in a ‘take no bullshit’ manner. Take the liars to task! Get mean about it, and don’t be afraid of a little blood…
You already tried lying and making a bunch of idiot promises and how'd that work out for you? You even had the best lying idiot out front doing it for you and she sure didn't get it done.
Obama won by the biggest margin this century doing the same, before a lot of people became aware of Bernie Sanders, though decades after Sanders began doing what he was doing.
Telling whopping lies to the electorate has worked in the UK for 20 years and continues merrily in the current government who have an enormous majority. Meanwhile the country is quite literally surrounded by sewage and the National Health Service is quietly being privatised.
We are going to have the coolest lasers and cars. The coolest space planes and Luxembourg will pay for it. Everyone will be eating lobster and steak while their robots work and pay for their luxury lifestyle.
It didn't help him keeping the House, as inspired people immediately start moping when they don't get all they want. Which btw. is generally why a two party system is favorable for conservatives: The only think liberals and progressives hate more than fascism is each other.
Except Obama won a filibuster proof majority for his first few months then wasted it trying to reach across the aisle to a party that told him to his face they wanted him to fail.
If he had rammed things through like repubs would have, people might actually believe Dems are good for something.
100% correct. But this is hindsight in a timeline where the tea party won and ended US democracy, knowledge people did not have when Obama would have been ramming down the things the left wanted, losing the moderates. Even in Trump 1 were still Reps defending what they had built with Obama.
There are always people telling something. The question is whether they have the arguments. If they don't have them, because to acquire them a decade has to pass this is called hindsight.
While it may be hindsight, it is still not a lesson learned for our party. They still keep wasting time and energy trying to negotiate with an obstructionist party whose only job is to stop Dems from getting any wins. Until they give up this need for bipartisanship they will be ineffective.
Yes, and but this is already about Clinton, Biden and Harris. My comment was about Obama, the situation back then, and the liberal/progressive luxury of not voting out of spite.
If you think that helping France’s no fly zone in Libya was the same as sending hundreds of thousands of troops to invade Iraq, dunno what to tell you.
Ha! We still have Democrats that will run you down and string you up if you say anything nasty (true) about Republicans. Still playing that, "When they go low, we go higher" bullshit game (Thanks, Mrs. Obama!). "We're not like them", they say. Effing pussy ass bitches.
Leave the lying to the Republicans. Dems should be authentic and embrace old school Liberal values. There is room to care for everyone but the top focus has to be on the greater good.
Not so. I very much want them to lie and make crazy promises. Just, smart ones.
Like... "blue states will opt out of tariffs all together and let the red states reap the profits".
Or... "we'll cut ALL federal spending in red states to help them through tough times".
Been thinking this for a while. A lot of them can start by listing themselves as Independent in any state where a D by your name is an automatic albatross.
Republican voters basically voted a bunch of Lunatics and Schizophrenics without their medications to power! Now the whole world suffers because of their stupidity. This is what lack of education does to a country.
Eh, not really. I mean, maybe exaggerate some truths, but not lie like the others do. Instead, what I want is for them to openly stand up for us, even at risk of their jobs. They were elected to stand up for us, not cower in a corner and try to keep the peace. Especially now, a spine would be nice.
Tbf that's probably a better strategy that the "say good thing once and never mention it again so the republicans can talk forever" strat they used last time
Advice for USA: The Federal Gold Bullion Reserve has about 8000 tons of gold. A toilet can weigh as little as 80blds. While it sounds viable, if anyone runs for president promising everyone a gold toilet made out of the reserve, please know it'd only make 216,000 - they'd be over 329 million short.
You’re close… they need an individual like Rush Limbaugh except scream in your face truths on AM radio and all social platforms constantly hitting the atrocities caused by pres musk and court jesters republicans.
I’ve been saying this for ages. Literally just tell people you’ll make their dicks bigger and eliminate taxes or whatever, and then when you get in power tax the rich and protect trans people.
Well they’re currently lying about being an effective opposition party. Maybe Democrat senators could be used for insulation in houses, or turned into a ground cover for children’s playgrounds or something.
That implies voters still trust Democrats. We're decades into a pattern of Democrats saying "We'll make improvements to society." followed by them collaborating on neoliberal austerity gutting of public goods.
This is a funny bit but when Republicans lie newspapers say "Donald Trump's tariff plan draws criticism" and when Democrats lie newspapers say "Joe Biden's false claims about inflation show he's unfit for office".
That's because Trump in office is what the media wants. Look at the gold mine he gives them. They'll happily report on him as he marches everyone into the camps till the lack of people to click their links cuts into their profits.
The smartest thing Trump has ever done is call the mainstream media 'Fake News' and tell them they don't matter. You can't really play the lying game when 90% of media is owned by billionaires who don't wanna pay taxes, ever
I saw newspapers saying TruthSocial, Twatter, Fox, Sky, Starlink, Amazon, Meta, Google, MAGA, and Putin, might get Comrade Krasnov to disappear the "disruptors, agitators, dissenters, objectors, obstructionists, revolutionaries, and troublemakers" controlling the #MSM
I don’t think people grasp just how extensive the network of powerful people who would do quite literally anything to avoid paying taxes or their workers is. The rules aren’t the same for leftists because every single media outlet and person with money is against everything they stand for.
