The only way you think this is a trap is if you think it’s ok to send people to be slaves.
Reposted from
Emily Bregel
U.S. Sen. Ruben Gallego said Trump has set a political “trap” for Democrats with his deportations of Venezuelans to El Salvador. In an interview with the Star, Gallego also said he maintains qualified support for sending migrants to El Salvador, “if they are dangerous.”
May his trap crush his political career and his collaboration: swiftly and publicly.
You are doing the Lord’s work, Chris. Call it out.
And sending to a foreign prison violates international standards.
He tries to be fucking bipartisan with NAZIS
also, big money wants the el salvador slave labor camp. the only thing cheaper than immigrant labor is slave labor.
You tell me who he serves.
Ruben Gallego, Arizona’s new senator, is set to hold a fundraising weekend with Silicon Valley investor Marc Andreessen and blogger Matt Yglesias
They will be surprised when we feed them into Madame Guillotine while informing them that we are neither.
We are Americans and we still know how to tear up shit, especially fascist shit.
I voted for him the only one of two on the ballot, the other was the Tangerine Palpatine's trashcan, Lake!
He has shown he is NOT for the ppl!
That's more than Kyrsten Senima. She was never this transparent.
He’ll end up just like Sinema.
Although I certainly am going to be criticizing this move.
Although he’s not obligated to show up at Bernie’s rally. They’re not campaigning for the presidency
The point was to highlight that *since he has time in his schedule to do an event* it would make alot more sense to do *that event*
Unless he's on the take and/or just believes crazy nonsense
And AOC and Bernie aren't changing any minds, they're just speaking to themselves (us).
Not saying they shouldn't, but there have to be messages that the public as a whole SEE! ... & NOT from politicians.
Trump, put Dems in a position where they have to defend criminals.
Republicans will just say (& are saying, on Fox & elsewhere) "why would Democrats be sticking up for criminals?"
It follows their ongoing narrative of Dems allowing criminals to pour in.
Way to reach the common man, Senator.
Apparently ran a bait and switch campaign just like Trump and Sinema. He’s been in office 2 months and he’s already betraying his voters.
We feel used. The party harnesses progressive energy and fucks us over. Exploits our loathing of Trump.
Next time, caveat emptor.
Doesn't Ruben remember how that worked out for Sinema? It was only last year...
Until pissing off the Dem base and getting primaried. Which happened quite quickly.
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got that right
what in the actual fuck is he doing
As he’s holding $5000 a plate dinners, he certainly won’t miss my $$
Warnock is especially puzzling.
I called Schumer’s office and told him that zero of my dollars will be donated until he steps down.
I also let the DNC know that until they show real opposition to Trump, they get no money from me.
Get fucked you MAGA scum...
Fuck off magats.
Marc Andreessen is a DOGE insider. is the same as Clarence Thomas & Sinema. They only listen to the money.
They have their claws in both parties
Never again!
#dccc #caldems #housedemocrats
Way to not read the room,
He has been disappointing to many of us.
He sure had me fooled.
Something is gonna cook
Ansari, the dem who won his former seat in the House is cut from the same cloth. Just watch what she does.
Honestly, I don't see the difference between "qualified support" and advocating. I don't think the poor souls being sent to slave camps will either.
When Democrats have an opinion, we argue about whether or not the opinion is represented by all Democrats. If it's not, we just sort of move on.
"Slavery is bad" is currently an unshared opinion of the Democratic Party.
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What a disappointment.
People like Gallego give me bone-deep shivers.
The 'long game' they've been 'playing' seems to be purely self-preservational, both of them serving as the fifth column in the Democratic Party.
Like Newsom, I see Gallego in Gabbard's spot.
But this guy is deffo a shitbag.
I’m tired of these ppl running as Dems when they clearly aren’t in touch with human rights. Switch parties already.
This prison must be shut down & those migrants need to be freed immediately.
They are not gang affiliated, they are victims based on skin color.
Never again
Gallego waited till getting elected to show he's in the pocket of big donors