the vice president of the united states follows this guy on twitter!
Reposted from
Will Stancil
Geoff Martin, aka captive dreamer, may be identified, but he’s lost none of his wit or charm
May this regime's demise be swift and certain.
All of them
We see their true faces, vile, racist, homophobic, misogynistic. They're not hiding anymore. Trump has given them a cloak of protection to be the SLURPOP they always were, but in the open, now.
Btw, SLURPOP = Slow Lazy Uneducated Pieces Of Petrified Poo
(The ones they need to crawl back under🤬)
I wonder how comfortable Vance's wife is with is ideology?
We really need some good citizens. These kids have not been taught any good values in their homes
"People we interviewed said the Left's policing of who JD Vance follows on X is exactly why Trump won"
(paragraph 19 reveals those people were RNC operatives)
He’s well known here for his protests against the CCP and other political stuff. He’s not exactly “woke” or a “Leftie”. He’s more aligned with the trump regime’s politics than anything else. So idk what the fk all this is.
This is how I am CERTAIN they ALL speak behind closed doors.
Actually, it USED to be closed doors.
Now, they are ajar.
Assume he’s Vance’s idea of Christian.
They've blocked several of my posts QUOTING racists they allow
He's also Greek Cypriot, I understand.
In Vance, whose entire personality and worldview is basically just a degustation of the worst people he reads on social media...
i think it's because the war & genocide & slavery & torture & PAIN they crave so badly is just inconceivable to most
also the terror of such a reality is often too much to comprehend for many
And he is the VP. SMH.
O M G .
The one unforgivable sin in Congress by a democrat. Rudeness. Even worse than concentration camps, piles of dead children, the aged living in the street....
/s [i think, i hope]
I said I was surprised no one had burned a cross yet (you haven't seen crazy until you've seen Bama ND crazy)
I was given a violation & told how rude I was when this city is filled with open racists.
I copied a bunch of them & sent them to Gov Newsom & AG Bonta asking for them to look into ND.
WTF??? The guy said he was an ex-cop & had intuition. That's what we're dealing with. That poor man being accused.
[my personal favorite]
People would roll down their windows & tell me how much they loved it.
The good ol days...
Now, I'm living in Bama amongst the worst shit ever.
So dumb, so hate-filled, so conspiratorial.
I would never put that sticker on my car here.
It got torn off many times so I started putting the sticker underneath on the INSIDE of the window as well. So...they tear outside one off...and LOOK ANOTHER ONE! 😘
About a lucky man who made the grade
And though the news was rather sad
Well, I just had to laugh…
It’s the “Honey Boo Booization” of the US right.
He's a sadistic nutjob who thinks himself brilliant but he's actually an emotionally stunted idiot who doesn't understand humans at all whatsoever.
Would you like too? We would be honored to collaborate,
#coachlove #elegantviolence
#onindividuality #wallflower2025 #agi
they are incapable of framing “VP is a Nazi” as a news story because it would force the NYT to take a stance that Nazism is bad; the only story would be “VP accidentally followed Nazis”
and total aside, because it’s important, tall men especially need to be supporting our average height and short brothers. the only ones talking to them right now are the far right. they’re as good as us and need to feel like they are.