Gavin Newsom sees 10-point net drop in favorability since launching his podcast. Survey finds "the podcast only made 13% of voters have an improved perception of the Governor, with 26% saying that it harmed their perception."
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Researchers showed clips of the podcast to survey respondents and had them share their thoughts. 57% expressed a negative reaction to his agreement with Charlie Kirk on "woke" language and 63% had a negative reaction to his comments on trans athletes
He's never been anyone if favored. And he keeps digging deeper. Folks on the Central Coast are getting sick of Elon's sonic booms at all hours like last night around midnight. But Newsom is supportive of his wanting to do 100 launches a year.
So what you're saying is that "liberals" who try to "appeal to moderates" by listening to "popular opinion" actually just end up regurgitating Nazi propaganda?
Kind of like genAI?
Sure would be nice to see more humans in the mainstream forming their own values-based opinions on things. Oh well.
Definitely harmed. I'm sick of politicians using bad actors to further their careers. Especially now that THE PEOPLE can see right through them. I want Trump out, but I want him replaced by someone genuine... not an opportunist who misjudges opportunities. There's enough toxicity in the WH already.
So I guess that makes it okay to just throw trans people under the bus then.
Aiiight gotcha. You don’t need me, you don’t want me. I mean I’m in such a small minority that my support makes no difference, at least until I can be used as a scapegoat for the Dems fucking always losing anyways
If you won't let trans girls play sports with cis girls you're not pro-trans. If you will send trans women to men's prisons you're not pro-trans. Gavin Newsom is not pro trans and fuck you for trying to tell us he is and how to feel about him siding with nazis on "The Trans Issue".
Yeah, man. You tell 'em. We just HAVE to advocate for mandatory on-demand genital checks of little girls who want to play sports, or else we'll lose to the Nazis who want mandatory on-demand genital checks of little girls who want to play sports!
You’re going to get a ton of hateful replies for the sin of being pragmatic about winning power back in a predominantly right-leaning country. In the meantime, conservatives will take critical rights away from the LGBT community far beyond high school sports teams as dems lose over and over.
I’m simply among these voices in the party-
“All of this is in line with a kind of cultural war retrenchment for which the party’s most pragmatic voices are practically pleading.”
And if dems refuse to support the LGBT community like Newsom wants and like you want, they'll have critical rights taken away by republicans either way. So, tell me, exactly what difference does it make for LGBT people in that case?
Stopping, including just this morning where I learned they are not going to treat my fellow veterans who EARNED the right to healthcare solely because they're trans.
I'm angry, I'm bitter, and I'm totally over it.
What makes you think I would respond to your argument of "you get too much" with
The sports teams issue is bullshit by the right to get a foot in the door to taking away all trans rights. They expect you to give because it's such a "niche issue" that "is complicated"
Didn't your bigoted ass get run off the site like a week ago? Maybe just fuck off and delete your account already. Throwing minorities under the bus isn't pragmatism, it's the pure hatred in you. Eat shit.
Run off the site? I don’t… think that’s how social media works.
…and I won’t be taking the advice on acct deletion.
Don’t worry- I’m not around much. I spend most of my time enjoying family, playing outdoors, growing my business, tending my garden, and living life… not debating bitter ppl online.
A predominantly right leaning electorate isn't going to vote for conservative lite. Pragmatism directed towards attracting bigots ain't gonna keep Democratic voters on your side. People don't want to vote for what they see as weakness.
You and the brigade here are dogmatic and pestering.
The Russian infiltrated trans/progressive groups want every liberal to show up perfect- no edge opinions, no checkered past, and absolutely no disagreeing.
These third rail issues only negatively impact liberals. The enemy is immune to this.
Good question. Probably a pie graph of answers, from a colonial history of “rugged individualism” to conservatives success in the modern media environment. Why do you think the nation tends to lean right?
Newsom could have taken these positions on his own terms, rather than inviting Kirk to agree with him and suck up to him. Newsom even talked about how much his son likes Kirk, which is bizarre, and the videos circulating after the podcast were humiliating for Newsom. Terrible political instinct.
