Angry, did you see how Putin effed up in Syria just now? Apparently the base talks aren't going Russia's way, because he cut off all grain shipments to Syria. But Ukraine has now offered to send Syria grain shipments! 😀
I have been supporting him since the 80's. They will not pardon him. I have been out to Pine Ridge. It's a travesty.
The agents lied and they know it and won't release because it would show what most people have felt all along. Many people have gone to bat for him, even Robert Redford, to no avail:(
My anger over the election has peaked again today. Why did the Democrats fail to audit the election? The results were in before midnight, 2020 took many days. There was a “record turnout”, where did all the record breaking number of ballots go?
I'm still heartbroken, too. I think the numbers look wonky, but I'm not willing to go down that rabbit hole. It feels close to a conspiracy theory, and I'm far too willing to believe anything that would explain this away right now. I hope we get a full story one day.
He was raided twice. The raid that included the DOD and NOT the FBI or local law enforcement is the one I am interested in. That could be about cyber crimes.
Do you think if trump starts giving the military orders that violate the Constitution or are illegal that they will defy those orders or just do what they're told?
And our candidate, who knows how crooked the orange menace is, as well as how vulnerable our elections are, didn't ask for a recount or audit in a single swing state?!
No way. First GOP candidate to do it since Regan’s first run? I don’t buy it. All statewide Dems win in NC except top of the ticket? The math doesn’t math.
They hacked the count. Had 4 yrs for tech bros and RU to play w the voting software from Az and Ga, if not others…
Because emergency dental work costs triple time on holiday weekends.
I had to take my husband for emergency dental surgery on Easter Sunday during the absolute height of the pandemic. I dunno who was more scared of catching Covid, us or the staff
Years ago as a toddler, my younger son, on Thanksgiving Day, and away from home 1) burned his hand on a stove, 2) got yet another ear infection. That was not fun.
NC gerrymandered legislature also just passed a bill to strip the governor, atty gen’l, and Secretary of State (dems won all three) of their powers. It will go to court but in the meantime the officials we elected have been neutered.
Welcome to my world, Chocolicious...till today.
First time I ever caught it live...
Annnd I still found the answer to the question I'd posed, but it was in response to a better posing...
(Beauty's where you find it)
Will the Dems ever stop being lazy and actually develop another legit candidate? Kamala doesn't count, she was thrust into the role at the 11th hour. Not faulting her, she did the best she could with the time she was given.
Dems are not remotely lazy! What on earth makes you say that? And, there are lots of good potential candidates, but the candidates choose themselves. The Dem party may encourage or discourage, but they don't control who runs.
History prof Timothy Snyder told Jonathan Capehart:
In all of Pete Hegseth's books "All he has to say about national security has to do with the Enemy Within. He calls for a Holy War carried out by a purged military of Americans against Americans."
Honestly, why do people keep asking the question 'why isn't the Legacy Media covering this?' There are many answers. They don't want to offend 45. They are spineless. They aren't in the 'news' business. There is no drama in that story. They lean right. They helped elect a rapist, why stop there?
Everyone needs to quit whining about “legacy media”. Their billionaire owners chose their side. We need to move on and figure out our own way. We need to support the people doing the work on the right side of history.
Then again…I thought we were the greatest democracy, rule of law country in the world and instead a treasonous, criminal mobster is getting ready to become President again
I think you’re on the money there. There have been classified briefings to Congress on them, and there’s active interagency resources dedicated to analyzing the issue.
It would be unusual to have a classified briefing to say ‘we don’t know what is going on’ - not unheard of, but not likely.
On MSNBC, an NJ mayor said that a lot of mayors drove long distances to attend a briefing on the drones & that it could’ve been done in 5 minutes. Admittedly, that’s not a briefing of Congress. I wonder what was said at these briefings. If not harmful, I hope it is leaked. Or that they just tell us!
This is a red October scenario,the Russians have subs in Jersey and the drones are us drones hunting them. That's why they say they don't know what they are but they won't harm us!
Several people saw them over our city last night. Suburb 20 min outside of Minneapolis. Why there? We have lakes but doubtful any submarines hiding in them.
There's been a bunch of sightings in MN; some just south of me (Brainerd - Lakes area). Those *might* be explainable, as Camp Ripley's right down the road.
Local authorities in West Milford NJ advised people not to touch downed drones. To my knowledge none of the local yokels have managed to shoot one yet.
Wild idea is that those extraterrestrials with higher intelligence have come to save us! Just kidding, but it would be nice if they took Trump, his allies, cabinet picks and many MAGA away. A few greedy billionaires, too.
Maybe they “know” about them, but too incompetent to address it. Kinda like the bomb threats during the election in heavy blue voting areas of swing states. Our cybersecurity did a bang up job
If they were smart they would have just made something up like “the drones are practicing for the next July 4th Fireworks show.” Or, “The drones are being testing for grocery deliveries.” Instead, they get all the gullible people in a panic.
