In defense of both parties involved: "disparage" = "I'm sure New Jersey tomatoes are good but you can't beat the tomatoes I grow in my own garden here in Oregon."
But you can still buy #frozen #wildblueberries at your locally grocery store that are unmodified from the original liwbush wild blueberry plant that has grown in NA for 10 000 years. You know, the ones they grow in Maine. And Canada!
I've never been to New Jersey but I've also never understood why people say bad things about it but I also live in the Midwest in states that people have decided it's fine to cheerfully ignore until it turns out ignoring us allows us to breed things like Mike Pence.
I'm born and raised in NYC? Erin may disagree but I think Tri- state rivalry hits a little student. I mean I was raised to hate the nets so much that I still do even though 1. They're in Brooklyn now and 2. I don't care about sports
Following for the Pro-NJ content and cute cat.
I grew up with decent sizedJewish and Italian pop. No one expected the Italian kids to have intimate knowledge on what was happening in Rome and strong options on the subject. Sadly it wasn't the same for the Jewish kids.
(New Jersey is quite lovely I'm sure, I've surprisingly never been except the airport. It is a bad airport and I got trapped in it overnight. Now, the women that I joined and claimed a restaurant booth for sleeping in - they were amazing and also from New Jersey.)
That might be the best real comment to parenthical aside ratio I have ever done.
(Seriously, the snow storm was so bad that lots of the people at the airport had reached their final destination and stayed overnight too. It was a wild time.)
On a podcast Jared Kushner said “[progressive governor] Philly Murphy, is doing a great job with the New Jersey, and it is a great state to live and grow up in.” That was like 2 or 3 compound statements I would have never expected him to say, but even Jared has NJ pride! (Perhaps that’s bad?)
IIRC that was one of the bigger (of many) stumbling blocks of the 'Great Sack' and subsequent attempts to create a Jewish state. The American and British politicians championing it didn't realise that the overwhelming majority of Jews would rather just keep being Americans and Brits.
Coming from the south I was surprised at how nice most of NJ is. Vacationed this summer in OCNJ and loved it (except the NIMBY signs.) NJ fresh produce is great!
Sometimes one has to make aliyah to return to the home of their family, a land of milk and honey promised by Hashem.
To be clear: I am referring to California.
Housing prices make life hard, but who said it was easy building Zion?
What did we ever do to you?
I grew up with decent sizedJewish and Italian pop. No one expected the Italian kids to have intimate knowledge on what was happening in Rome and strong options on the subject. Sadly it wasn't the same for the Jewish kids.
(New Jersey is quite lovely I'm sure, I've surprisingly never been except the airport. It is a bad airport and I got trapped in it overnight. Now, the women that I joined and claimed a restaurant booth for sleeping in - they were amazing and also from New Jersey.)
(Seriously, the snow storm was so bad that lots of the people at the airport had reached their final destination and stayed overnight too. It was a wild time.)