Right now, I don’t know that he’s having a great time either. He might be getting government contracts but he’s also hemorrhaging money and getting his wrist slapped in meetings. His overall position seems a bit precarious. Poor thing.
Great concept. I would pay for a non-digital version, maybe magnetic or like a chess board.
Also, most of these need to be moved more toward the evil designation.
My only problem with this is that Pete Hegseth is waaaayyy too far to the right on this chart. How is he not the farthest left on the primarily stupid category?!? He threw an axe in Rockefeller Plaza! Everyone involved in that incident belongs in the category of "primarily stupid".
LOL. I think I'd put both Marco and Vivek on the Stupid/Evil bubble and Vivek lower on the "Having a Bad Time" axis. They were both evil in their ambitions but stupidly trusted people who were even more evil than they are.
Also, I don't know if Duffy is having a great time. With planes falling out of the sky and people's comfort with air travel at risk, he's probably got the most scrutiny of everyone on the chart. Elon is screaming at him to fire more ATC, and Duffy is like, um, not now!
Putin is less evil than Vance, Patel, Hegseth, and Rubio? He's the one who's caused all of this! His evil and his glee at what he's wrought is off the chart. Just put him on a diagonal line going up and to the right into infinity.
You have to remember the x-axis is “primarily stupid” to “primarily evil”. It’s not a measure of how stupid or evil these people are, just which quality they exhibit more of. Putin is definitely very evil, but he also smol dumb so he shifts over a little.
I feel like this also needs an "Active/Apathetic" range as well. Some of them are active in trying to destroy the world, others are just along for the ride.
Evil looks like stupidity to ppl who have empathy.
The more sociopathic someone is… the more dumb they may seem on the surface.
They make really dumb reasonings for what they do Granted those aren’t their real motives
But they are not dumb at all and are actually master manipulators
This is the problem with westerners thinking there is one kind of intelligence
Intellectually, he is dumb as absolute AF
That doesn’t mean he doesn’t have intelligence
He is very very good at manipulating ppl who are suggestible
He knows how to manipulate emotions. &create barriers to the truth
Yah he is hard to put on here. He is stupid through his complete disinterest in learning new things. He refuses to listen to anyone else and doesn’t bother asking questions before acting.
So he definitely belongs on the far left of the chart.
Is he also evil? Absolutely. He is a fucking Nazi wanna be who goes out of his way to destroy his own daughter because she has said something mildly not nice about him online. So he also belongs on the far right.
Interesting how hard it is to classify Trump. I agree that he's equally stupid and evil - but that doesn't quite cover the fact that he is extremely both of those things.
Exactly. It’s hard to call them evil because they don’t have a conscience. They don’t understand that other people exist. They aren’t fully human, which I think is a precondition for evil.
Everyone on there seems profoundly evil except maybe Duffy idk. The relationship between evil and stupidity is complicated. Trump eg is both horribly evil and incredibly stupid.
Did you see his face during the SOTU? All smiling AGAIN because there was a camera! He’s an attention whore and I suggest we all keep giving him no play. (No attention)
That’s why he’s always going on twitter trying to rave and rant like his boss because he wants that attention. But no one cares. Not even their own base. All anyone talks about is Trump and Musk and I know that’s making him MAD. Then when he goes out in public he just gets booed at 😂😂
Yeah but that’s not what he wants. It was the singular time in 6 weeks he even got screen time that’s why he did it. James is an attention WHORE just like Trump. He did all of that because he wasn’t getting any attention and he finally got some.
Needs to include Habba in the upper right EVIL/Good Time corner. Needs to have Pam Bondi in the EVIL/Bad Time corner (Because Patel is bossing her, apparently, not the other way 'round). And John Thune in the STUPID/Bad Time corner.
💥 Trump screams 🏚️, Musk boasts 🚀, Putin threatens 💣 — and yet Lincoln’s quiet wisdom endures. Leadership isn’t about volume; it’s about integrity. 🕊️🌟 The world could use more of that.