Don't want to sound loony but in Jersey & experiencing this first hand. Leaning towards extraterrestrials based on one of my feral kitties. She ran to me while outside w/ the dogs, climbed up my leg til I picked her up & when I brought her in the house she ran to the basement & hid under a blanket🤷♀️
I understand the need for privacy while the powers that be delve behind doors, but I am pissed that their front facing response is so clearly gaslight the citizenry. The least they should do is acknowledge the risk & urgent response to inform the public. The "d'oh duhhh derrr" sham is offensive.
Angry, I can't get past the fact that Trump is going to get away with 34 criminal charges against him. Is there any possibility these charges can be addressed again in four years? Every time I think of him getting off scott-free, I get red-hot with rage.
Me too. He’ll create so much chaos & stretch the limits of the Constitution so badly that our system, especially the judicial branch, won’t be able to catch up (the proof is his criminal cases, the system couldn’t catch up w/his shenanigans). He’ll then suspend elections in 2028 to remain in power.
I agree. I also think there will be DOZENS of new crimes to charge. IF we have free and fair elections which I KNOW we didn’t this time. Honestly not sure we will as of now tho… 😞
May I suggest the Jack podcast by it's about all things special Council. Allison and Andy do a very good job explaining how all of that works!
His case was “dismissed without prejudice.” That means a case is temporarily dismissed, but the plaintiff or prosecutor can refile it later, as long as the statute of limitations hasn't expired.
What are your thoughts on the Syrian revolution? What do you think the Government that will materialize look like and will it be a good or bad thing for the United States?
It’s probably too early to say for certain - I outlined a lot of my thoughts in my Syria explainer that I posted last week, but we’ll have to wait for the elections (if they happen) to see what the government looks like.
I’m cautiously optimistic that they’re cooperating with the US on hostages.
When Jesus said, you can't serve two masters, He put it in an interesting way. He seems to imply that if you love money, you eventually lose your capacity to love either God or money. You just stop loving.
Love of money is the root of all evil.
Putti pulled out, taking his toys with him to Russia. The move also cost Russia sway in Africa. Meanwhile Joe dropped by Angola for a US-got-your-back pat.
He grifted $100 million from the "inauguration" in 2016, with no consequences, so he's going to try to double or triple that this time. We're in for four years of unfetter, SCOTUS-endorsed grifting, if he decides to leave, or even hold an election, in 2028.
I know some shallow narcissists & it seems to me someone called her fat. She’s most likely anorexic, so they know that’s a trigger for her, so she gets worse.
Maybe that’s why she’s always so mean, maybe she’s just hungry Or hangry actually
This is just so sad… she used to be very pretty. I just can’t understand why an attractive woman would Botox her face and lips so much that she looks ghoulish, and circle her eyes in black goop. Ugh, kind of sick.
This is a truly serious issue. Methane emissions are much stronger than CO2. This has already started in Siberia, too. Then you have clathrates at the bottom of the ocean. Frozen methane waiting for the ocean to warm up.
There’s been a persistent rumor that Biden was going to try for a Hail Mary and to forgive all student debt before he leaves office, but I haven’t heard anything on that recently, and I don’t know the current status.
Some on Trump’s team say he’ll try to reinstate it, which would be a disaster.
It’s all bad debt now. No one is going to be paying anything on them. Ever. They all needed to be forgiven when the cost of collection and loan maintenance exceeded what you received. It’s bad debt and all it will do is cost you interest as long as it’s on your books. Smart play is to 1/2
forgive it, get it off your books, improve the income to debt ratio for a few million borrowers. You’d actually make back more than the amount you forgave. Your tax base increases as the economy expands. But if those loans were forgiven now, none of that would happen. It’s too late now. 2/2
I know that it’s a true Hail Mary that would almost certainly be overturned. But I wish he would at least try. Force T to explain why he’s rolling back loan forgiveness.
If Biden doesn’t go out with a bang, I’ll be even more disappointed than I am now. So over dems having zero balls. Pardoning his son was a step in the right direction.
Trump’s team would reinstate it … can you clarify? Would pick up Biden’s student loan proposal and claim as his? Or re establish loans that have been forgiven?
Should Dems have focused on medical debt instead of student debt? I can see how forgiveness of student debt can be seen as unfair to folks that didn’t go to college.
I’m totally in denial about the coming 4 years but I read something interesting. They said that 🍊 is basically a lame duck President on day 1. He can’t run again so it’s a whole different term. Do you think this will really mean anything or we all just delusional?
Coming four years? If Trump is inaugurated and the Republicans come to power expect to see free and fair elections end for the foreseeable future. Once these people are in power they will not willing cede it back.
Hi Angry!
I'm interested in your pov re: Turkey & the situation in Syria.
Erdogan wants to be the power broker in the region, especially since he does not want the Kurds to make any gains.
