i would drink a marxarita
Reposted from
Shannon Drake 🌒🌕🌘
I am sorry to her for posting this but I feel like people need to know that this is what they attacked her with (in comics, media, IRL)
IMMEDIATELY when she hit the scene after her grassroots campaign & no corporate sponsors
Because they were THREATENED AS FUCK
IMMEDIATELY when she hit the scene after her grassroots campaign & no corporate sponsors
Because they were THREATENED AS FUCK
AND somebody's paying for my drink? I'll fuck with that
"Venezuelan Surprise?" Is that when Trump's DHS throws you in a bus and sends you to a prison in another country with no due process? Surprise!
"Stalin Stale Ale?" Really? Trump, the Putin bag boy is the most Russian thing happening.
Objected to by people who live in areas with HOA's, gated communities, have standards which everyone must maintain or be ostracized by their communities. Believe that there are only a few people who have the responsibility to own all the resources for the sake of their
Well, that wasn't egalitarian or meritorious - Teachers, Homemakers, infrastructure people should be BALLIN!!
They ain't...damn it...So they're terms of art, meant to focus on something that the speaker doesn't understand...
I'll take a Marxarita
Do not let the olive branch fall from my hand.
Wit about as subtle as a sledgehammer
Did he really need to put all those drinks in front of her? He doesn't think he got it with the "Marxarita?" He's got to add in a "Stalin stale ale" as well?
He's both unfunny and unserious. smh
I am twice her age & I will follow that woman. She is real. AOC is us.
We are the People. We will NOT be subjected to dictatorship. We will not be ruled by the techbroligarchy.
We are all AOC & AOC is all of us.
No quit, no quarter, 24/7.
Marxarita please, no ICE.
Party Leaders were especially scared they were going to see a Tea Party on the Left with young candidates with fresh ideas taking centrist octogenarian seats.
The US exports Bombs, missiles, tanks & guns. Cuba exports health care, doctors & education.
They’ve got to make fun of her. Her message resonates.
I want some of that.
Either that or something crazy bitter medicinal, but with a name like that it's a "I'M GOING TO GET SO WASTED" drink.
just in case you weren't aware that Congress was important
but when the government gives subsidies to various industries and contracts to certain businesses that's just the free market at work
Marxist - wouldn’t that make most Americans leftists?
These people are actively anti-science. They hate the clever people who have brought them the technological golden age because they aren't as smart. Deplorables indeed.
They sure have an obsession with accusing the left with being communist. The total lack of love, empathy and sense of fairness is so alien. They work hard to reconcile that with Jesus lol.
The enemies you make that define you.
AOC is the present and the future
Her enemies fear her.
Some people claim that there's a capitalist to blame.
I mean, he ruins it by tipping it over. Qua??
I'll take a crown on the rocks!
They're totally jealous.
Having seen her at an in-person rally this past fall, I was impressed how "real" she was.
Hard days and all