👉 🔥 FOLLOW ME – True strength is silent! 🔥
I suppose the second guessing is already happening.
I’d keep Sean Duffy in the stupid column but move him down to not having a great time with all the air mishaps.
I would move Rubio up a little bit because he wasn't having a bad time until the moment Trump said he was responsible for Panama. In that moment something in him died lmao
I'm not sure I would classify him as stupid, but I don't get people that actually believe he's some sort of genius. At best he is extremely short on wisdom, self control, and empathy.
I definitely agree he should be further over towards the primarilly evil.
Entertained but still pissed. We the 99% need to hold this corrupt Crypto Putin loving regime to account. Get the Musk Parasite & DOGE SCAM out of our govt data before hackers get it!
Fight back NOW
Vance needs to be closer to evil for his company that is poised to buy farms that go bankrupt.. this also makes.him less.on the stupid axis because he is doing this knowingly and willingly. On behalf of farmers and decency, fuck you, Vance.
I beg to differ on Pete. He's a flaming alcoholic he's always in that position no matter where he is. He's passed the fun drunk stage. He's lost in his own painful hell not related to his politics. And that's coming from somebody who has 35 years sober and my higher power willing will have 36
I agree. I’m the child of an alcoholic and it’s obvious to me that this guy is so deeply struggling and trying so hard (and failing) to hide it. When I saw him give that speech where he sipped Scotch throughout it was just tragic. He needs help.
I don't believe that one of these men is happy
They may be getting adrenaline rushes but they all strike me as sad, dissatisfied, frightened, discontents
Anyone who can lie, gaslight, as easily as Mike Johnson needs to be closer to evil. But either way, an interesting chart and worth discussing. Curious what this looks like with the current democratic leadership.
Several characters still missing. Noem, Vought, Lindsay Graham, Gabbard, Leavitt, Fetterman, Thomas, Alito...Fun but deadly stuff. We must help them bring themselves down.
For sure. I think vance got a bump for writing a book. A stupid person can’t write a not very good autobiographical book that became a not very good movie? They can. It happens all the time.
that the unfortunate problem with having email and stupid exist on a continuum here; it is very possible to be very stupid AND very evil (as illustrated by almost all of the people listed above)
His interactions when he is debating on Twitter are childish. A lot of people would be skilled manipulators but choose not to manipulate. He chooses to manipulate. I would call it prolific manipulation. If he wrote 100 more books, he would be a prolific writer. Not a good one.
He can ride the line. I mean don't get me wrong. This guy is evil. This guy is so evil that he rehired a guy to DOGE who said Normalize Indian hate, despite the fact that all his kids are Indian.
How do we expect him to give a damn about us when he doesn't care about his own kids?
I can believe there are people having a better time than him. He may have gotten the United States on his side, but he's still stuck in a war he should have win years ago.
Trump is pretty evil IMO. Trump suspended military aid and intelligence to Ukraine getting 100s of soldiers killed because his feelings got hurt (and because he's a Russian asset). Hell, he ran for president the first time because Obama hurt his feelings.
I reject this graph. Hegseth has Nazi tattoos. That man is evil. He got those things on his body before they became mainstream again. He should have been dishonorable discharged for that.
Excellent point. Evil and stupidity are not dichotomous. This is a 3D graph: one axis for stupid/smart, one axis for good/evil, and one for thrilled/miserable.
For example Trump is far stupider than Musk, but they are both amoral and therefore both completely evil.
I hearted this since I like its accuracy. Who doesn’t love a good diagram, right? But I feel compelled to point out that I do not “heart” them. I very much do not heart them. Bleh.
Or you're underestimating how evil he is. The graph is a bit limited in that sense, as someone who is very stupid and very evil ends up in the same place as someone who is very not-stupid and very not-evil.
The conman can’t straddle the line. As a conman he is pure evil. Conmen are not the “evil geniuses” portrayed in popular fiction. They are conniving individuals with zero empathy.
Maybe because they aren’t even a little bit stupid? (I’d say Dick Cheney is purely evil. Liz Cheney was indoctrinated from birth. And Lynne must’ve made a pact with dark forces early in life.)
