just saw the incredible take that it is literally “criminal harassment” to quote reply to someone who is being belligerently hostile to you for no reason
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If someone is hostile or just a jerk in your replies that’s fair game, when you quote reply you are doing all your followers a public service. Life’s too short for bs.
And notice its always some chud with like four followers and no posts except hateful comments who say that shit yet YOU'RE the asshole for correctly pointing out the trolling. Weirdos.
under the hood those references are all "did:" addresses so changing handles won't break anything. the handle is just an attribute for us humans to read.
oh yeah i know but it’s interesting that bsky allows posts but instead of showing the did, has a flag, etc. it looks highly suspicious vs just missing optional layer
For some reason it had happened to me too even though I use the standard blue sky domain... I had to change my handle to what it was already to fix it because it was also invalidating links.
Can't speak to all situations but for me it was because I registered a custom domain as my handle (https://chickenwin.gg) and then let it lapse, and I guess the DNS machinery running behind the scenes saw that the config wasn't valid anymore
This is especially funny on this site where they give people the ability to disconnect their quoted post from the quote as well as how blocking kills the entire thread. They have all the power needed to remove themselves, but they’d rather complain.
I also immediately thought it's the Decker weirdo.
It'd be kinda funny if it's a different weirdo, & we've all just turned him into a verb; "oh, he just deckered himself in the foot," or, "way to decker yourself in other people's mentions."
But then again, I don't think he deserves the attention.
On the flipside, I once QT'd an account with a large following to state in very mild terms that I wouldn't make the strong statement about other people's identities that they did, and they QT'd me back inviting their large following to go after me, so context makes a big difference.
I'm really glad they have that option and that blocking the person that quoted you also removes your quote.
Woah, I was gonna bring up how you can make it so people cannot quote your post but I do not see that setting in this reply I'm making to you rn. Odd that its only for top level posts.
I found it. On android if it isn't a top level post you have to edit it after posting your reply. Click the 3 dots, go to edit interaction settings, turn off quote
On a related note, I had a ... moment with someone with whom I was a mutie. He did a screenshot of a skeet, rather than just reskeeting it, and added some snark.
I replied by @-ing the subject of his screenshot, mostly b/c I was interested to hear what she'd say. I did also say that I thought (1/2)
The funny thing about this is that there's a (trivial and dumb) sense in which it's true. Lots of jurisdictions have insane unconstitutional laws on the books re harassment and cyber stalking.
I don’t pretend to understand the algorithm but isn’t it *less* annoying to the replyee to be quoted rather than directly replied to? Obviously it is neither harassment nor criminal.
I usually quote if I’m going off on a dumbass tangent or making a really dumb joke but I think people kind of presume you’re being a jerk. The quotee was a jag though so whatever
From what I have gathered, it seems like it is considered rude to quote dunk and its better to just block people because it creates a better overall culture.
So what I do is I screenshot, block, and complain to my friends privately.
Like isn’t a quote reply more like “look at but don’t engage with this asshole?” whereas a reply is potentially “this guy is an asshole, pile on with me”?
In order to believe this one has to imagine a throng of rabid Bouie-stans who are ready to mob, doxx, send death threats, and harass the employers of whomever is being quote tweeted
I worked in Internet Abuse Investigations a decade ago, and we had a couple people who were actually on a "management approval required" for any reports or investigations because they had trolled so many of our customers that we actually made exceptions to our zero tolerance policies.
Like, literally, "I don't care if you say one of our customers threatened to kill you, we have over a thousand incidents with your name on it that all turned out to be unfounded or unenforceable, unless you have a police report we're going to assume you're lying"
as much as i love being a hater and hostile to people i don't like i'm not gonna act like a damn baby when they swing back. if you don't wanna take an elbow to the face you should've stayed out of the pit.
1 of 2 To play devil's advocate, and maybe to be overly logical, it could be that it depends on your following, e.g. if someone average is horrible to Elon Musk and he quote replies something to his millions of followers then it could be harassment, as his millions followers then pile on.
2 of 2 But if I were to do it with my single digit followers, it's not. Also, for the police to look at a harassment case they will look for a pattern of behaviour. Quote replying once, again without an army of followers is not going to constitute harassment. With an army it may incite it...
Eugen (Mastadon creator) didnt implement QRT's because he saw it as harassment
did you know your account says "invalid handle"? that's a new one, interesting
interesting experiment tho… i'm surprised you're still able to post!
If I had the power to put an account in a 'Time out' would I use it🤔
I know this is a problem with FB. If enough people report an account the algo gives the account a Timeout or warning.
Send Valium 🤣
It'd be kinda funny if it's a different weirdo, & we've all just turned him into a verb; "oh, he just deckered himself in the foot," or, "way to decker yourself in other people's mentions."
But then again, I don't think he deserves the attention.
I just wish it didn't take so many words to convey a 0.5s thought.
A blue South Carolina? If that was real I'd vote on Tuesday 😂
but then why does quote reply even exist?
Fuck anyone who thinks like that, you privileged motherfuckers.
Better call Saul...
Woah, I was gonna bring up how you can make it so people cannot quote your post but I do not see that setting in this reply I'm making to you rn. Odd that its only for top level posts.
I replied by @-ing the subject of his screenshot, mostly b/c I was interested to hear what she'd say. I did also say that I thought (1/2)
He accused me of "snitch tweeting" and blocked me.
Too bad. I had enjoyed every other interaction, as well as his feed. On the upside, I learned a new term.
I’m looking into alternate dimensions to visit but that one sounds bad.
...man I'm tired of living through cultural puberty...
You can sue. You can not sue. But threatening to sue is extortion.
So what I do is I screenshot, block, and complain to my friends privately.
🤣 criminal harassment. People using accelerators they don’t understand.
I don't hate them. But I can't support their immoral, disease-promoting lifestyle choices.
and also you can detach quotes here
i wish i could find that comic of someone holding their own face down under a boot
It works well here!