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Unbelievable turnout in this ruby red district for the Darrell Issa empty chair town hall!
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We are still 30 minutes from starting and we’re packed to the rafters for the Darrell Issa Empty Chair Town Hall!!
Don’t let them scare you. Don’t let them get you to give up hope. This is what they want more than anything. Their evil is never more alive than when we sleep.
just a total sack of shit
Crockett: Pam Bondi, if you have an issue with terrorism, maybe you should talk to your boss about locking back up those guys that he let out that participated in January 6th.
NASA dropped plans to put the first woman on the moon. DEI RIGHT?!?! Anyone wanna guess which administration originally planned the first woman on the moon? Hint: he smells bad mostly
Grateful for your years of service, Finn – and that the ACA helped you and your daughter get health care.
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Let’s go. #CanadaStrong
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The geniuses at DOGE are bringing us insights like "I'm not really sure why the tax agency for a country of 330 million people has a larger staff than a midsize bank"
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When some people see a Black pilot or a woman astronaut, they think, “Oh, they aren’t qualified.” When I see a Black pilot or a woman astronaut, I think, “Wow, they had to work their ass off twice as hard to get here —now that’s being more than qualified.”