You know an internet thread has fully run its course when the people show up whose most enlightened addition is a grade school-level attempt at insults.
It’s one thing to adjust messaging to focus on winning elections. It’s another thing entirely to buddy up to fascists and white nationalists, and to the exclusion of your voting base.
Newsom is and always has been a sleazeball.
Funny how these "adjustments" always mean moving to the right. We couldn't even get Democrats to champion universal healthcare *during a global pandemic*.
It's important because he's a potential front runner in 2028. If he's scuppering his chances to own the trans, that's important news to keep in mind come primary time
...are you tagging Gavin Newsroom's own account into a reply about the obvious gigantic smelly loser of a "no labels" campaign he's starting? For some reason? Let me do it too, good idea.
Nah, cause that shows a willingness to slide on other rights, too, and I am not supporting nor voting for someone like that. See the current administration for what the end result of that slide looks like.
There's also a natural revulsion to seeing a politician sell out like that. It comes across as being a two faced liar who believes in nothing and will say anything to get elected.
Yes. This. There is also a relief that comes when a two-faced believes-in-nothing liar reveals himself in time for his political ascent to be arrested.
fetterman (of all people) mentioned this is why this attempt won't even land with moderates/republicans. no one is buying it and it makes him look even more insincere than before
The only person whose political career is more dead than Newsom is Fetterman. Who will never be re-elected and will never succeed in a party switch. What a waste of human life.
And that's Newsome in a nutshell. All he's ever really cared about is seeing his name in lights, and he obviously believes that all publicity is good publicity.
You mean to tell me the ghoul who surrounds himself with other ghouls has never had people who aren't ghouls around him hasn't heard people do the things he despises around him? It's almost like decent people want nothing to do with him and he's in an echo chamber of his own making!
I’m not sure what I think of these particular clips because they could be construed different ways, but overall I’m so glad that Newsom is showing his whole ass right now so we can just cross him off our list for anything in the future.
Please explain to me why with our federal government dismantled 10 trans female athletes in the NCAA, people's preferred pronouns, and some Latin Americans attempting to use more inclusive language are what the mf conversation is still about.
Anyone? How are we not throwing these mfs in the gutter?
I don't care if people, most of whom are not well informed about the biology of being trans, want trans people playing sports. This is entirely borne of a moral panic drummed up by Republicans and every Dem, every time it comes up should be saying "they are trying to distract you while they steal...
And so many people just don't know enough to realize they are being manipulated. I'm not excusing them, but this was not on most people's radar 10 years ago. All the information they have it propoganda.
Only because their opinions are formed within the right wing fantasy that all sports are MMA and that trans women are just Mike Tyson in drag going around bashing little girls. They're stupid, and lazy.
Americans didn’t want people marrying people of the same sex ether until it became legal and a complete non-issue. Public opinion is no way to judge basic human rights.
What's their opinion on how susceptible women and girls should be to having mandatory on-demand genital inspections to determine their fitness to have their gender respected by society?
Yeah, and Americans disapproved of interracial marriage in the '90s, even though it had been legal nationwide for 30 years by that point. Should Loving v. Virginia not been decided?
The Latinx thing is so funny. Conservatives harp on about how it's an affront to language and nobody wants to use it. They're right about the latter at least... It's broadly unpopular among latino communities!
If they hate it so much but it's the definition of a self solving problem.
Like— I actually don’t say Latinx partially because I hate how people said Latin-Ex instead of la-teen-ex. I say Latino, Latina, and sometimes Latine. But I genuinely do know people with Central American backgrounds who did use Latinx. I’ve never heard anyone yell at someone for saying Latino.
I live in a very blue city and I have literally never, seen or even heard of anyone being reprimanded for not saying "Latinx." And I work in a lot of progressive and queer spaces.
I'm thinking this is something that like 3 people did 8 years ago and it's been fwd:fwd:fwded forever since then.