Any insight you have is appreciated.
Thank you!
Because a large chunk of the voting populace - including elected officials - are completely fine with a clown car, wannabe authoritarian government as long as it owns the libs.
Very glad you stayed anonymous as we head back for authoritarian regime #2! It’s just not safe to have the public know names of some who speak out with their observations. 😕
And a large chunk don't even show up at the polls because, for years, they've gotten nothing from R's or D's that has improved their lives by easing the growing costs of basic needs, ie food, shelter, health care, child care, taxes, etc. They've checked out, given up hope.
Not assuming, I know some of these non-voters. They are the working poor/middle class living paycheck to paycheck.Their government despite party has failed them for too long & they're just trying to get by. Not saying it's right but that the reality.
Make sure he knows if they even try. There's plenty of reporting on it, so send him articles. At a minimum maybe you can get him to call his reps and demand they leave it alone.
Hi Angry and friends,
Angry, what do you do to maintain mental health and balance? We’re in a stressful marathon, it seems like, with the holiday season plus impending drastic change that feels out of one’s control. Plus, darkest days of winter with longest nights.
What can we do to effectively increase the quality and availability of good, curated education to our public and private youth in the interest of promoting critical thinkers who can resist false information and be pragmatically benevolent to our civilization at large?
There's also a program, run as a class (not 4 all kids) in red & blue states: We the People. Based on the constitution, but they have to answer difficult current questions, with reasoning & evidence to back them up. & must respond to people arguing the other position. There's also a PBS program. /2
You're welcome! Here's a third: a smaller-scale program called DemocraShe, which works to build resilience, leadership & political engagement in high-school girls. May be growing the age range. Disclosure: started by a social-worker activist friend of mine. But does wonderful work. It's a 501(c) 3.
Great question. Look at Argument-Centered Education, aka Debate-Centered ed. Uses principles of debate (proposition, reasoning, evidence) for all ed. for all kids. It's been tried with terrific results. There's a PBS prog, A Revolution in Education. R a couple of nonprofits supporting it. /1
When they're near the airport, wouldn't radar pick them up? And the same for when they're a military site? I don't know that much about drones, but it's hard to imagine that there's no evidence of them except first-person accounts. There has to be something they're telling the public.
This weekend I've learned that most smaller airports can't afford radar systems and don't do enough business to justify the investment. Also, drones usually are too small and fly too low to be picked up on radar, and radar has a limited range.
Drones generally are required to broadcast a unique ID, but it's very short range. And of course if a drone was up there for nefarious purposes, I doubt it would be transmitting such a signal.
Well last night I saw 3 over my house…I wasn’t hysterical but certainly a bit concerned. It’s not a good feeling when you live right on the coast knowing there is an Iranian warship just down the street and drones over your head. 💁🏻♀️
well, if that damn thing (or those damn things) are flying over *my* house, i may not become hysterical, but i'm certainly not going to be my normal calm self...
So here we are, 1 month+ away from the arrival of Hell, being rapidly frog-marched into the flames. In much the same spot as the Germans before Hitler’s takeover. And we KNOW what is coming. Short of a rocket launcher, what can we do? How do we just accept this? I'm despairing.
I have the exact same sentiments. We are zombie walking into the end of democracy. The house is on fucking fire and we all should be screaming. In Europe they’d be in the streets with torches.
This is going to be a hellish next few years. We need to be organized to effectively fight. Look up groups in your area and find ways to make your voice heard collectively. We must fight together!
Trump never accepted his 2020 loss & paid no price.
The GOPQ suppressed votes, had a bullet vote campaign across swing states that is still unexplained & Wynne gave Gen Z men odds Trump would lose so they made their bets & voted for him to win the money.
The way democracy works is to allow itself to be destroyed in order to maintain itself? Great plan. Allowing a dangerous autocratic oligarchic kakistocracy to turn us into a dystopian hell is the only choice? Is that what they figured in the dawn of the third reich?
One important aspect of a resistance (at least historically: Underground Railroad or those hiding people from the SS )is the need to exist underground - at least for the purpose of strategizing - before any outward effort (if any) perhaps there are resisters planning out of plain sight?
No. But we have to accept the reality that we have a dangerous dicktator about to take power and be ready to fight the horrible things that will happen.
Other countries should ban Starlink—not to get out of draconian tariffs—but because of its immense potential to wreck their national security, elections, data.
I didn't have enough space to even get to this: I'm afraid-- WE'RE all afraid--for you. What this coming Administration might mean for you and your loved ones.
All this obeying in advance is really crazy because he is a true sadistic narcissist. It will only make him happier to steamroll his opponents who bent the knee well in advance, without him having to lift a finger. Did the Nikki Haley experience not teach anyone anything?
New Mexico. For decades, we alternate GOP & Dem governors, 8 years each. Unless we break that pattern, we could lose abortion rights here, too. (& other bad things.) So that's a fight-like-hell, too. DC MAGAs know midterns will come, too, and so will ram big things through, fast as lightning.
