Is it possible that the people that need to hear this message don’t fully appreciate the meaning of ‘facsism’? With all due respect, a lot of low-intel voters need stuff dumbed-down more.
Ya, seems like an actual US news organization should be covering that. But maybe that is because there really isn't any US actual news organizations anymore.
I'm still stuck on: Milley collars Woodward in March 2023 & tries to impress upon him in the strongest terms that this is a 5-alarm fire situation. & then Woodward, among the most famous & powerful journalists in the world, waits until 2 weeks before the election to publish that statement in a book.
The whole thing is hard to understand, honestly. Why isn't everyone screaming out their windows like in Network? But I will say that it's not Milley's literal job to inform the public.
After "Peril" Milley knew how Woodward works, on top of which for crying out loud he was still JCS Chairman at that time and could put whatever he wanted to get out in the press immediately, out, without Woodward. I have all kinds of issues with Woodward but this one ain't fair.
His recent thing in the WaPo about finally going down to his storage unit to dig up an tape of an interview was sort of disturbing. I was wondering the whole time if this was why so much of journalism is like this today. He wrote 3 books and he couldn't send an asst to look through his storage?
It probably has more impact now than it would have them. Trump would still have won the nomination; MAGAs wouldn't care if Ronald Reagan came back from the dead and deemed Trump a fascist.
That's what I've been thinking. It's not like we didn't know Trump's a fascist two yrs ago. It's not like publishing it then would have done more than all the other people saying it, or the criminal cases re: Jan 6, or anything else.
But maybe publishing it in Oct '24 gets a few more eyes on it. 🤷🏼
Trump was obviously trying to get Milley to deploy the military against demonstrators, an absolutely fascist procedure, throughout 2020. You didn't have to wait for Woodward's imprimatur to say so.
In ten years Woodward will release his next book which will tell the story of how Trump had his favorite sex worker embalmed after an unfortunate accident and how he kept a room for her at Mar-A-Lago so that he could still do stuff with her.
Every time they take a poll of whether the troops would follow an order to disarm the population or round people up or other fascist bullshit the numbers come down hard on the side of "hell no". Lots to complain about the military, but they've got the culture of loyalty right.
That's the guy who "read Marx" and so he enlisted servant in the imperialist war machine, or remained so... uh... bro... comrade... genetal... what are you waiting for?
One theory I have is since US army officers have to read about WW2 a lot at the citadel, they all know a nazi when they see one and so are much more hostile to Trump than you might expect.
Sure, but Milley's a Democrat. Or at least he once said some stuff that made him sound like one. That means his opinion on fascism is impolite and can't be reported too prominently.
"Milley insisted on securing a meeting with the then-newly-minted attorney general, Merrick Garland, to urge him to investigate domestic violent extremism and far-right militia movements."
Yeah seems that went well... not really seeing as Garland basically has sat on his ass.
There have been a number. I’ll only miss Mayor Pete, who seems to have been quite competent at Transportation in addition to his skills as a surrogate.
Actually this has been something, do you actually know much about his other picks or which ones have been bad (Garland yes, and Blinken yes), the rest kind of fly under the radar.
I would highly suspect that Pete will be kept in the roll, he's grown into it and he has been good at countering bs.
In that role or another more prominent. If Trump wins (please no) the next four years will be awful, and Pete is going to look wonderful by being calm and competent. He might win in 28 if we still have elections.
Lloyd Austin at Defense probably bears the bulk of the blame for the Afghanistan withdrawal and still has a job (Trump was right but for all the wrong reasons).
Ahhh so you must have insider information about the status of ongoing investigations by the Justice Department, huh? Or do you lack the basic intelligence to realize that investigations aren't made public because that fucks up the investigation. I'm going with number 2 here.
Merrick Garland has been an immense, tragic failure. Did not step up when it counted. Calling him the Neville Chamberlain of US Attorney Generals is unfair to Neville Chamberlain.
For it to be a big story, his fascist status would have to be unknown or in question. He's a fascist. Everyone knows. And 45-50% of voters either actively like or are willing to ignore this.
I hope he and Biden are planning a defense against trump’s traitors this election. Biden has immunity for official acts, he can protect us and the constitution.
And it would be if corporate media didn't want Trump and Republicans to win elections so they get their tax breaks. Democracy be damned in their world.
also,why does he look almost exactly like the five star general who charges Jennifer Lawrence's character for the free snacks in the White House in Don't Look Up
Keine Überraschung: auch in der deutschen Wehrmacht waren nicht alle Offiziere Faschisten.
These: Statistisch könnten ca. 50 % des amerikanischen Militärs Demokraten sein, wobei bei Demokraten der Anteil an Patifisten vielleicht größer ist.
I used to comment on a RW blog (Powerline) and they were all I'm rubber you're glue. "Trump isn't the threat to democracy, Biden is, look at all those executive orders." "We're not the fascists, you're the fascists, forcing us to accept trans people" and so on.
It's obvious from everything Dump says & does that he's a demented fascist & will turn America into a hellscape if elected. The real news here is a very principled guy in Milley's position going public w/ this language. What he saw below the waterline is far more/worse than we the public know.
Add that to the videos saying the military is woke and PA reps trying to stop PA from counting absentee ballots from overseas and military, and it’s hard to imagine people thinking the GOP “supports the troops”
I can see how it would seem like that. But the big story is that once Tim Walz conflated two slightly different fertility measures. And Harris is doing the wrong kind of interviews.
I have to check my diary to remember when my wedding anniversary is. It’s some time in late December, but it’s only been 41 years so maybe I will eventually remember it.
Why do American citizens have to see this in a foreign newspaper instead of The New York Times and Washington Post? Our media has completely blown it when it comes to Trump.
Is there a precedent for a fascist takeover by someone who also continuously antagonized the leadership of the military? Feels like Trump has spent years doing a really important part of his whole thing wrong.
Jamelle, that would alienate fascist readers who might in turn cancel subscriptions and boycott the publications who ran such a story. Then the news division might miss its quarterly OKRs. Can’t have that!
Seems like a statement of the obvious, anyone who counts Putin as a best buddy, is promising to send political opponents to jail, is anti-democratic, tried to get his deputy killed by an insane mob, would set up concentration camps and loves being adored by crowds of acolytes is clearly a fascist.
But maybe publishing it in Oct '24 gets a few more eyes on it. 🤷🏼
GOP, if you subject us to this nonsense, and we won't give you power. Again.
After the last election, I viewed a lot less msm news.
From agent against power to accessory to power.
Yeah seems that went well... not really seeing as Garland basically has sat on his ass.
but you might consult an expert like
We all sit on the ass bones.
I would highly suspect that Pete will be kept in the roll, he's grown into it and he has been good at countering bs.
(promising to employ the fascist ex president's colleagues)
also,why does he look almost exactly like the five star general who charges Jennifer Lawrence's character for the free snacks in the White House in Don't Look Up
Everybody, who didn't notice that already in 2016, will deny it til 2037...
These: Statistisch könnten ca. 50 % des amerikanischen Militärs Demokraten sein, wobei bei Demokraten der Anteil an Patifisten vielleicht größer ist.
It's obvious from everything Dump says & does that he's a demented fascist & will turn America into a hellscape if elected. The real news here is a very principled guy in Milley's position going public w/ this language. What he saw below the waterline is far more/worse than we the public know.
Kinda not joking
Newsweek: This is bad for Trump, but refresh our page in 10 mins to learn why it's brutal for Walz
That’s not a dealbreaker for a lot of people.