That reports the opinion, not the statistical math.
I wouldnt expect R's to approve of any prominent D, for any reason, in this time of hyper divison.
I'm just not a fan of all opinion polling...especially so when the raw data used to form the percentages is not forthright.
I want to See the *quantative statistics* [your wording]
Not what the opinions are, the Math for who was asked for opinions with specific demographic data/ not general percentages
Again, I am not a fan of opinion polling at all, because I think it drives opinion too often rather than snapshots it
You're coming across as a Neville chamberlain. Listen to some classic rock to get your mojo back.
No retreat baby , no surrender.
Good. After his transphobia was made public, or maybe it was his wonton disregard for the unhoused, or his unapologetic Zionism. It’s all just a bit too much to continue calling him left wing.
Full transparency that he is not my Gov, and I don’t I know much about him outside the news but after listening to an episode I found it both interesting and infuriating. I was genuinely hoping for more hard hitting questions and fact checking over friendly banter - hence the infuriating part.
That said, hearing from the people who are behind the messaging of MAGA does give insight on how to call out their BS and respond to that narrative. It also gives insight to the demographic they are targeting and how Dems need to counter and appeal to that base.
yes, and 2020 and 2024. I don't care if he's 150, if he's still alive in 2028 let's try to get it right! Acknowledging his age, make sure the VP choice is one we like as much!
2016 Bernie, maybe. 2025 Bernie is a Zionist supporting Israeli genocide and is just kind of an overall letdown. See him here rudely ignoring questions about Mahmoud Khalil
In many ways it’s actually him just revealing his true opinions to you, it’s actually better that he did this cause this was how he thought/felt all along.
He’s always been this way to anyone who paid attention. Just look at his track record concerning unhoused persons or during COVID. People think that since he’s the governor of California he must be ultra-progressive. He’s always been an opportunist.
Resisters call in sick on 3/19/25. Truckers, bus and train drivers, unions, air traffic controllers, pilots, cabbies, IT, manufacturing, etc. Please stay home as long as possible. This action will help to get our message against tyranny out and show the world we won’t allow this takeover.
Dumb move on Newsom's part. The Cornfield Resistance podcast said that they thought the Guv was taking political advice from former Republican Steve Schmidt 🤮. Ya get what ya pay for, Guv. Career implosion.
Feels like he flushed his chance for President. Wonder whether he really agrees with Kirk et al or pushed that narrative in the hope it would bolster his popularity?
I just have a gut feeling that he’s going to break away from the Democratic Party and become an independent or even go full MAGA Republican. This feels like the first step for a heel turn during midterm season
Yeah, this. I’ve always gotten scuzzbucket vibes from the guy, I know he was being pushed as a Pres hopeful and every fiber of my being is like nooooo. Nice to know my intuition isn’t broken
This is so confusing in the post you can see it clearly says “ sends shockwaves” but you click the link and open the page in the browser and search the browser, those words cannot be found anywhere! I mean, I trust the source, but it doesn’t help
I want to know the names of all the severely out of date, overpaid consultants advising Democrats to tack to some imaginary center while telling their base to f*** off. Because we seriously need to jettison these useless relics.
I've never used this emoji in my life, but 💯. Those dorks are living in 2009 and need to just pivot to reviewing designer sneakers or something equally productive.
We need numbers on how those surveyed responded when being shown a clip of nothing but the host saying, "Hi, I'm Gavin Newsom, and welcome to the show!"
If deciding to do this is indicative of Newsom’s judgement, I’ve seen enough. Platforming the human puss face Bannon and Charlie “gums” Kirk was maybe the worse political idea I’ve seen since Schumer decided to vote with trump. He’s toast.
He’s not even that well liked in CA. He’s got a real problem with hypocrisy. And most people around the country see CA as how not to do things. I just can’t see him making any traction for higher office unless appointed
It's not an ongoing debate. They just proved they can't win using your strategy with Harris. They already ARE the entire body of moderates and centrists. Moving further right means trying to recruit actual Nazis.
