Holy shit Elon. Lets start with the alphabet and work our way into multiplication tables. You are one dumb elitist. No one is listening to you. In the government they hiding from you and in the real world we say fuck you. Your words are hollow lies and manipulations. We see you Elon.
When you stub your toe on the couch in the dark? That’s caused by too much government spending. We can’t allow kids to go to school, or firefighters to fight fires, or single mothers to feed their kids, because … toes.
Yes, but we have to ask what section of the populous believes him when he says this?
We're used to looking around at each other in disbelief saying 'wtf!?' to stuff like this, but some chunk of voters/workers are buying this. That's one thing to worry about.
It’s crazy his brother Kimball is a successful restaurateur and very in tune with agriculture and he hasn’t explained to him how natural disasters, production cost, labor, supply & demand etc. impact EVERYTHING.
That’s biggest reason they R getting away with whatever baddest criminal activity they’ve been doing demolishing any n all guard-rails along the way …. 😱
This isn’t a case of him not understanding how tariffs work or whatever. He’s just lying because he’s a belligerent billionaire asshole who doesn’t think there are any consequences to doing so.
I think he's super gullible. Just believes any garbage that comes his way from his bros, never verifies anything. Just swallows all the crap, hook line and sinker
there is a way whereby you could get your financial problem solved,this isn't a lie,I thought it was a lie until I gave it a try,with the help of @tradesmith.bsky.social I was able to get my financial problem solved,was able to buy a new house,a new car,you could try it
He's forgotten more about rockets than you would ever be able to learn.
But if it makes you feel better to call one of the most intelligent, innovative and successful men on the planet "a moron" then so be it. I guess it's all you have. #Sad
He had earned (wrong word, maybe) quite a bit of his own money when he and his buddies sold Paypal to Ebay. I never heard that his dad was a relevant shareholder in fElon‘s companies. In contrary, Musk sr. used to beat his son before him leaving Africa.
I heard Elon is basically living in his DOGE office. Maybe we should put concerts on in the hallway outside his office. I'd do it. But then they could call it torture.
This is just a random thought but I remember when Bush Sr. went to a grocery store and saw the price of milk for the first time. Most of these people are so out of touch.
I know this will be voted down, but instead of debates, Presidential candidates should be forced to play "The Price is Right" and "Jeopardy!" (not the lame celebrity version)
Bush was "amazed" at the latest new bar code scanner that was being demonstrated for him at a conference by the bar code scanner vendor. First of all, the scanner vendor people are all going to, like, say how amazing their newest product is, and any politican is going to go along with their energy.
I didn’t know that. :) Now, I can give him less credit. Lol. I was in middle school maybe. Lol. I just thought the milk thing was funny bc I shopped with my mom and I as a middle schooler knew more than the president on things that affected Americans day to day.
I routinely go to the grocery store and buy milk for my family. I have basically no freaking idea how much I paid for the milk. Same for gas. I'm lucky that I am well-off enough not to have to manage my bills down to the penny, I'm OK with national politicians not knowing the price of milk.
I do most of the shopping but my husband will get stuff occasionally and he never looks at prices and then I tell him how much stuff costs and he’s shocked. Lol
This is the problem with believing there’s a direct connection between intelligence and extreme wealth. “I have the most money, so clearly I am smart at money, so whatever turd I shit out of my brain must be gospel.”
He most definitely is not particularly smart, but at the same time this particular instance is not him genuinely being wrong, it's him lying to get his goons onboard and convince them if he fucks everything up it's everyone's fault but his.
It also means people like him will be stuck in their castles, because the peasants eventually become so desperate they sharpen their pitchforks and light their torches.
No it's true. When I worked in a grocery store we'd have someone form the Government come in twice a week. They'd sit us all down and say "Ok, you've got 20 minutes to go through the entire store and changes the prices to these." and then they'd hand us a list.
In Europe we're far more likely to have national store brands.
So they're competing on prices everywhere. 9 or 10 of them at least.
They can't price gouge, cos people just go elsewhere. Or buy online.
And there’s much more by way of food safety regulation and local sourcing. Still, the food processing companies that make the white-label foods have a whole lot of control of the market. Nestlé, Unilever, Vion all exercise control of large segments
They’ve actually gone up due to a general shift in demand from brand name to off label goods (which are higher margin). This happened because people were tightening spending due to general inflation.
EVERY time the markets have some short peak, prices go up; then MAYBE, after 4-7 months, they go back down.
At least, that's the pattern in Denmark ( I would guess most of Europe)
The CEO of Kroger literally admitted it in an interview before the election, and it barely got any coverage because the media was afraid of offending the orange baboon.