Pretty good, though I think they overestimated how good of a time Duffy is having, given the dust up he had with Musk. Duffy’s placement on the stupid/evil scale seems right.
The problem with this 2x2 is that evil and stupid are not antipodal states. Many are both evil and stupid. Like Trump and Pete and, well, a bunch of 'em
Feels like the Primary motivation (stupid / evil) axis implies that Musk is incompetent (stupid). I'd argue that he's driving the exact effect that he wants - destruction of government (and demoralize workers) to serve both Dark Enlightenment and remove regulation in his push to Occupy Mars. Evil.
Like the conman the muskrat is not woefully ignorant but devoid of empathy. Rockets that explode…shrug…satellites that might boost the destruction of the ozone layer…shrug..cut people’s jobs with no notice…shrug. Worse than incompetent.
I actually don't feel sorry for them at all. You lay down with a flea ridden dog and you get fleas, or in their case, they made a deal with the devil and now they're experiencing hell.
He doesn't say many things that sound very smart. He just talks fast and acts weird and has all the money in the world. And the ego! That gives a smart vibe but it really just reeks of poser. 😒
He doesn't know anything about politics, so he sounds stupid. You are right, he thinks he is a genius, which is why he doesn't bother learning about a topic before he talks about it.
But when he talks bout topics he understands, like engineering, he says a lot of smart things.
So this applies to me too, but why are we more interested in watching these evil dumdums than in building consensus around specific appealing policies that we can use to claim the political center and move our civilization forward?
humans watch as trains crash. claiming the political center is only possible on a timeline that's hard to watch. whereas posting is always now and consensus is achieved with memes. refusal to engage with that is why DOGE is pwning US. hell hath no fury like a Bernie bro scorned...
Hi Ms Cottle, I saw your profile and was wondering if you might have any advice or insight into the immediate future of higher ed? We’ve got a pair of twin freshman at University of Hawaii - because we are able to access Loans and Pell grants - terribly worried now 😟
So sorry for your worries. You are not alone. Fight. Pray. Stand strong. Everyday brings new challenges, but keep holding on for better tomorrows. Focus on your goals and dreams. I don't have any other advice at the moment, just support as one parent to another. D.M., if you need it's ugly out here.
They are all bought and paid for traitors, working for the biggest traitor in our history, who works for a murderous Russian oligarch. No honor. Certainly no patriotism. Heads up / the word TRAITOR is not just another word to toss around lightly..
Since Trump is able to grift he definitely belongs at the top, but because he is equally evil, corrupt, stupid maybe there should be one orange streak across the top.
Incredibly - *incredibly* - Sean Duffy is among the inside heroes here. He's obviously friggin' petrified that Musk will cause another horrific tragedy, and he's trying hard from within to ... fend that off. He's fighting the sociopath.
Someone with average intelligence and his period of military service should definitely know or understand more about the military. He certainly has more than his fair share of stupid
— signed, someone of average intelligence with about the same time in the military as Dickhead
Phony Stark needs to be on the "Evil" side of the spectrum. He steals inventions from small companies and then litigates them into bankruptcy when they dare to ask him to pay for what he stole.
This is brilliant, I hear Duffy is under a great deal of pressure to fire traffic controllers with so many ✈️ crashes, I could possibly move him to the lower box, on the line maybe? Bravo!
Yes. I solve this by recognizing that magnitude is not represented here, just primacy. In other words, for example, JD can be very evil and very stupid, all the diagram is saying is that he leans on his evil side primarily.
A 2d evil/stupid matrix would express more clearly his stupidity..
Great diagram. You and your wife should update this to add more MAGAs as they reveal themselves. Consider a middle column that sits between stupid and evil for fundamentally spineless. I nominate Little Marco and Lindsey as charter members.
IDK, I heard Sean Duffy was having a hard time with the FAA and was pissed off at Musk. I'd say he is firmly having a "bad time" trying to keep the planes flying.