Stronger turnaround means moving left and OPPOSING Nazis.
Yeah, she abandoned any attempt at controlling the narrative herself and validated all Nazi accusations by treating them as worthy of considering offensive and responding to. She tried reacting to polls like that and reaching to the right. And lost. Can you agree that's what happened?
I don't, and this is a moral issue to me: you don't trade away basic civil rights for any set of people because of polls. So I wanted it to be true that Newsom doing that on his podcast hurt his popularity, but we have to face the facts: this poll says, so far, it hasn't.
I am annoyed by fake activists who pretended to be outraged over the court pardon for Kyle Rittenhouse but were also dead silent about the court pardons for : Daniel Perry , Daniel Penny and Donald Trump.
These 3 have done worse [ with proof of intent ] but the activists obeyed in advance.
I remember when rittenhouse got acquitted and a bunch of Facebook group mods started removing/banning anyone who didn’t publicly say rittenhouse was guilty. I witnessed a guy get banned because he was from Argentina and had no clue who rittenhouse was and thus wouldn’t denounce him.
good don't trust him he playin both sides against the middle... us and backtracking on LGBTQ+ people is hoeing out your own people for political gain pretty despicable really! Shame on you Newsom ya creep!
I kind of understand why he did it, but not enough pushback or battling. The last thing we need is a Democratic leader that’s acquiescing to the far right.
The Gavin Newsom who debated DeSantis and publicly supported Harris last year is NOT the same guy who finds commonalities with a misogynistic r*cist & insurrectionist r*cist.
The guy who was planning to PROTECT CA from the Trump administration going after blue states.
Cynically, it probably is the same guy. It just shows you that his words and actions were as shallow then as they are now. He’s an opportunist, going where he thinks the winds are blowing.
"There is, in fact, a lot that Democrats can learn from Kirk and Bannon about building alternative media channels, there is nothing to be gained by flattering them or seeking mutual understanding."
Bingo. When people say "why don't the Democrats do the same thing that the GOP does with media" it's like asking why a school teacher doesn't live in a Beverly Hills mansion. It's the money, for crying out loud.
I don’t really disagree on trans athletes (post puberty) but I love that his popularity is tanking. Guy is basically a life support system for hair gel at this point
I imagine it’s your “feelings” based on no actual evidence. If a trans athletes transition before puberty there is no competitive advantage. The NCAA and Olympics have policies re: meds, time requirement, testing etc. to protection the sport. Research is your friend.
No evidence? A biological male who transitioned to female in women’s sports dominated women’s swimming. Research is YOUR friend if you think puberty doesn’t matter to physical development and creating an equal playing field
Did she beat women, yes she did. Did she dominate the field, no she didn’t. My niece played hs basketball, during a tourney she played against someone a foot taller and at least 40 lbs heavier, she got pretty bruised up. Would you say that’s an even playing field?
So it’s just sex at birth - not actual biological advantage. Most elite athletes have biological advantages, that’s what separates them. Look at the genetics advantages of Phelps. Few fields are played on actual biologically even fields.
They don’t count because another biological woman ultimately won something? They should just shut up and swim right because one person really needs the validation of sports to affirm their gender choices?
There is no making nice with Nazis. They dehumanize themselves by being full of blind hate and violence against others. They have no thoughts that are of value to decent society. They don't deserve a platform. Seems more like Newsom is interviewing to BE a Nazi.
Why would you have 3 odious beasts on your podcast to chew the fat with??
He is a fantastic debater but he didn’t read the room at all!!
PS he deserved to lose more points!
Obama presented himself as a New Deal Democrat. Then he governed like a classic Republican. Very little daylight between Obama, Clinton and Carter on how right wing their economics were. Which directly translates into anti-worker, anti-labor, anti-poor, and only for the rich.
Both are wrong on Obama. He let people think he was more progressive than he really was. He did not govern like a classic Republican. He governed like a Democrat with little-to-no Congressional power that still thought working with the other side meant something (on that he was wrong).
