Dude takes the the time to acquire a suppressor, and engrave his cartridges, but they think he won't take 30 seconds to google...
Maybe as Musk acquires more power he'll work to scrub their identities like he attempted with the jet trackers.
In fact, it tells me a lot about the companies that do this, since Kaiser (who denies the least claims, in part due to being an HMO) has left theirs up.
It’s almost like these companies know they’re doing the wrong thing.
Yep. He had prepared, knew how to clear a jam and keep shooting, kept to opsec 98% of the time, used a cash bought debit card, chose a room where DNA sampling would be hard… I think he may have known how to look up SEC filings and annual reports.
Its so funny. Oh yes, this driven person with a grudge just picked someone randomly off the corporate website. Also, we now need a site that publishes their names and photos just to shame them.
It's simple panic-response measures.
I've had things be implemented in my job as a panic-response result, that everyone who was in the chain raised their hands and explained why it wasn't a solution, only to be told to "just do it."
Also, hilariously, a lot of stupid measures deter stupid people.
It used to be called a knee jerk reaction.
They have taken out the knee, probably without an anesthetic, & left the jerk in it.
With great power comes great responsibility, even if you are a supervillain it's Gru some today.
More to the point: Do they think that someone is pouring cereal one morning, dressing for work, then suddenly and randomly tossing your usual morning schedule by casually browsing a webpage of names of healthcare execs and deciding to “reorganize leadership” with violence?
I’ve got a feeling their understanding is about the same as the senator that didn’t understand Singapore and china were not the same country, asking if TikTok would access WiFi in the congressional session re potential foreign interference.
They don’t understand how HUMANS work and our need to have medical treatments, or their need to have empathy. I don’t hold much hope for their cognitive abilities past that.
Maybe, just maybe, if your job is fucking over as many of your own customers as possible - up to and including allowing many thousands of them to die - maybe the paranoia involved in thinking “I gotta be anonymous!” is somewhat justified but ought to spur some serious self reflection.
It's not as cheap but the hatred would decrease if you stop making a $22 billion net profit in '23 that was 100% earned by increasing the suffering of human beings. That profit is after United paid their claims and everyone's salaries. Don't overcharge then deny medical care.
Or the precedent that Randall Terry set with his Project Nuremberg.
There’s a limit to how much pain the people will suffer while the insatiable billionaire class extracts blood and treasure from the widows, orphans, and the elderly.
That would correct. As a side note: United Health Care's agent explaining menopause to my wife was hilarious. Well, except for the part that hormone replacement was not covered.
memory of the french revolution has grown dim and America has never really had a full on uprising against class politics... are we grown grateful for cake crumbs?
They don't want to have mediocre killers after them; what if the attempt fails and just sends them to the hospital where they would need medical coverage?
In addition to not effectively hiding the info, it’s also the equivalent of buying a louder car stereo system to deal with the fact that your muffler has fallen off.
Just a knee-jerk, a reflex, no thought involved. If they really wanted to keep the execs safe, a deep soul searching about how they boost profits would be necessary.
Makes you wonder... If you're so ashamed to be listed as an employee of a company, yet you continue to work there, what does it say about your character? Also, I guess their linked in pages are about to get very deleted too..
They actually just really think everyday people on the street are the dumber than them. And you know, they scam us out of money everyday so I can see why they’d assume that. 😂
I worked for a large corp 10 y ago where regional exec and support staff freaked when they discovered linkedin for the first time and saw the company logo on low level employee profiles, assuming they each had to get corp permission to use the logo. I had to explain.
The thing to remember is that these people exist in an entirely different world from normal folks. To them, worrying about money, figuring out how things work, and pretty much everything normal people do to get by are all things they have *other people* for.
If you are supposed to be a health company and feel that your CEO may be a target by your customers, you might want to review your policies and practices.
You would be guessing correctly. Nor how much of anything else works. There are really good exceptions in any business, but I have a lot of great horror stories in this area. Including a few who bankrupted their businesses because of it.
The way I try to tell it to my folx (I work I.T. in a school). If you walk into the auditorium and say something, then an hour later making an announcement you never said it, that's fine, you can do that. But everyone there heard you, and the AV guy was filming / recording it and... Yeah.
I was thinking of William Gibson's Clades from Neuromancer. Where the rich live in walled, highly protected gardens while the rest of the world suffers.
That is flat out weird what companies are doing. Do they really think some photo on a website is going to spur on a potential murderer if they see an Exec in a suit smiling for the camera.
Maybe as Musk acquires more power he'll work to scrub their identities like he attempted with the jet trackers.
*(Or as the Dead Kennedys put it, "Give me convenience or give me death!")
In fact, it tells me a lot about the companies that do this, since Kaiser (who denies the least claims, in part due to being an HMO) has left theirs up.
It’s almost like these companies know they’re doing the wrong thing.
I've had things be implemented in my job as a panic-response result, that everyone who was in the chain raised their hands and explained why it wasn't a solution, only to be told to "just do it."
Also, hilariously, a lot of stupid measures deter stupid people.
security through ignorance?
Stochastic terrorism not so funny anymore when the shoe's on the other foot, is it?
Unfortunately they don’t seem to remember why it was used repeatedly.
They have taken out the knee, probably without an anesthetic, & left the jerk in it.
With great power comes great responsibility, even if you are a supervillain it's Gru some today.
There’s a limit to how much pain the people will suffer while the insatiable billionaire class extracts blood and treasure from the widows, orphans, and the elderly.
Which is an elective procedure and not covered, by the way.
When you make 10MILLION+ a year, who cares?
Of *course* they don't understand.