What, no, not at all! When any position with oversight of the safety of millions of people is open, my first stop is past reality show cast members. What better training than tv shows with made-up drama by people with no concrete skills?
I get the Real World was 30 years ago but he seemed happy on there looking like a fool so long he was getting the appropriate amount of attention. Maybe it’s kinda like that for him?
Musk wants us all to die. Sean Duffy at least doesn't want to kill us. I have no illusions he was the best guy for the job, but at least he stood up to that evil wanker billionaire.
Also, most of these need to be moved more toward the evil designation.
I'm meeting some friends for a few drinks later. I'm definitely being this new game up.
I'd move Musk further up and Trump much further left.
I think Patel should be all the way to the left as he's very, very stupid.
Oh wow, what a game!
At least, I hope he's actually miserable.
He incited Rabin's murder.
I think calling him diabolical is balanced.
Like he's dumb as hell but he's really good at scamming the government and well a lot of people so is he actually dumb?
The more sociopathic someone is… the more dumb they may seem on the surface.
They make really dumb reasonings for what they do Granted those aren’t their real motives
But they are not dumb at all and are actually master manipulators
&that’s not stupidity
And that’s what I mean when I say ppl confuse evil for stupidity
Sociopaths are very good at manipulating ppl
But just like they don’t think rules apply to them
They don’t think reality applies to them either
Intellectually, he is dumb as absolute AF
That doesn’t mean he doesn’t have intelligence
He is very very good at manipulating ppl who are suggestible
He knows how to manipulate emotions. &create barriers to the truth
So he definitely belongs on the far left of the chart.
👉 🔥 FOLLOW ME – True strength is silent! 🔥
I’d keep Sean Duffy in the stupid column but move him down to not having a great time with all the air mishaps.
Best time-worst time
damn autocorrect (not my pink lemonade beers)
I definitely agree he should be further over towards the primarilly evil.
Same with Ramaswamy.
Fight back NOW
Is Vance having a better time than Putin, I'm not sure.
I'd like to throw a few more in like Mitch McConnell, MTG, Noem, & for the fun of it Melania
I’m not sure that Marco Rubio is that *evil*, I just think he’s a bitch without a spine.
But overall, yes, this is fantastic.
he's pure evil
Perhaps a multi-phasic histogram would work better.
They may be getting adrenaline rushes but they all strike me as sad, dissatisfied, frightened, discontents
Here are but two recent examples:
I am a pure evil kind of male.
Also, Putin is having an AWESOME time, and is super evil. Top right.
he thinks he's a conqueror
How do we expect him to give a damn about us when he doesn't care about his own kids?
But there is no way anyone is less evil.
Against stupidity, we are powerless.
For example Trump is far stupider than Musk, but they are both amoral and therefore both completely evil.
And both thrilled but angry.
There is no public record or evidence to suggest that Zelenskyy wrote to Trump after the meeting to say he wanted to come back.
There is no public record or evidence to suggest that Zelenskyy wrote to Trump after the meeting to say he wanted to come back.
I have an idea for a title -
“A F***ing Mess”
A more pure evil like Dick Cheney would help rebalance the chart
Musk = Move toward evil
Trump = Right in the fucking middle
Mike Johnson needs to be moved all the way over to the right.
huge sigh here.
But when he talks bout topics he understands, like engineering, he says a lot of smart things.
Was living in North America less than 2 years later and it would’ve been easily available 🤦♂️
Great video with script to call your congressmen
Credit where due. And imo it's due.
— signed, someone of average intelligence with about the same time in the military as Dickhead
For example, I think Hegseth is having the time of his life.
He’s pretending to actually know what he’s doing and the fact that he doesn’t, doesn’t bother someone like him
Clearly he is still drinking even while holding a press conference
He gets to think he is important even though he is a complete f*cking hack who has cooked his brain from years of alcoholism
He is looking forward to shooting innocents
A 2d evil/stupid matrix would express more clearly his stupidity..
Also, it is malicious stupidity, not ignorant stupidity.
That Spineless area would sure fill up with a lot of elected officials.
(I just threw up in my mouth.)