conservatives literally do not understand that relationships should be mutually beneficial beyond just “you do my chores and I’ll allow you to have a roof over your head”
imagine not being able to make someone cum, and then screaming that from your rooftop with a bullhorn about how proud you are of being just so bad at it
Oh! This is just Iron Age Greek dude brain. I like to call it "homoromantic bisexual misogyny". Women are weak things that you are cursed with to obtain heirs. Sweet kisses and whispered nothings are for cleaned-limbed young men who throw javelins good. Which is straight and cool.
goddamn medieval peasants knew the female orgasm existed and believed it was necessary for conception. these fuckers are more ignorant than literal medieval serfs.
I try very hard to consider others' perspectives and the causalities that shape their lives but I cannot fathom what bizarre set of circumstances and experiences would compel a dude to go out in public and brag about not being able to satisfy his vagina-having partner
Seriously, I can understand some people being selfish lovers and believing this. Being willing to say it out loud and advertise how rubbish you are at pleasing a woman is quite another thing
to be fair, his wife is a doctor, so her medical opinion that sex means he sits in a little chair and watches her wrestle her yoga instructor is just him listening to the experts
These RETVRN guys are so goddamn funny because prior to the industrial revolution in the christian world women were considered insatiable fuckbeasts who wanted nothing more than to destroy the sexual purity of innocent men
hell hell, ancaps stay winning. by winning I mean the absolute dumbest fucks on earth. flat earthers & dinosaurs existed while humans did have a more believable thought process
There was a guy on usenet fan forums in the 1990s / 2000s who *would not shut up* about Evolution disproving the female orgasm. Arguing about it with women. Confidently.
There is something so funny about admitting that you have never satisfied a woman. Even funnier is the guy who said it's gay to make a woman orgasm.
They can't even have hetero sex without thinking about what other men think
That's just... Wow.
I remember the Luke moody 21 year old dude was a couple months ago though
Not with that attitude, buddy good lord
Who knew believing all people can orgasm would be an affirmation but here we are
Would never
Buy like, bro. I mean. Those other guys. Man...
Which is just all kinds of hilarious.
Seriously, I can understand some people being selfish lovers and believing this. Being willing to say it out loud and advertise how rubbish you are at pleasing a woman is quite another thing
I think their parents didnt play peekaboo with them enough as infants. Their understanding of object permanence isn’t fully developed
think I'd have seen it by now? I'm extremel... See More” is one of the funniest jokes i’ve ever read
They can't even have hetero sex without thinking about what other men think
No wonder y'all are so pissed at the world
Lol, fuckin dweebs