WELL NOW THIS is clearly a cleverly cherry-picked stat by Bill Clinton—that cunning fellow.
*checks stats*
Uhmm actually the numbers are worse for Republicans than what Bill Clinton said. He must’ve cut them a break to make it sound plausible. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/08/22/dnc-fact-check-democratic-national-convention-day-3/ o
*checks stats*
Uhmm actually the numbers are worse for Republicans than what Bill Clinton said. He must’ve cut them a break to make it sound plausible. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/08/22/dnc-fact-check-democratic-national-convention-day-3/ o
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“Because of his handling of the pandemic” would be reasonable. Most countries didn’t lose anywhere near the number of jobs we did!
Why, yes, that’s the entire. fucking. point.
It would be something like 54 to 20 million.
*jobs that wouldn’t exist if we were in charge.
This is at least twice now they’ve used “actually Presidents don’t control their economic outcomes” for “context” and in between they did “actually Trump created a lot of auto industry jobs” in case there’s any doubt what the operating principle is
Hilarious though that "he left out Reagan!" just highlights that even with Reagan's numbers the Dems still come out way ahead.
I guess this lack of discernment reflects the quality of civics and secondary education. We were better off without it back when journalist still investigated and reported on the news.
Verdict: 7,000 Pinocchio's 🤥
Which he tried to ignore and delayed measures to aid people that could have saved lives and jobs and businesses in the long run. But it was COVID’s fault, president had no control.”
This is one of those cases I like to point to when anyone says things like "bipartisan legislation is better" or some such.
It’s not actually going to be like a light switch of course. And we could spend a lot of time figuring out how the transition should actually work, but the point still stands, IMO.
“Yay, Reps are just making up bullshit!!”
A long while.
17 million jobs.
Also, weird coincidence that economic cycles don’t follow presidential administrations, but they all start in GOP 1s
Hardly a glowing endorsement of their so-called job creation capabilities, even with Reagan.
b) this isn't fact-checking. It's devolved into "desperately grasping at counter-arguments"
"Skips over Regan"
I'm sorry, what year did Regan leave office?
The President has said that he is not a crook. The post's latest Watergate story is therefore rated mostly false.
Is anyone in the white House breathing at all? All we see is static photos of 'people' without any proof that they're breathing.
What we need: photos of people breathing on a mirror, so we can see if the glass fogs up.
Until then, we can't know with certainty.
Republicans create hard times
Hard times create democrats
Democrats create good times
Once elected, do Democrats shy away from accomplishing the full gains they could/should while in office, in order to try to avoid falling back into this cycle?
Needs context
The one he mishandled? The one he said would go away like a miracle? The one he let burgeon as long as it killed more (Democratic) city-folk than (Republican) country-folk? That pandemic?
y'know, for science
The proper measure is to use job creation since the beginning of time. And then skip any Democrat in the last 100 years.