there is a 24/7 right-wing propaganda apparatus that operates across multiple mediums and it designed to do exactly this: smother any kind of local, material concern with cultural war signifiers and cultivate a “political affiliation as team sport” ethos
Reposted from
Jake Grumbach
Montana is the clearest place to see the nationalization of US politics. Whole Dem ticket was multigenerational MT hunters & farmers in bolo ties. Dem gov candidate owned a gun manufacturer. GOP slate was outta state tech.
Whole race was dominated by natl culture war & southern border, GOP sweep
Whole race was dominated by natl culture war & southern border, GOP sweep
It's just hard to see what to do when there's so much money to prop up bad faith media and pundits while journalism continues to atrophy.
As long as we relegate AOC and other elected officials to subservient roles this will continue.. need to get younger, relevant and more social media savvy.
The Dems gotta be more social media/savvy than they are now.. the MAGA world is has dominated that form of media for a while now.
do you have a solution or are you just yelling incoherently into the ether meaninglessly?
i've done it.
So they’re just more receptive to what the Right is selling them.
And the Senate and Electoral College inflate their political influence.
Something you can point to and say “no matter how much you hate the idea of one, we need establishments and experts.”
The party does not care about us.
Building consensus and community is how we counter them
So what do you suggest we do? It seems like we’d need more liberal minded wealthy ppl to buy up media space?
Where is a 24/7 left-wing propaganda apparatus that operates across multiple mediums? If it works for the right wing, let’s make it work for the left-wing.
Not to say that America's Razor is the only factor.
Care to comment?
Doesn't mean it has to stay that way
message, and offering mutual support.
I keep thinking about the music traditions that accompanied the Civil Rights Movement and how important they were to keeping people focused on the fight.
It may seem like a distraction, but keep an eye on the right's loathing of public arts spaces. There's a reason for that.
The complete breakdown of consensus reality, a shared sense that there is a real world that exists, is what we're facing.
This cost our tiny town $10k
And, when they say 'a rising tide raises all boats'
(the basis of trickle down)
they intentionally ignore those of us without even a dingy
And some of us they anchor to the bottom of the jetty
i think we'd need to see Trump-ish policies seriously harm the wellbeing of these voters.
what do they do then? do they still vote straight-ticket R?
No simple answer I'm sure, but what wheels can be put in motion?
Most countries do not allow private companies to gather, track, sell data on their citizens
Is this data I just typed been collected?
How could I have stopped the collection?
I just live as if all data seen is targeted at me. Nothing unintended.
I completely agree. Where nowhere close but we have to try. We have brilliant tech minds, surely they can design a way to show users the specific propaganda put in front of them based on their data profile
Thank you so much for the reply. I really value the info I'm getting here.
Resist and resist and resist.
The idea that in the free marketplace of ideas, the truth will win, has been debunked
It's anti-civilization behavior, we can't exist as a civilization without some consensus as what is the reality happening
Thanks for enlightening me.
Made me smile.
Still waiting.
I picked up the term (with a ™ appended) maybe a decade ago and was charmed to see it used in an NYT A1-above-the-fold story I dunno, 5 years ago
Kinda old hat now. It’s been refined to where we just expect it
I watched it happen in real time.
The Dems are hobbled coz their base wants to hear a commitment to stop neoliberalism destroying their lives, (wages, property prices, healthcare, education), but the neolib Dems can't do that.
But we need to work on messaging
Note the election was won by all those normally dem base folks not voting.
She lives in Oregon
Montana has the population of a large city… not a Metropolis but a borough sized one…
This explains the purpose of the propaganda!
Right wing oligarchs have been playing the long game.
Murdoch, Smith, Anschutz…
Flagging a Ryan Cooper piece that nails it.
See Ohio for the best example in recent years.
That’s how they kept unions (people who otherwise might lean R) for so long, but now they’re even slipping, because D’s aren’t delivering for them.
“In news deserts, Trump won in a landslide”
How do we break the alliance?