mullin making history as the first senator with a perfectly smooth brain
Reposted from
Aaron Rupar
Markwayne Mullin makes an incoherent defense of tariffs: "Tariffs is a tax. And it will be passed on to consumers. But it also allows us to have open markets."
I get it, but I wish this pejorative phrase would go the way of the “r word.”
Not that we mediocre white guys didn't have a leg up in past decades but JESUS...
No understanding of science, economics and ZERO knowledge of history.
It's like spoon feeding children.
It doesn't matter that it makes no sense, because it's the next fix to keep the goobers from realizing how badly they've been fucked over yet again.
Gee, that sounds familiar; has Elon implanted a copy of Trump's microchip into Markwayne's brain?
Trump fucked up the economy during his 1st term, and he's doing it at warp speed this time.
Trump understands how to manipulate dupes, true.
Also possible that he and his GOP colleagues know that it's bullshit, but choose to lie anyway because they desperately want to rule; not represent.
Useful idiot, or devious malcontent? Does it even matter?
Which kinda worked out for them, because there's still folks who think this is all just gonna fail quietly and blow over. Or worse think it's great.
The US started this.
And Trump seem, if not stupid, less talented?
Ignorance so grand you’re completely unaware of it.
I think we can all agree that Markwayne is not a smart man.
No shade to plumbers.
BTW, Australians are responding the same way Canadian shoppers are, in a month there will be no US products being sold anywhere!
I appreciate you 😊
Don’t it now,…MMA Maven MarkWayne Mullin?!😥