Our community guidelines published yesterday reflect our values for a healthy community, and we’re working on becoming better stewards every day.
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Our community guidelines reflect our values: that racism and harassment have no place on Bluesky, and we will continue to take action to uphold these policies.
Sure, Jan.
You’re backing yourself into a corner.
"We are sorry"
1. You have bad legal + PR advice, or...
2. You don't believe mea culpa is required.
If #1 - get a 2nd opinion. If #2 - you're done and just don't realize it yet. I like BSKY a lot. But this has already poisoned the discourse and you're not far from no turning back.
Creating a protocol, publishing pds and running it is not an easy task.
The https://bsky.team is doing a great job. I have been operating my own community with pds up and running since about Feb.
But it is impossible for the management to deal with every single thing that happens.
I think it is a mistake to spend effort and time there.
I am supportive. Keep up the good work.
I have the same feeling.
Thank you https://bsky.team. @jay.bsky.team
I hope you will prioritize what is important to Bluesky and AT Protocol on now.
I will be with you all.
Your published policy represents your ideals, the actions you take represent your values.
I know that applying that stuff is harder, I have (and do) work for similar companies, but none of y'all have said anything about actions you're actually taking so you're losing trust.
People will hesitate or refuse to build on it for these reasons.
Code & behavior is Law.
was this a continuing trend, one that Black users have volunteered labor raising for you and recommending experts to help before?
is there any action beyond planned guideline update and “we’re always doing better?”
where is “sorry”?
It’s easier to make a tantrum-throwing toddler to apologize. Holy shit. APOLOGIZE.
"Reflect your values", lol please. Your values are to ignore the will of your users. That is gonna ruin you if you don’t turn around NOW.
We really love it here! We want bsky to succeed. And I think we're all really glad to see you acknowledge that there's more growing to do. But many of us are also waiting for an acknowledgement of, and apology for, some glaring omissions that were really hurtful to members of this community.
Constant imrovement and is a way to go for all topics, sensitive or not. Everybody have right to made a mistake, big and small - it's crucial to hear feedback.
You've heard it. Thanks.
Look, I run a company and I get that crisis management is hard. But even I was able to get "apologize early, pledge to do better, and actually strive to achieve that" is a must when shit falls down around you.
There's just this backfire-y vibe in what is conspicuously unsaid here.
Go fuck yourself.
I have more faith here then other places
Your fabled Trust & Safety team is just lines of code, isn't it?
Listen to marginalised voices, listen to Blacksky. It's exceedingly clear what they're asking for.
2. where's the job postings for a T&S team?
3. where's the analysis of how you and your team let this fester and grow into such a PR disaster that your investors called you on the carpet?
if you're as transparent as you claim to be, how hard is any of this to post?
Rather than stewards, consider yourselves co-builders, because without the "community" this place is just a tech demo.
To quote Spider-Persons, with great power comes great responsibility.
The test of leadership is whether or not you can listen to the people you want to lead.
What you're doing is outright malicious and I'm not disappointed, I'm furious.
This is pathetic.
Why is this so hard for you people, what is so broken in you
And "we're working on being better" is nothing at this point. You've lost so much trust that it _must_ be followed with a plan. Or at the very least, that you're _working on a plan_, and expectations for when to expect it.
As far as I can see, they're under the impression that the users who are complaining are wrong?
This whole thing, including your silence, has been disgraceful and frankly embarrassing to witness.
i’m sorry that we overlooked an obvious basic safety feature at the expense of its marginalized users.
see? that wasn’t hard