And for the reason you mention, I have only a vague recollection of that!
It’s important to refer to the owners of the media companies as separate from the writers, editors and reporters who’d love to pursue these stories
It was a full blown congressional hearing 😅🙃 and then nothing was ever done about it. Since then some krogers have installed “smart labels” on the shelves so they can price gouge in real time instead of relying on employees update price changes and print new labels
I'm in the SF Bay Area, where owning a cybertruck is a statement. My car windows aren't tinted, but when I see one I roll my window down and give it the finger.
But honestly, I see other folks doing the same, so I guess I'm just a copycat.
Yeah, this struck me as additional evidence that he has no clue how government OR grocery prices work, and never seems to have heard the term "supply and demand."
Like the twice-impeached 34-time CONVICTED FELON, he's a nepo baby who rose FAR past his level of knowledge and competence.
Blaming government spending while taking billions in subsidies and contracts is peak Musk logic. The grocery stores aren't price gouging, it's just that he got too many tax breaks!
I thought the initial shock to grocery prices was introduced during Abbott's reign adding waste of fuel, time, and product during his interference of food transportation, the effects of which were never rolled back.
The term is _Trumponomics_, it is the economy where nothing can be relied upon, whether it is exchange rates, interest rates, tariffs, treaties. It is related to guano-economics except instead of trading _in_ bat guano, it was created _with_ bat guano. Usually associated with non-economic experts.
In contrast to Reagonomics, „trickle-down effect“ in Trumponomics means not a couple of dimes or pennys but truckloads of bullshit trickling down on the people’s heads.
He smugly named his child "X Æ A-12," and scoffs at anyone who doesn't understand just how brilliant that name is. That's Elon in a nutshell.
(Ignoring the massive swirlies, noogies & wedgies the poor kid will endure, based on just that name, let alone the fact that his dad is such a mega-douche.)
Anyone who reads and believes the x-guy’s pronouncements of stupidity are too stupid to buy groceries. “Connect the dots” 🤣 Let’s see… the Pentagon’s budget is behind high egg prices! Not the bird flu, but the bloated defense budget!
Possibly naive question: when I post a screenshot of text, I use ocr (native to my phone as Google Lens) to create the alt text. But why don't the screen readers have built in ocr?
I'm afraid you would need to ask the manufacturer. I'm merely a state employee makes web stuff accessible to all. And, for Feds, and soon state, providing accessible content is the law. #Section508
MFer tweeted that while running around inside a government building chewing on the wires. You’re right. We can’t afford you. GTFO. Back to South Africa and let them deal with you.
He has no legal right to do this - hell, trmp has no legal right to do it. This is a power and responsibility given to Congress. They better step up fast before it's too late.
He’s so annoying. “I’m very popular and everyone wanted to hang out with me but instead I sacrificed my social life and dismantled a critical aid system, you’re welcome.”
Watching helplessly as the price stickers I just stuck on 400 boxes of shortbread cookies morph to read a dollar higher, knowing that the US government just spent too much money on science.
He was smart enough to take over the f****** United States government though wasn't he? Justice said they're going to back him in his minions and protect them from any threats or confrontation. The United States is dead.
Interesting thought. Many believe the total opposite. But good ole Jamelle knows all. When's the Jamelle rocket to Mars happen? I don't want to ride with you. I think you won the prize. Lol.
These 2 idiots need to learn how to run a government. Why don’t they start with the defense dept paying $100 for a hammer from China— now with a 10% tariff. Talk about waste! Start there since that’s where most of the money goes
Get the nanny state out of the farms that supply our food! It's government overreach! Take away their subsidies and work force and let the Free Market do its thing. Or something.
I was married to someone who once said that people are so dumb they deserve to be manipulated. That’s Trump & Musk. It’s sociopathic. (And, yes, I divorced him)
because when the federal government writes a check that money disappears forever. it doesn't pay salaries or create infrastructure that enables other economic activity. it's just set on fire and never seen again.
Not to mention the idiots who will believe that book, line, and sinker even though half a second of reflection would tell anyone with a brain that it makes no sense.
Dang if Musk isn’t the biggest idiot who ever lived. Grocery prices high? That’s the government! I’m surprised he didn’t throw in DEI or BLM, Antifa, the planets’ alignment, wokeness, chemtrails…
Yes. When it comes to Musk's social analytic skills he's in the same league as Alex Jones! Jones was at least pathologically entertaining. Musk is just plain dumb.
After the traffic crash over the Potomac, Trump blames DEI and the policies of the previous admin. Not mentioned was that Musk coerced the FAA Chief Whitman to resign on the 20th, who has not been replaced. Elon sought retaliation for the investigation and fines levies by the FAA against SpaceX.
