For your amusement and delight, a picture of me and Krissy at some fancy-schmancy party in, l think, 1994. She is stunning. I look like a nerd in a rented tux.
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For comparison, here's a picture of Krissy in a fancy dress from a few months ago. There are, I regret to say, no recent pictures of me in a tux, or a suit, or, honestly, in anything more formal than a bathrobe.
Krissy looks the same in both pics! She has not aged.
I laughed about your formal bathrobe and then realized I was doing the exact same at 9am 😂 in my defence I have a dog and a cat snuggling me (as shown in pic) 😂
sir. sir your wife is so pretty pictures of her could be weaponized. djsj. may I age as finely as this. (odds are looking good, tbh, I look very similar to my mom at my age and she's aging great)
May I bring it to your attention that Krissy is a well dressed and beautiful woman worthy of a well dressed mate! That is, unless the robe is the preferred uniform for the handy man?!
Damn, you are a good writer. Those wedding vows must have had some ninja/voodoo/hypno shit.
To say she is out of your league but that would assume you were playing the same game. Put it this way, her league has 30-second spots selling millione and your league had juice boxes for the winner.
She must have seen something in you, that you may have not seen in yourself. That's ok. You're lucky to have someone in your life that sticks with you.
She must see something in you! And I looked like quite the nerd myself in a rented tux for my sister's wedding in 2002. Fortunately, I don't have an online pic of it to share. Darn! 😆
A nerd in a rented tux or a stone cold killer? This is Mike Vining. He was one of the first members of the U.S. Army’s secretive Delta Force. Several people have noted that they have never seen Mike Vining and you in the same place at the same time 🤔.
You "married up", as they say, no doubt about it. But you are a creator of worlds and a wordsmith of great talent, and it is vital to my own self esteem that I believe that that is enough to compensate for the disparity. I have to believe that, for I too "married up".
Ahhh, yes. Taken in the official "do not sit too long" room and "you'd better vacuum your foot prints out of the damn carpet on your way out" part of the house.??
I have no idea what this picture is about. I also don’t know how I came to find it. But, I think you’re fine looking couple. Please God don’t tell me this is one of musk‘s early wedding shots!😱
Both statements are true, but nerdy James Bond might be the direction Amazon wants to take the franchise now. And for what it’s worth, if I was wearing that tux I’d look like an extra from some straight to streaming Steven Seagal movie.
We are accessories that help all those around us focus on the true beauty walking next to us…and we always fall short. Our partner’s beauty can never be fully appreciated in a a moment…or a lifetime.
Dang, man. She's got the whole "girl next door who can knock em dead in heels when she wants" thing going, and it rules. And you sir, are a shining representative of our people; charmingly handsome nerdy gents who are truly blessed with good fortune in meeting beautiful partners.
Indeed stunning 👏
I laughed about your formal bathrobe and then realized I was doing the exact same at 9am 😂 in my defence I have a dog and a cat snuggling me (as shown in pic) 😂
You? Keep running after her! You’ll be fine!
To say she is out of your league but that would assume you were playing the same game. Put it this way, her league has 30-second spots selling millione and your league had juice boxes for the winner.
lovely picture!
She must have seen something in you, that you may have not seen in yourself. That's ok. You're lucky to have someone in your life that sticks with you.
The days with fewer worries
Let me repeat that.
But Krissy makes up for you.
But you both look great.
I shudder to think what I looked like in a tux in 1994.
Please tell Krissy that my wife is jealous of her hair. It may have changed color over the years but it's still glorious
Definitely on top of the game there.
That's what matters.
Actually, I resemble your remark 🤣✌️
That way, I never looked like a nerd in a rented dinner jacket.
I looked like a nerd in a *cheap* dinner jacket.
You lucky guy🍀
To be honest: I think anyone looks pretty daft in a tux.
Not the best sartorial starting point.
lol you guys looked great.
me: *is nearly 50*
me: "Well, shit."
...Annnnnd ya do.