ACA was literally the Republican healthcare plan from the 90s, it's literally the most corrupt and least efficient way to extend health insurance coverage to everyone, a scam paid for by private health insurance companies to bilk the government for as much money as possible.
The ACA was Bob Dole's healthcare plan, which is what people mean when they say Obama governed like a moderate Republican, because everything he did were things initially proposed and pushed by moderate Republicans.
I will always give credit for the ACA. But I will not forget the context that Obama had a super majority in congress in which he needed no Republican support. If he was a stronger leader, he would have whipped his caucus. Don't forget that Obama tried to push cuts to Social Security.
so I managed to cook an egg over easy without busting the yolk like 4 months ago, once, and now I keep fucking up my breakfast because I've decided that's something I can do
similarly, finding the Third Way got the Dems 43% of the vote in 1992 and they're still stuck on it
I’d wager the remaining 61% of respondents said they already held him in such low regard that platforming a Nazi in the name of bipartisanship fit their expectations.
He's a douche, but I thought he maybe was the right douche to fight and win in 2028. But he f'ed up with this podcast. I don't know what his calculation was, but has lost all support among Dems I talk to.
I unfollowed anywhere I had been based on his first guest alone. And I’ve made sure to mention it to every LGBTQ person I know and every ally too. Eff that.
Anybody that legitimizes Steve Bannon is a hard NO for me. Do not give these Nazi fuckers any airtime whatsoever. That’s why this country is so fucked up.
Familiarity breeds contempt! It was better when people didn't know what you were all about. Being Kimberly Gilfoly's old boo should have been a dead giveaway.
He’s platforming fascists and Nazis, and then — instead of taking them on and roundly trouncing and denouncing them — fawning all over them and asking for advice.
It’s the most sickening and moronic thing that he has ever done, and it almost seems like deliberately sabotaging his own career.
I think he's just getting ready to flip sides, he sees the profit in it and he's going for it
on one hand you may ask if the right would even accept him, but on the other hand, they may see it as a huge, trophy win. converting the governor of CA? score!
Let's not forget who he used to be married to. What's the saying? "A leopard never changes its spots." We just saw a perfect example with Chuck,"the suckup" Schumer. Newsome wants the presidency in 2028, and it looks like he's pandering to both sides to get it done. I'm so disappointed.
Marketing is always a risk. In retrospect he cld have started with a smaller closed beta #datadriven. I think he wants to take this risk. Gotta respect risk taking.
What baffles me is not engaging with the conversation on #bluesky. If he wants to connect this is a container.
And he let Bannon get away with all kinds of attacks & lies without pushback. Even in seeming agreement at times. I couldn't even watch the whole thing. Shame.
I thought maybe that's why he was doing it (note: I have not heard it). I thought he was trying to show their arguments are w/out merit but instead I'm hearing he's embracing them. I guess he's like Trump, Fetterman & Co. Have mainstream opinions til they find they get more attention & 💰 being maga.
It definitely affected my view of him negatively. Here I was calling his office asking him to join the governor of Maine in standing up to the fascists in The White House, and he's over here inviting them on a podcast and given them platforms.
He lost me too with the Bannon one...tried to listen with an open mind but quickly was angered by the continuing false narrative and Newsom rolled... NO! We need BACKBONE man!!!
He’s such a tool.
And I have voted for him several times and USED to defend him to many fellow Californians - but what an opportunist and complete loser.
But, honestly, good. Now we know who you are and the things you haven't said out loud until now. You won't be the future of any party I was to participate in. Bye. Looking for true leaders who step up, like and
Sorry. I really liked Newsom UNTIL tRump got off the plane after the LA fires. Compounded by the ridiculous statement regarding men in women's sports. Served no GOOD purpose. Capitulation in Advance?
The trend of what white straight men have been for 250 years should move everyone away from every single similar option, no matter their perceived decency.