Over 40% of USA media is owned by Rupert Murdoch, including Fox News. He's from Australia and immigrated to live in New York. I'm surprised nobody is protesting out side his residency. It almost seems like people are afraid to name him.
Weird how he’s not a more prominent figure of popular hate given that he’s got everything he ever wanted: Fucking up the entire English-speaking world through monetizing and spreading bullshit like no one ever has before.
Absolutely. The only thing that can explain to me is that his political opposition are too cowardly to go directly against a guy who owns most of the media. Understandable when their imagine is crucial to their success, but that doesn't explain figures like Jane Fonda.
One thing I wish Democrats would stop doing is waste too much money on hiring celebrities to say vote for them. And having fun with them on TikTok. No world leader will take you serious during a war... sorry but true. Hillary did this, and when I saw Harris doing the same..I got super worried.💔😭
Then I want to know how the Harris campaign ended up in $20 million in debt.
I want to believe, trust me I do. But after November's election results I stopped believing in people... I just can't see how celebrities would do anything for free. 😞
Voters will be more uneducated after Drumpf eliminates the Dept of Education. They understand it’s much easier to fool people when they aren’t taught about our REAL history, attend civic classes, and ignore our sad record of slavery.
Do better
But I’d rather a liar than a nazi liar, so go for it. I voted for a cop and a Clinton, we can do way worse while being way better than Trump.
We are all a political football being kicked around. Every single voter by both political parties. Which has radicalized me into wanting them both gone completely by any means nessessary. For the greater good. They are enemies. I will not vote for enemies. Or trust anyone.
Paper ballots and end to end technology is used to make each voter a poll watcher, and election verifier, from our phones.
If he attacks Panama there’s a good chance China will support Panama. The US isn’t popular anywhere on earth. We’re pariah
Trump's State Department terminated a contract that was in the process of transferring evidence of Russian abductions of Ukrainian kids to European law enforcement.
Because those are what conservative governance looks like
Meanwhile the Dems are CLEARLY lying and making crazy promises to their own base. There is no fight against Trump.
You've now joined the group of Billionaires, good job !
Dems always played by decorum while the other side threw punches. Ditch that, grow a spine, and put on the gloves. Get under the "weirdos" skin.
The problem is that the average voter doesn't do harm reduction. They vote emotionally. They didn't flip to Trump, they flipped to 'why bother at all'.
“Sure, Trump is a Nazi sex pest. But he made a really funny McDonald’s video and is friends with Hulk Hogan, he can’t be THAT bad.”
They could have easily lied, but instead they just kept saying shit people don't like.
If she just went through the motions to appease the left on Gaza, she could have won.
❗️Obviously, genuine engagement would have been vastly preferred, but that she refused to even try… Insanity.
They only want to win in the ‘right’ and ‘honorable’ way
Goldfish electorate problem? No! Goldfish electorate opportunity!
Democrats are smarter than Republicans, they'll see through bullshit
Promise EVERYTHING and also freeze out/attack legacy media!
Not without major changes, which may be coming.
I’m just tired of talking about whether or something is politically viable or not. Who cares? Let’s try it anyway.
You sound be more informed of a voter. You should consider more than a single issue. Just that clearly people don't have time or desire to be engaged that way.
But so many bad choices made.
Pay your hospital bills” so it doesn’t sound like socialism but an extra special handout just for them. And even make exclusionary language like “but only for/1
That are citizens” (this is the bait for the Trumpers). Then get in there. Declare Medicare for all.
Add like 10 Supreme Court judges. But the twist is Medicare is for ALL. Ppl without jobs, non-citizens.
Thats the kind of lying Dems should do. Remember when Obama /2
It's nice to know what the moonshot is. Harris' was "we'll start working toward a public option over 10 years if Republicans don't blow it up" and not "I WOULD KICK A WOLVERINE IN THE BALLS THEN GET IN THE DIRT WITH IT TO GET YOU UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE"
Harris was "were eliminating child poverty " and then just calling it a "middle class tax cut".
Explain to me like I'm a 3yr old how that wouldn't have gotten 89 million people up off the couch.
It's not really a politeness thing so much as an avoiding death and disease thing.
Short, emotion-first, sound bitable statements:
The #GreedyOligarchParty is cutting veteran's jobs to give a tax break to billionaires.
None of that is untrue!
voters won't remember
Good sarcasm, bad policy effect 😊😊
No tax on tips.
More free shit with no intention of following through.
We are going to have the coolest lasers and cars. The coolest space planes and Luxembourg will pay for it. Everyone will be eating lobster and steak while their robots work and pay for their luxury lifestyle.
Oh and no more Ads. We are banning Ads!
Its so funny. and discouraging. but 100% truth.
If he had rammed things through like repubs would have, people might actually believe Dems are good for something.
Making up a bunch of shit and just saying it: it works!
I can't, of course.
Most farmers prove this, just to give an example.
Like... "blue states will opt out of tariffs all together and let the red states reap the profits".
Or... "we'll cut ALL federal spending in red states to help them through tough times".
But the reality is.
I want to believe, trust me I do. But after November's election results I stopped believing in people... I just can't see how celebrities would do anything for free. 😞