Obviously Democracy IS NOT WORKING!!!! So what do we do now just sit around and watch it happen and say "
well, that's just democracy working," until the rest of the world decides they have had enough and declares war on us and destroys our Nation?
No❗️ we recount and question like South Korea , Romania just accept⁉️ a soft coup well funded by foreign oligarchs?? I'm not buying that⁉️ that deadline to push back is dec 20, btw
We accept it? He cheated! It’s said every single day on here and X! They don’t hide it! I believe fiercely in President Biden and his sense of right and wrong. I know something is going on behind the scenes, Biden is not going to hand the keys to a raging lunatic, not his life’s work!
Come on Angry, I thought you used that name for a reason! In the above you sound like an old hen having tea with the neighbour. DO NOT COMPLY IN ADVANCE! This must be effecting your life, in God knows what way, but please don’t lie down and die on us! 🙏🏼
That is the way Democracy works, but we know that Democracy is not what we have coming. We all know that this is not by any stretch of the imagination normal. I honestly wish people would stop saying that.
There needs to be a way to prevent us from following like lemmings over the cliff edge. What authority can legitimately restrain an irrational or compromised nation or culture from committing suicide?
This is really important. We have to accept reality that he will take power. But we do not have to accept and normalize the terrible things that he and his terrible people will do.
But, Your answer makes no sense! Trump is planning on dismantling the Constitution. WHY would the current administration accept this? We are being sent to our doom! This should not be allowed because "free and fair elections"!!! Lose our country because half of our citizens are too brainwashed? NO!
Correct. Far too many people are nieve to the fact that trump isn't going anywhere in 4 years unless he dies or rigs an election for one of his cronies.
Trump was lifted here by his daddy's money.
Vance is much worse; he's a smart sociopath who got here for his efforts in advancing Christian Nationalism.
Trump is a spectacle.
Vance is Project-2025 Enforcement.
If we could do a spine transplant, we could get Dems demanding a hand recount and forensic audit in one swing state;
They could seek an injunction against any elector voting Trump due to his running afoul of 14A3.
Canada is coming to the rescue — should happen about 12/20-12/21. Check out Tundra Carnage’s tweets on Twitter. Go back to around the time of the election, and work your way to the present. You will feel much better about this whole situation.
Much like 2016, we know it’s going to be bad. And we know there are groups of people that it’s going to be extra bad for. Show up for them, authentically. Think long term, prevention not necessarily reaction.
Same here. I’m simultaneously despairing & f’g furious.
We witnessed overt interference by 🇷🇺 (admitted by Patrushev), Musk, & other super wealthy fascists (eg Leo Leonard), as well as elections fuckery in red states. Yet here we are, allowing the seditionist/traitor/convicted felon take the WH.
Dear one, don’t despair, that is what they want. Do as Timothy Snyder tells us: Support an institution. Give a donation to free press, give a donation to ACLU. We have no power alone. Join at least one group.
Many people I know are seriously leaving the country. They are done. Of course they have the money to do so and they’ve sold their property, etc. Their kids are grown and they’re in their 50s. But they’re gone.
Trumps a lame duck potus. The real threat is Elonia threatening the GQP to fall in line or he’ll primary them. Why is a foreigner running this nation? The FF didn’t envision this.
Who do we donate to? Inbox flooded with requests and I want to be smart about donations. It was easier to give to specific candidates and now I am unsure how to best distribute funds.
Are the #DronesOverJersey the FBI/CIA's way of warning the trump/Kash patel's/Stephen Miller's/elon musks not to F with the rank and file, the career people?
As in "We know where all the bodies and info is buried"
What are the chances that Republican senators will stand up to Trump on some of his cabinet picks? I mean they have to know this is all dangerous and embarrassing right?
Somehow TFG/Putin has Kompromat on all of them (likely dirty NRA money that would get them all kicked out of office), so they HAVE to follow him 100% or they're unemployed/under criminal investigation. They can't/won't stand up to him.
Kompromat on some, I’m sure but think there is most likely more than that. To be in the Senate, particularly, you learn to like power for its own sake and this is a transactional admin coming, so they been promised something. Greed in all its forms plus cowardice
The man cheats on everything in life, he had to have cheated. He was desperate to win to avoid jail. We won’t find out what he did until he fires someone who knows and they write a book.
Yes I know who you mean though didn't know his name. I used to watch his YouTube channel, will have to go back to it now to keep abreast of the illegalities of the new trump regime😡
2025-2029 seems like such a very long time to have to endure/fight. We did it before but this time will be so much worse. Will MAGA ever regret their choice?
Happy Friday the 13th! Are you superstitious? If so, anything you think we can do en masse that will send superstitious powers in to the universe to prevent any of the corruption/destruction over the next 4 years?
