I was told point blank multiple times in the last year that I was "missing something" about OpenAI and was "dead wrong" but not one of these people could say why. Not a single person has an argument as to how OpenAI will become a real business. They're all pie in the sky
Reposted from
Benjamin Riley
I cannot tell you how uncomfortable it was inside my little team after we fired off our memo. Our colleagues were horrified we dare speak against Enron's good name.
"There was no way to see this coming."
"Some how our ai models didn't see this coming. "
They say this about lots of stuff. They said it about 9/11.
Invariably, there is someone who saw it coming, and nobody listened.
My work did send out a survey trying to get to the bottom of why no-one in the company was using it.. I didn't hold back.
'Higher up person in the company wants to know if we can add this to the web site'
'Between you and I, no, it's dumb. For them, here's a few good reasons.'
They remind me of crypto bros, decrying all criticism as FUD.
I don't believe for a moment that AI can possibly help with any of this.
Just saying that there are use cases, for better or worse, and I know people who use LLMs. They may stop doing so, however, if they have to pay hundreds per month.
LLMs are destined to run out of training data, either by driving human creativity offline, or oversaturating the Internet with AI slop.
Feels like they shoulda all been visibly heading downhill for years
I was high when I wrote that post, I just knew it wasn't our boy Chuck.
what's before that?
Commodore PET
btw cloaca in bio if ur a fellow cryptid
Everyone was excited about computers. I was there.
Tone police all you want. It won't save a social network
wow! vaporware that doesnt save any time! wow!
(I mean, amazingly pointless)
everyone knows that Elon Musk stole George Santos' idea and ran with it.
When the IBM PC (first mainstream Personal Computer) was invented IBM didn't think it would make an impact. They were so inwardly focused on their market stranglehold on mainframe computers. We all know what happened
If it wasn't for VisiCalc and Lotus 123 they could well have been correct.
When was the last time you cracked that bad boy open, mm?
OpenAI's banner and the banner of Generative AI will fall.
Napster was a "key": it normalized/enabled file music sharing, & lead directly to P2P media sharing wiping out the existing sales paradigm (music, film, literature). I know, I was in the music industry then. AI isn't so seismic- it's currently a white elephant...
That doesn't sound like a good faith argument, sir.
*Today* generative AI is the prom queen. The Carrie coming to end it is very likely watching, waiting ...
Lol. Lmao
why the fuck is that even an autocorrect result
i meant "historically"
AI is another revolutionary technology. It will be used to further the aims of corporations and others. Meanwhile the luddites will scream and gnash their teeth that the sky is falling once again
and nobody said that about PCs anyway
yikes on bikes yo
I'd expect an uptick in Nvidia talking up BioNeMo, and using that model to find other industry specific cloud based initiatives.
But, these data centers aren't being built with the secondary infrastructure those workloads expect.
And no, government labs don't have the spare cash to pay the operating expenses, not to mention the capital outlay
thanks to you I dumped LLMs entirely 2 months ago. Though I wish there were an ethical platform for data analytics training
OpenAI doesn't have that. Uber has a penciling problem, OpenAI has a paper problem.
Like, say what you will about AI and its issues but the model for making money with it isn't complicated.
It may not be a successful one, but it's certainly a simple one.
Like Uber, they'll need to fix this before venture funding runs out: They may well do, but people will have to pay more, and it's not a sure-fire bet people are willing to pay market rates.
New technology, old song.
This Time Is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly https://g.co/kgs/qVFwPmV
Nvidia is selling raw compute, exactly like they did in the crypto boom, and over time much of that fell to the wayside as customized hardware emerged more power efficient and reliable
Anyone mining crypto with a GPU is an idiot
Soon to be true for generating models
You can get a tested, recycled 10core/ 20 thread 2.2ghz cpu for appx US$5, delivered.
Find a box, coolers, a 500w power supply and a video card.
Not too shoddy for a quasi-recycled rig.
Them data center racks will end up where again?
It's just a blind, desperate belief that it WILL become good enough to replace workers
Not what he said ofc, but in an extremely bleak way videogames is the one place where we've already solved "who buys your product when you've replaced workers"
That'd be great but I'm not getting my hopes up.
*4 years later*
any day now...