I don’t know who told Democrats running for president that they should never do interviews and that they should never do their own social media, but the consultant who figures out that voters like an candidate who does their own social media and who does interviews will probably make even more money
When he wasn't campaigning he seemed personable & engaging, but while campaigning he was stiff & boring.
Why do the dems keep hiring people who bring them loss after loss?
Harris just either doesn't realize it yet, or won't acknowledge it publicly.
It’s annoying and insulting.
No legislation, no proposals or debates on the floor, not even any major talking points about the Stage 3 cancer on Democracy as it grew.
Now it's a race to see if they wake up to the consequences, or don't and it's all over.
And it was the Left smearing JRogan, BWeinstein, JBP and others as alt-right fascists that meant no Dem would appear on their shows.
It's not advisors at fault.
It's the Left itself.
Evidence: Dem Senate candidates won in several states where Harris didn't.
People can say whatever they want about Trump but he’s authentically, unapologetically him.
So is Obama and GW and Wild Bill. Like them or not, people could relate to them.
No more blaming. If you're one of those who would have been swayed by a tweet: EAT YOUR CAKE
They arent feeding us the same "friends across the aisle" bullshit like @schumer.senate.gov and corey booker are spouting.
We want leaders! Not clowns hoping they can navigate another election cycle.
Someone like @ossoff.bsky.social is the way.
y/o liberals. I have one and he was horrified how the Harris campaign was run. Not that *she* wasn’t a good candidate for the job, but how their outreach to his age group failed. It was a lesson for me listening to him. Truly.
Is blathering off a term?
There’s a balance I suppose. A lot of people prefer the above.
We live in interesting times….
You need to type and speak like a posting maniac because that’s what these people want
That’s why I’m running for dogcatcher in St. Louis County as an Online Poster
Trump didn't do interviews
He does rallies about himself even if it's only 1 person in the room
It mattered not what Harris did or said, this nation built on systemic racism & misogyny always has & always will disregard & disrespect women especially
women of color
interviews as he doesn't answer questions
Yes he authentic
An authentic narcissistic prevaricating self-aggrandizing
adjudicated fraudster adjudicated rapist pedophile
convicted felon
with a low IQ
I guess I’m nervous about not only normalizing but requiring politics on oligarch-owned social media platforms. They haven’t mastered TV.
Full throated support for those gangs the LASD & LAPD. No more cleaning up bad apples, they seek protection instead.
Close to 7 million Biden voters didn't come out to vote for Harris. Was that because Biden was better at social media than Harris? Do you really believe that?
pretend progressive "resisters" who are actually centrists aka brownshirts need to go
we need to stop celebrating "almost"
its pelosi or aoc
schiff or porter
some things are pass/fail and almost dont count
I don’t want dems to follow tRump’s model. I do want the press to report the full truth on tRump.
So fucking sick of this
GOP literally votes for the scum of the fucking earth and you're talking about this shit?
But boy did we hear about "her emails".
You want "authentic" but then the your precious media attacked Obama's tan suit.
The electorate treat Dems the same way they do women, they have to be 5x better and flawless.
For example, Hillary Clinton should never have apologized for her “basket of deplorables”comment. She was spot-on with that comment (and it was too kind as we see now). I believe she was advised to apologize, and it may have been a factor in losing the election.
No gets the issue with that premise?
No one?
Also... Fetterman was also "authentic" and... How is that working out? Sinema was supposedly authentic as well.
Molly... Media people seem lost.
No offense.
Hillary should have said, Damn right I called them deplorables.
There was authenticity in Harris but too much handling. Dems are too polite and need to give more than is thrown at them. They do also need to embrace new and alternative message delivery.
Really good point.
A lot of people said Harris was less than genuine, but a lot of that felt to me like self-discipline in staying on (curated) message and trusting her handlers (too much).
Bold and progressive might work?
Egg prices might work?
Biden should have never run for a second term.
Then he should have bailed out much earlier (he obviously aged a lot)
Then he should not have endorsed anyone, allowing for an open primary.
Then Harris should not have been the nominee.
Lessons for 28… NO WEAK CANDIDATES
And those around him failed him and democracy.
He couldn’t have won. The debate showed it clearly.
To beat Trump, high energy, tough, strong and confident candidate was needed. Dems didn’t put one forward.
Deep rooted lack of critical decision making in times of stress and uncertainty in the modern American household with constant brainwashing from mainstream media a-la Fox News etc.
Until people open their eyes and look up from their screens nothing will change.
By now they should have been ready for Harris.
🍊- Who are you?
M - Donaldski, I am AI robot wife number 3. My name is Melancholy-loads-of-money-Vladdy'sbitchvich
🍊- What do ya got for me?