Hi Angry! Last week you said the NJ drones situation was wild, now they are over the Albany NY area. I’m not an alarmist but WTF? Getting to think our gov’t is not as prepared w/threats foreign or domestic as we hoped. No doubt terrorist could have been planning and preparing a long time.
There’s some truth to that. We’re prepared for national defense, but we also have a serious ‘over here’ vs ‘over there’ mentality - the bad stuff happens “over there”
That being said, we also can’t just start blasting drones out of the sky.
It’s being analyzed, but everything is classified.
I heard at least one of them has been in, or close to, restricted airspace. Can’t those be taken down if there is no risk on the ground? I think one of the barriers is some of them appear to be large, so having it fall out of the sky is dangerous.
All I can say is if I see a drone over my property it will see the business end of my 30.06 or hubby's 12 gage. I'll just say some magat sent it over & they were trespassing in my "air" rights.
I’m hoping for a leak soon! But if there is danger, like terrorist preparing/testing areas and drones armed with chemicals etc, then gov’t is not doing enough to down one and investigate. My imagination got the best of me, but maybe we are beyond worrying about nuclear bombs (don’t answer that🤣)
Whoever is orchestrating this, why are they picking on New Jersey. Like the state doesn't have enough problems already without going into the history books as "that wacky drone state." (Garden State is a good enough moniker, thank you very much.)
And there have been reports of them in Pennsylvania and Maryland. A few in Northern Virginia, but those probably really are our spooks, considering the proximity of the Pentagon, CIA, NSA, FBI ....
Yes, all the places mentioned seem to have military bases nearby. Here’s just #NewJersey. Albany, #NewYork (that was mentioned) has a National Guard base.
Jersey is the mist densely populated state in the country. The drones are flying over my neighborhood nightly. Whose house is going to be hit when one gets knocked out of the sky?
Yes, you’re probably right but there are plenty of folks up here with sophisticated military grade weapons, not just guns. They cant quite trot them out in public but….
Why they were fast to blast one balloon out of the sky after ripping Biden apart 3 ballon’s under trumps first squat and no one did anything
Drones IMO are musk trying out a new kind of surveillance Or the military and they sent talking. This is ludicrous
The Republican complaints about the balloon were nothing more than performative outrage anyway. (They can see our missile sites! They don't know how to use Wikipedia and just look them up there!)
It is not illegal to take a picture of a missile site. Here's one I took near my home.
I think they are Elon Musk’s. I think they are testing their future suburban surveillance drones, so We, The Cattle, don’t dare get out of line. That’s just tin-foiling, though.
I don’t see how the gov’t can say they don’t know where they’re from, yet they know they’re not a threat.
I thought of Elon too. Maybe flying them while Biden is Prez to create a sense of trepidation, then pretending Trump (or himself) saves the day, or deems it a threat big enough to call martial law.
Several states have drones over sensitive areas. There's videos on you tube. News channels and bloggers w sightings. Search you tube. All these have reported them.
New Jersey
New York
Philly PA
Oddly Delaware hasn’t had any sightings. We are where most of the banks claim their headquarters are. Couldn’t make me believe that, these huge offices are almost completely empty.
I live about 5 miles as the crow 🐦⬛ flies from the unofficial banking headquarters of America. Heck, our senators are the floors above Chase headquarters. No conflicts there 😳
Oh will do! Thank you!! I'm creating a playlist on YouTube. Same name. Will find the videos and post em up! Haven't shared it yet bull I will. Thanks for letting me know. Added 🙌
What can we do to correct the normalization of this shitshow by the media? For nine years they’ve acted like rump is a coherent, qualified candidate instead of a blathering buffoon.
The President elect or re-elect is always the Man of the Year Makes me feel vaguely better. Especially because in the interview he basically goes back on all of his election promises. Not that it will matter to MAGA
CIA question - in his first administration there were reports that we were losing CIA assets at a high rate. What does a second term do to the CIA? I’m guessing we just proved to our allies that we can’t be trusted, probably ever.
I’m pretty sure we won’t! He’ll get pomp and circumstance and leadership will play to his character but he’ll get nothing of relevance. There’ll probably be lower level cooperation between trusted sources that happens secretly.
Just finding it funny that every time I try to ask anything, it's always, "how quickly will we die" or "is this actually happening".
Neither one meaningful at all.
Also, no real answers because up is down, evil is good, etc.
I just wanted to say that I’m a long time fan and reader of yours, and wanted to thank you for all you do and wish you a happy holiday. We’re going to need you the next 4 years! Cheers, Angry. 🍻
Democratic Governors have joined together to protect their constituents and residents .
If your governor is a Democrat, make sure to call/write/ post on his /her / their page and urge them to join forces with Gov. Newsom ( CA) , Gov. Pritzker ( Ilinois) and many others
If your governor is a Republican- let them know that they need to protect their constituents and residents and if that is not done , you and many others will do everything they can to replace him /her/them in the next election:)
It's really sad, because his followers are his main "marks". They spend all their $$$ on his merch, donations, etc. After all these years, they still haven't figured it out.