The hiring freeze DID NOT apply to the FAA. That is a documented and publicized fact.
They have been short staffed for years because they are prioritizing minorities (those apps are low). There are 1000 qualified applicants suing the FAA because they were denied based on their race.
This is from an AI search
However, this freeze was reported to exempt public safety positions, which could include air traffic controllers at the FAA. This was stated in various news outlets, suggesting that air traffic controllers were not subject to the general hiring freeze.
Source from AI search
However, this freeze was reported to exempt public safety positions, which could include air traffic controllers at the FAA. This was stated in various news outlets, suggesting that air traffic controllers were not subject to the general hiring freeze.
Musk is another DEI (Damned Enormous Idiot).
How is it that when you campaign on getting rid of supposed "criminal immigrants", you put actual criminal immigrants in charge of everything and that's ok?
The best part about this is that now that Elon has departed from the safety of his empire of sycophants and yes men covering for him, he can finally show the world just how big of a dumbass he is.
I've always felt something off-putting about him, much like the twice-impeached rapist and Traitor-in-Thief, but he's proving himself to be even dumber and more out of touch than I suspected.
So Elon can’t be elected President. Not a natural born citizen. But he bought himself a co-presidency. Now he has personal info on all of us. He can unwind post-apartheid reforms in South Africa. And he can deregulate rockets and satellites. Seems like he got a good return on his political $
Everyone needs to change their voter registration to Republican .. then you are on their “good list” but iou can still vote for whoever you like. Also, it will totally confuse how they choose platforms since they won’t be able to use demographics against us. Think about it.
How exactly do you think this is ever going to end, when only one political party — one with no majorities or power in DC — cares about the rule of law & the Constitution? Nixon only resigned because the the told him he must. The GOP is now utterly N@zi-fied by Musk and the Christofascists... /1
Frightening times. We all need to think about how we can stop the overt and complete overthrow of our democracy. All of Chump and Musk's actions are COMPLETELY UNCONSTITUTIONAL!
Looking from here in Oz, I think your only hope is massive public pressure on a handful of Republicans who hopefully have taken a political rather than ideological position and convince them to vote with the Dems to stop this insanity. 😔
Exactly... as much as Musk is indeed an astronomical nonce, chalking this up to his stupidity manifest doesn't give him enough credit for being a slimy evil psychopath who has deliberately committed the highest treason against our nation.
Nah he knows exactly what he is doing. Why do you think he laughs so jovially when his polyp exclaims they can "do anything they want"? This is not stupidity, it's him lying to get people to point fingers anywhere but at him. It is calculated.
I completely agree. He is a stupid SOB. But he still knows what he is doing. He knows many are even less informed/intelligent and he will do anything to take advantage of that fact.
5 years ago, most Americans, journalists not excepted, would stop you in the street and ask “Have heard the good news about our brilliant super-genius lord and savior Elon Musk?”
Holy shit 😵💫 w t f
Get him OUT of the US government!!!! W t f.
I did not vote for that orange POS/TFG…and THIS!!?? Is off the rails/worse than I cld hv ever imagined in this new regime of American oligarchs. W. T. F. Congress! Senate! Do something! Americans RISE UP! This is NOT NORMAL & NOT OK
Preview of where they will point fingers when prices start to rise. Does not matter if it makes zero sense if there's no opposition to forcefully argue against it.
By Musk's logic, prices should be dropping like crazy since he's saving so much money by all this "efficiency." And if prices go up, that would mean he's doing a bad job.
His full quote - for the curious. Notice how he doesn't say the goal is lower prices, nor blame food conglomerates for higher prices, he just says their goal is the same price in supermarkets next year. The current inflation rate is 2.9%.
Some of the gov excess spending pays the interest on the $35T national debt - mainly as result trump's tax cuts to ppl like him.
Also, price of food go up bcz not enough ppl to pick the vegetables - most deported by trump.
Finally. To save mony Gov should cancel the expensive contracts w/ his SpaceX
Calling bullshit. Thats just the Musk spin-cycle...signifying nothing of value but telling all of us what hebs agout...creating a narrative for his boss.
Holy crap. Elon thinks the American population writ large is incapable of seeing through his words and actions. I have deep fear that both Trump and Musk will be successful in turning America into a third-world country.
It’s part of the pie but def not all of it. Guess he never looked at the census or the bureau of labor and statistics. https://bls.gov is a wealth of real data
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yes because corporations never ever gouge their customers and the manufacturers never ever shrink products but charge more. Corporations are all run by very humble billionaires who go to church every Sunday and save drowning children just for something to do. Welcome to fantasyland.