Oh, I already know what he was. He's a millionaire politician, with motives that do not include #WeThePeople. There needs to be income limitations to run for office. Period! The wealthy class need to toe the line, this country is not a business. Real people's lives are at stake & they don't care! 🤬
You couldn’t pay me to listen to Bannon (or Charlie Kirk)but my understanding is that did not push back. Is that true? When will Dems learn they need to move left?
So how can we communicate & guide Democratic voters away from these "safe centrists"? 🤷♂️ Because if they want resistance they need leftist leadership.
Kind of obvious, isn't it? Even the most milqtoast liberal would get upset at him getting chummy with Steve Bannon and these other Nazis. Not obvious enough for Newsom, though.
Kind of like genAI?
Sure would be nice to see more humans in the mainstream forming their own values-based opinions on things. Oh well.
There are about 999 things going on right now that are more important than Newsome's pro-trans, liberal purity score.
the democrats did things your way and they lost the popular vote to the dumbest man on the planet
You've been on this app since 2023 and you've never used the words "Kamala" or "Harris".
Care to explain?
Have you not been paying attention?
Aiiight gotcha. You don’t need me, you don’t want me. I mean I’m in such a small minority that my support makes no difference, at least until I can be used as a scapegoat for the Dems fucking always losing anyways
You have been on this app since 2023 and haven't said a single supportive thing about Kamala Harris.
You helped the right take away my power, and now you curse me.
Look in the fucking mirror.
Dude this is a you issue fighting with a projection that doesn't exist. I voted for her, eat shit jagoff.
We only have a president that disparages my service because he thinks im fundamentally devoid of character, but go on
I’m simply among these voices in the party-
“All of this is in line with a kind of cultural war retrenchment for which the party’s most pragmatic voices are practically pleading.”
Which you don’t seem all that torn up about
But I'll be damned if I'm going to respond to being thrown under the bus with a smile.
I mean, that's just human nature. You're talking to someone who's lost a bunch in the past few months with no signs of it
I'm angry, I'm bitter, and I'm totally over it.
What makes you think I would respond to your argument of "you get too much" with
…and I won’t be taking the advice on acct deletion.
Don’t worry- I’m not around much. I spend most of my time enjoying family, playing outdoors, growing my business, tending my garden, and living life… not debating bitter ppl online.
Oh right. Republican voters won't switch sides. But Dems can lose its own base by not taking stands, like on trans rights.
The Russian infiltrated trans/progressive groups want every liberal to show up perfect- no edge opinions, no checkered past, and absolutely no disagreeing.
These third rail issues only negatively impact liberals. The enemy is immune to this.
Newsom is and always has been a sleazeball.
And when they've done it, and it's your turn to be hated by all, maybe you'll understand why others aren't so keen on giving up their rights.
Just use "TRA" and "TIM", sweetheart. Your political allies refer to us that way.
That means I won.
Where's the line? Which groups of people are acceptable sacrifices?
1. Everything is partisan now, and as soon as the rhetoric goes, 30-40% will reliably be against transphobia solely because they are Democrats.
Tradeoffs/costs and negative rhetoric is when support declines.
Anyone? How are we not throwing these mfs in the gutter?
Don't play on their terms.
Trans women are weaker and perform worse on average against cis women.
If they hate it so much but it's the definition of a self solving problem.
We borrow the french Le/Les+e ending.
Les Latines
White centrists and liberals have serious issues with actually ASKING FOR INFO FROM AND LISTENING TO OTHER DEMOGRAPHICS.
I'm thinking this is something that like 3 people did 8 years ago and it's been fwd:fwd:fwded forever since then.
This seems like a very left-leaning sort of person being the majority of those surveyed.
Fine, if that is the citizen group intended to be served, just need full disclosure to understand the stats.
It isn't there - as far as I can see... if you do see it, will you please post me the link, thx
They saw it as sleazy, dishonest pandering.
I wouldnt expect R's to approve of any prominent D, for any reason, in this time of hyper divison.