I'm a Kentuckian and bourbon aficionado. Please don't waste the time or $$ on any Pappy. The rarest and best Bourbon is Elmer T. Lee, which is made at the same distillery. I was a lobbyist so I know the country may run on Dunkin', but Frankfort runs on Bourbon.
I am asking Santa to be able to turn on the television or get on the internet for just one day and not hear his name, much less see his damn face. JFC, nine years of this nightmare and counting!
Uncle Nearest was a black Slave owned by the adopted parent of Jack Daniels. He taught young Jack how to distill whiskey and never received acknowledgment for his efforts until his descendants revived his work and opened a distillery named for him. A true legend.
No tariffs on your gift choices! So you can shop right straight through the 4 years. Unless of course some zealot decides booze should be prohibited. It’s been done here before 😎
Democrats don't want to upset the republicans.
We need a doctors note proving they have a backbone.
The senate would have to approve a director for the FBI and since Comey acquiesced to Trump, so will everyone else.
He could, yes, but the FBI Director serves at the pleasure of the President and isn’t *that* hard to fire.
She could fight it, but she would ultimately lose, and that would give him the ability to nominate an ‘acting’ director (not Patel, but I’m sure he can find someone awful)
Does that mean whoever donald appoints they're in that job for 10years & if we have another presidential election, they hv to keep whatever nut is appointed?
A nation in collapse is a perfect target for those who want to seize power and control of its assets and resources.
For that reason, destroying America’s government and economy is the goal of Putin, billionaires like Musk, Thiel, and Bezos, and also the Heritage Foundation.
Isn't the FDIC essentially just an insurance company funded solely by the banks themselves? Wouldn't shifting it to Treasury let the Repubs siphon off its funds like they did Social Security?
I think these conservative extremists just want to get rid of a bank regulator. The fewer eyes looking at the banks books, the better - at least in their mind.
I’m not sure, as I really didn’t realize that so many different agencies regulated the solvency of banks - at least until recently. According to Wikipedia, OCC only regulates national banks, while the FDIC and state regulators handle state banks.
The deposit insurance makes me feel better but getting rid of the regs will cause a lot of banks to crash which is probably the plan. And that leaves no agency to go in and protect assets as they crash.
There needs to be a LAW against using crypto related to US Treasury. This single issue scares me the most. If Treasury can make (untraceable) crypto payments, the oligarchs will rob us down to zero.
Finding Angry's replies really is a chore, but I've found a good (if inelegant) way to find them. It involves scrolling, but just look for the single line which separates the posts from the endless thread of replies.
FDIC insurance covers bank accts up to 250k. I just wouldn’t keep much cash in bank acct now. Put it in bonds & metals - since gold is so high now going silver. And real estate if you choose well.selling big house and use all the equity on a much smaller place I buy all cash.
The only good thing about Donald (besides that he doesn't drink) is that he doesn't want to be commander-in-chief of an actual war. On foreign policy his bark may be worse than his bite.
Remember when a bomber was on its way to Iran and Donald called it back, when told there'd be many casualties.
Biding his time until TFG is 25th'ed out of office, or KFC finally works, and he gets to become POTUS 48, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Apartheid South African a-holes Thiel and Musk
What could they possibly be hiding that they haven’t already said out loud? I hope the answer is not scarier than what’s already been put out there. Why is my stomach tied up in knots after now?
Special Access Program. It’s a clearance you need to access certain classified information in addition to a Secret or Top Secret clearance. Also see: SCI, Secret Compartmentalized Information.
Speaking of flooding the zone with shit, I suspect Bannon is speaking with Trump regularly. Trump is dumb, but he’s smart enough to keep this quiet if it’s going on. Bannon’s level of mendacity is off the charts and put this into focus today on The Bulwark podcast in a way that really made sense to me. Highly recommended listening.
Because there is an appetite for it - a demand. And $$ to be made in catering to it. Thankfully, there’s still a demand for the good stuff - beauty, grace, achievement, excellence, and so on.
What was Turkey's motivation for supporting HTS? Is it simply that they want to use the power vacuum to try and wipe out the Kurds or are there other forces at play?
How worried are you about the Bubonic Plague making a comeback under the skilled, thoughtful, and overwhelmingly qualified leadership of RFK Jr at HHS?
Omg this is scary! With the new wave of mystery deaths in the Congo then reading that the plague is regularly found there - those poor people. And so many other viruses are on the loose.
I’m wondering if vaccination vacations to foreign countries will become a thing. I’d fly my kids overseas to get them a polio vaccine if that’s what it took. Which is absolutely a privilege, I know. But it’s a thing I’ve been thinking about for my friends with little ones. I mean polio?? POLIO?!?!