M - Some video tapes. Mind the window. Remember?
🍊- Okay! What does he want me to do now. Thugocracy? Nice hat btw
Perhaps they should have had primaries and tested the popularity liability and trustworthiness of the candidates they put forth.
He was supposed to be a single term president, and he either reneged or was poorly advised.
I wasn't aware of him being primaried for a second term.
1 consultant isn't what's missing here 😂
Unscripted short ones, not just under carefully controled circumstances.
When you're widely communicating multiple times a week it's a lot easier to correct some mistake and/or produce something new and more interesting.
And not awkward AF lawyers with brains full of bees whose mom told them they were handsome.
You're better than this, Molly.
"Excuse me. It's my turn to talk."
You own the room by taking charge of it. If that means you rattle the press decorum referees, so be it.
Republicans, conservatives, and THE media.
You all failed these United States
The Dems are talking about “boring” things like affordable healthcare, tuition, housing. It isn’t reality TV worthy. It doesn’t feed the addiction
Somewhere in August she seemed to vanish after a crush of big rallies. In her place, we got a blizzard of repetitive and annoying political ads.
Picking AZ’s Sen. Mark Kelly as VP would also have helped her.
Eat your cake.
In other words: Dems should follow GOPers, with an extra step.
He’s not talking about 2024. He’s talking for 2026 and 2028.
Focus, people! 💜🇺🇸🦋
All of the current crop look old and boring to young people.
The thing clients most want to hear from any consultant is ANY version of "The thing you already want to do is correct," and most 45+ politicians DON'T want to talk to reporters, or be on social media, or do press, etc. 🤷♂️
Oh, as I told the first Harris presidential campaign, whoever gets social media right wins.
(My autism is making me explain that this is a joke and not meant in an inflammatory manner.)
People want real substance from their leaders.
This is why AI characters will fail. We know they’re not real, have no struggles, no real emotions. No soul.
Essentially they are cartoons, which we have plenty of when it comes to our political leaders.🤔
Cheating with big money.
Legacy media each siding...
More social media would not have countered fox propoganda network.
The Dems definitely need to do some deep dives to counter what they can.
And then no Palestine talk allowed at the DNC.
The response of always going more right to appease possible converts just fucks over the base, every time.
They're so far right now I won't vote for them again
I have apologized and held my nose as the candidates got worse and less close to my heart because of the alternative.
I won't do it again.
It's rich vs poor, nothing else matters.
You're still pretending Pelosi and Schumer are looking out for poor folks.
It's two sides of the same coin.
Re: the poor - they have any power against the Balkanized middle, which always punches down but rarely up.
I’d attribute the bulk of his success to personal charisma, but I think “not being a typical Democrat” policy-wise helped at the time
Rachel even created a starter pack of all of them.
The GOP has no shame, no honor, no integrity and do not care that they don't.
I keep reminding folks that wars are fought in the trenches, where the mud is slung and the bleeding is real
People want something fresh, not something out of a playbook that's long since worn out.
The apathy is pathetic and shameful, but maybe four years of hell will wake people up.
Can you fucking people even HEAR yourselves?
For Kamala personally, her 2020 embrace of gender affirming surgeries for fed prisoners & not responding to the attack ads on it.
All you’re describing is that right wing propaganda is insanely widespread and effective. None of it has anything to do with what Dems actually DO
What are the legitimate ones?
Our coalition is just a lot broader than theirs & this is a genuine challenge.
Dems must go on all the Fox shows daily as well as other right-wing outlets and podcasts.
Maga doesn't ignore the legacy media, they go daily and fight to get their message out.
Democrats don't.
Like I keep saying, @msnbc, @mollyjongfast.bsky.social , et al, #WatchFOX so you will know what you are fighting against. YOU need a new fame plan, not Dems.
Report more; discuss the same topic less!
But by late July, the situation was probably beyond repair anyway.
Offering the opposite of facts.
They earn a block and their voice that is all they have gets smaller still.
People still voted for him.
Pointless to try to criticize ANYTHING the Left has done.
How many comments, memes did we see about Joe's age, mental decline, sleepy, etc...
Yet 🟧🤡💩 IS what they complained about! (worse)
I think it comes down to-"you can't fix stupid" & cult. They've got suffer consequences of their actions.
😤 me off we have to go on their ride.
The question is why the country *chose* to reinstall an incompetent traitor. The American people failed much harder than the Dems did.
But Democratic Party leaders failed us with their disloyalty to Biden.
But too many voters had bought the health rumors. So under the circumstances, Harris seemed like the best bet.
Too little, too late.
In any event, they definitely need to get their shit together and get ready for 2026 and beyond.
It's that he just says what he's thinking and doesn't go through a committee to wordsmith to make sure no one's offended