I'm just not a fan of all opinion polling...especially so when the raw data used to form the percentages is not forthright.
Not what the opinions are, the Math for who was asked for opinions with specific demographic data/ not general percentages
Again, I am not a fan of opinion polling at all, because I think it drives opinion too often rather than snapshots it
You're coming across as a Neville chamberlain. Listen to some classic rock to get your mojo back.
No retreat baby , no surrender.
Q: Do you want fake ice cream or real ice cream?
Oh we lost 10% of voters by asking this? Wait... WAT? New Jersey went RED!?
Liberals pining after a mythical center are digging their own graves.
This shouldn't be infuriating.
It should be grounds for kicking Gavin from the party and his name becoming a loadstone around the necks of anyone associated with him.
At least I hope.
I hope it destroys his career.
GOP is laughing their ass off.
newsom: AND, THIS IS MAGA!!!!!!
california: 🤨
honest to god, i have no clue why he thought a clinton step to the right would be a good idea, wtf
was hoping he would push back on T2.0 like he did T1.0!
He’s less liberal than he appears.
Can Dems succeed in major elections without securely more support from Moderates/Centrists and without stronger turnout?
There are many governors who could run in 2028.
Stronger turnaround means moving left and OPPOSING Nazis.
sig # of Indeps & Mods seemed to balk at perceived Dem positions in swing states
Harris tossed into untenable situation (July); her legacy might be 226/538 wasn’t 136/538 and House barely under cult control
I’m no Carville
I like “big tents”
Dumb move man!
Do you want a red NJ, NM, MN, etc?
That is what's going to happen if dems betray trans people:
He's finished. This cost him 10% of his previous votes at a minimum.
These 3 have done worse [ with proof of intent ] but the activists obeyed in advance.
The others were not pardoned.
The guy who was planning to PROTECT CA from the Trump administration going after blue states.
Major disappointment.
His ex, his treatment of palistinian protestors, his treatment of homeless folk...
It's actually embarrassing
Take the hint, Gavin. It’s like trump, the more he talks, the less he’s liked.
He is a fantastic debater but he didn’t read the room at all!!
PS he deserved to lose more points!
color me shocked
similarly, finding the Third Way got the Dems 43% of the vote in 1992 and they're still stuck on it
What a dissapointment.
It’s the most sickening and moronic thing that he has ever done, and it almost seems like deliberately sabotaging his own career.
on one hand you may ask if the right would even accept him, but on the other hand, they may see it as a huge, trophy win. converting the governor of CA? score!
It’s helpful to know exactly how a prominent Dem might sell out constituents in a quest for self promotion.
Thanks for clarifying, Gavin.
People are shallow. With the way this guy looks, and speaks, he’d won half the battle.
But then he’s like nah I’ll be Devil’s Advocate Pacino instead.
You have to be brave and lead and understand why you are doing it.
Not understand why they are always doing it to you.
So why are you doing it?
Because it’s the truth.
What baffles me is not engaging with the conversation on #bluesky. If he wants to connect this is a container.
C'est la vie!
Need a rest
Just is the way it
Even food burn out occurs
He's lost my vote forever.
I’m not sure that any serious person on the planet has the time to start podcasts while managing a state with 20-million people.
Then said she was a victim. Hahahhahahaha!
And I have voted for him several times and USED to defend him to many fellow Californians - but what an opportunist and complete loser.
Those who fight fascism or those who cave.
Which side is Gavin on? 🤔
His arrogance and privilege blind him. He’s not a good leader.
When people tell you who they are? Believe them. At the top of the food chain there is no left or right. Only money. Gavin is just 1 of the boys. 🤢🤮
By listening to sociology more than listening to a person's self description.
The trend of what white straight men have been for 250 years should move everyone away from every single similar option, no matter their perceived decency.
And claiming your son is a fan of Charlie Kirk will do that.
Versus Trump supporters: “you’re taking away my job and healthcare? Cool. Cool. You know best!”