It says a lot about a country that a person like this has their hands on the levers of power. If I was running a country right now I would not trust anything America said or did and I would definitely not trust any long-term plans based on America. I'd look for more stable countries to work with.
He has two bachelors degrees that were awarded to him in 1997, a few years after he dropped out of college. He refused to take some English and History classes which were necessary for him to graduate.
ok, nice. so according to you how will America get itself out of trillions $ debt as we the world uses less and less $ to trade and selling off American bond. are you even aware we are de-Dollorising? do you even know why? Trump has an idea and is trying to save your America but you are stopping him
Could we please just start making up the most false, farcical shit ever, and feed that to the masses? Because it seems to be the only thing that works. Do it like Mad Libs: Giving *tax breaks* to the *Mar-a-lago hotties* makes Jesus *sweaty*, and that’s why there are *hurricanes*
Idk how dumb he is because I don’t think he believes what he posts - these posts are intended to manipulate Trump’s followers into not objecting to what’s going on while Musk gets further into the government money and information systems.
A consortium of dumbest
All the money in the world can’t give him any respectability. Pathetic creep.
level of stupid.
That IS the goal of every assault on us; to do it without #resistance
We're used to looking around at each other in disbelief saying 'wtf!?' to stuff like this, but some chunk of voters/workers are buying this. That's one thing to worry about.
Re Musk:
But if it makes you feel better to call one of the most intelligent, innovative and successful men on the planet "a moron" then so be it. I guess it's all you have. #Sad
Insularity, ignorance, parochialism and exceptionalism is 🦆ing up the planet
Go watch a movie
Elon’s is POS.
it's one reason he lost that election...
Make your great-grandad proud!
I don’t know if supermarkets are price gauging. But the major food companies sure are. Or did their profit margins increase just by chance??
So they're competing on prices everywhere. 9 or 10 of them at least.
They can't price gouge, cos people just go elsewhere. Or buy online.
And there’s much more by way of food safety regulation and local sourcing. Still, the food processing companies that make the white-label foods have a whole lot of control of the market. Nestlé, Unilever, Vion all exercise control of large segments
At least, that's the pattern in Denmark ( I would guess most of Europe)
It’s important to refer to the owners of the media companies as separate from the writers, editors and reporters who’d love to pursue these stories
So if Trump dumps him, he will exact revenge.
Trump WILL dump him if every magazine, newspaper, television headline & cover is:
"President Musk"
But honestly, I see other folks doing the same, so I guess I'm just a copycat.
Tesla is a Ponzi scheme
This is why I drink
Like the twice-impeached 34-time CONVICTED FELON, he's a nepo baby who rose FAR past his level of knowledge and competence.
(Ignoring the massive swirlies, noogies & wedgies the poor kid will endure, based on just that name, let alone the fact that his dad is such a mega-douche.)
He's made them an Asshole By Association™️ every time they have to give and explain their name.
The Federal government has, for now, a great website explaining how to make digital content accessible
" This is a sure thing!", said no one who analyzes markets ever. 🙄
They have been short staffed for years because they are prioritizing minorities (those apps are low). There are 1000 qualified applicants suing the FAA because they were denied based on their race.
However, this freeze was reported to exempt public safety positions, which could include air traffic controllers at the FAA. This was stated in various news outlets, suggesting that air traffic controllers were not subject to the general hiring freeze.
However, this freeze was reported to exempt public safety positions, which could include air traffic controllers at the FAA. This was stated in various news outlets, suggesting that air traffic controllers were not subject to the general hiring freeze.
How is it that when you campaign on getting rid of supposed "criminal immigrants", you put actual criminal immigrants in charge of everything and that's ok?
I've always felt something off-putting about him, much like the twice-impeached rapist and Traitor-in-Thief, but he's proving himself to be even dumber and more out of touch than I suspected.
This is a coup of the American government to channel taxpayer dollars into rich white republican coffers. Nothing more.
Of course if he’s talking about farm subsidies, then he has my vote.
Get him OUT of the US government!!!! W t f.
I did not vote for that orange POS/TFG…and THIS!!?? Is off the rails/worse than I cld hv ever imagined in this new regime of American oligarchs. W. T. F. Congress! Senate! Do something! Americans RISE UP! This is NOT NORMAL & NOT OK
Also, price of food go up bcz not enough ppl to pick the vegetables - most deported by trump.
Finally. To save mony Gov should cancel the expensive contracts w/ his SpaceX
#Felon47 is instituting purges to keep the masses poorly educated. He's hiding our knowledge from the people. Fascist playbook 101.
Literally everything else he has done consists of a million grains of the dumbest dumbshittery possible