Nobody should have to fear for their children contracting Mumps in 2024 in AMERICA. And it’s going to hit the underprivileged harder than anyone. Makes me sad and embarrassed - which is a feeling I’ve had a lot of late.
Loved that movie. It was prophetic! Have you read the latest Heritage BS about declining birthrates? According to that author, we should stop educating women so that they’ll be too dumb and poor to know better. Straight up Idiocracy as a prophecy- only stupid people reproducing=more stupid people.🤦🏼♀️
I don't think he'll actually make it, big pharma makes a shitload of money off vaccines and they won't want a anti-vaxxer anywhere near the health department.
Meh. They’ll just pivot to selling dewormer, and increasing their homeopathy cures, and charge everyone “new drug” prices for them. Think of how little they need to divert to “research”!! 🤨
Misinformation. Unfortunately it originated with the advent of vaccines but got really popular in the late 1990’s/early 2000’s when people like RFK were actually liberals. I think it was the ‘back to nature’ movement. I was working in public health and banging my head on the wall.
I just don't get the objections. Is it simply because the govt supervises them? Do they think vaccines are more harmful than disease? As former Army, I got run through the old-timey hydraulic injection line. Two shots in each arm. Two in each hip. If you were sent overseas, you got a few more.
Actually, this theory also found a fertile home in Hollywood, among the yoga and fitness crowds, in the natural foods, alternative healing fans.
You have only to see some of the people who fill their grocery carts with unregulated supplements, instead of food, to think something is amiss here.
My ex is an anti-vaxxer. He believes, as many of them do, that vaccines are a form of government control and that “big government” can’t tell them what to do. It’s like the raw milk people - they want the freedom to die from things they don’t have to. And of course they lack critical thinking skills
Billionaires have no use for the "regular people", they wouldn't mind at all if a few million die needlessly. It'll save them millions by not having to start an expensive war.
As a parent of a fully vaccinated child on the spectrum, I understand that there are genetic markers involved and it is already there in utero development. How is it that we’ve stopped listening to experts? Do these morons go to their mechanic to have heart surgery? 🤷♀️🤯
Vaccines are the evil conceptions of the CIA/DIA/NSA. They're not injecting us w/ antibodies they are injecting Nanobots w/ microphones & speakers that collect data on us, tell us what to do & control our bodies. They make us gay, autistic, libs & empathetic. it also convinces guns are bad.
I heard that too - armadillos as carriers/spreaders leprosy. And then I'm "Wait, Florida has armadillos too!". Our state animal is flying roaches. Our state bird is deadly mosquitos. Our state flower is - I forget but it's poisonous.
Would you mind dropping a reference to the diseases popping up in Florida. I heard Denge fever is one of them, but it would be helpful to have the rest of the list.
Malaria, congenital syphilis, yes Denge fever, leprosy, measles, monkeypox, COVID. The problem is DeSantis & quack Lapado have a problem with that whole reporting thing, so who knows the true numbers now.
Those are off the top of my head. @CraigPittman probably has a full list somewhere
Hope you all have a great weekend!
Clicking replies on his timeline isn't working as it did before, to find them.
You’ll just have to go to his page and scroll until you find the AMA.
frankly, i find it terrifying.
And Chelsea Manning.
The agents lied and they know it and won't release because it would show what most people have felt all along. Many people have gone to bat for him, even Robert Redford, to no avail:(
Do you think that was the real mission
And it's possible that the massive amount of others
Are just decoys
Thank you
Telling everyone not to worry
Is not an answer
NOTHING like this has ever happened
In such concentration
It's very very disturbing
People are unhappy because they say he
Obeyed in advance
But Trump would have fired him on day 1
Can Biden universally pardon him now
To protect him
About the 2 FBI raids
Alfie Oakes in Naples FL
Shayne Coplan SOHO NYC
Pretty extensively covered. Try Google search?
When he was raided
Was the only thing he said for the cameras
Fight Fight Fight Trump
That's why raid was newsworthy
Happened days after election
If being raided for unpaid debts
Why would his battle cry be about Trump
Diversionary non sequitur
Hmm maybe
Had not known that was disclosed
A few days ago
Still think raid was also related to Trump
Thank you
And our candidate, who knows how crooked the orange menace is, as well as how vulnerable our elections are, didn't ask for a recount or audit in a single swing state?!
A possible REPUBLIC ENDING failure of leadership!!!
They hacked the count. Had 4 yrs for tech bros and RU to play w the voting software from Az and Ga, if not others…
I had to take my husband for emergency dental surgery on Easter Sunday during the absolute height of the pandemic. I dunno who was more scared of catching Covid, us or the staff
NC's super-majority legislature just gerrymandered the hell out of districts, which gave them 7 US House seats instead of 4 or 5.
If they hadn't been able to do that, Dems would control the US House in January.
GOP tries EVERYTHING & they move the ball inches at a time
Do you think Assad as an embarrassment and no usefulness will lead him to a third story window fate?
First time I ever caught it live...
Annnd I still found the answer to the question I'd posed, but it was in response to a better posing...
(Beauty's where you find it)
In all of Pete Hegseth's books "All he has to say about national security has to do with the Enemy Within. He calls for a Holy War carried out by a purged military of Americans against Americans."
Why aren't the media talking about THIS?
For some men, “Christianity = Men are Superior Beings”
They lost Jesus of Nazareth while they were “Broken down in Baton Rouge.”
It would be unusual to have a classified briefing to say ‘we don’t know what is going on’ - not unheard of, but not likely.
Yea, makes total sense.
so..Dump is getting classified info like this i assume?
and yet he's saying 'shoot those drones down'.
Then fine the assholes who are doing it-big time.
They have FAA required lighting.
They probably can't say due to an NDA or something.
Elon would do his to surveil and intimidate Americans into passivity.
I missed this story.
Hoping we get answers soon.
Thank you.
Thanks for being you!!!
I don’t have a lot of faith in them, but they seem to think they’ll get a deal done.
(in my naive view of the world, tend to think happy citizens in any country is a better thing for the u.s.)
I’m cautiously optimistic that they’re cooperating with the US on hostages.
Greedy capitalists wanted their oil.
Love of money is the root of all evil.
Class of 1979. Econ major.
Currently in Austin Texas and ready to move out of this backwards state!UDBaby!
It's a total slush fund.
Maybe that’s why she’s always so mean, maybe she’s just hungry Or hangry actually
Some on Trump’s team say he’ll try to reinstate it, which would be a disaster.
there is a limit to the number of hornets nests he can poke
I'm interested in your pov re: Turkey & the situation in Syria.
Erdogan wants to be the power broker in the region, especially since he does not want the Kurds to make any gains.
Any insight you have is appreciated.
Thank you!
1) Israel
2) Trump
3) their own pockets
4) USA
Narrator: it was true
Trend #MuskIsCoPresident repeatedly.
It'll get back to him...
Angry, what do you do to maintain mental health and balance? We’re in a stressful marathon, it seems like, with the holiday season plus impending drastic change that feels out of one’s control. Plus, darkest days of winter with longest nights.
We accept it because there’s no other choice - that’s the way Democracy works.
We accept it, but we never - EVER - normalize it, and we don’t stop fighting for what’s right.
Gonna be a lot to fight for these next four years.
I wonder why
Why was nothing made of the
Dozens of bomb threats on Nov 5
Or the PA assassination attempt
That took 2 lives
We are sleepwalking ourselves
Into the gas chamber
Accept it? No. Sorry, I do not.
Trump never accepted his 2020 loss & paid no price.
The GOPQ suppressed votes, had a bullet vote campaign across swing states that is still unexplained & Wynne gave Gen Z men odds Trump would lose so they made their bets & voted for him to win the money.
YOU accept it. I do not.
Let’s just say:
They cheat at everything.
They had Elon’s money.
They had Putin’s entire intelligence and IT departments.
Two of the most hated people in the world, pissing people off.
My guess is it’s not going to last long….
How different the world would be if Hitler were stopped at the Polish border.
well, that's just democracy working," until the rest of the world decides they have had enough and declares war on us and destroys our Nation?
Do not let fear of the future steal the joy of the present moment.
Jeff Jarvis
Vance is much worse; he's a smart sociopath who got here for his efforts in advancing Christian Nationalism.
Trump is a spectacle.
Vance is Project-2025 Enforcement.
We need a "Shockingly bad, but true" button.
Home Depot
Take their income away
They could seek an injunction against any elector voting Trump due to his running afoul of 14A3.
We witnessed overt interference by 🇷🇺 (admitted by Patrushev), Musk, & other super wealthy fascists (eg Leo Leonard), as well as elections fuckery in red states. Yet here we are, allowing the seditionist/traitor/convicted felon take the WH.
"Drill baby drill" & The Wall can easily mean devastation for thousands of species.
Trump arrests Biden — or someone very high profile — during his inauguration speech
Immediately declares a national emergency due to the border and “crazy liberals”
“Red” states setup border checkpoints for “illegals”
Trump’s blitzkrieg, democracy crumbles.
Carry on.
As in "We know where all the bodies and info is buried"
The old, "Can't dance with the devil and just walk away."
Isn't that what we're so pissed about with Trump & Cronies?
I know that's no real consolation, but...
The 'Legal Eagle' as he is known, wants this info. released to the public.
What are some of the remaining guardrails that will keep the Trump 2.0 administration in check, and what can we all do to meaningfully resist fascism?
That being said, we also can’t just start blasting drones out of the sky.
It’s being analyzed, but everything is classified.
The military will be extremely reluctant to shoot down anything over our land without a “clear and present danger”-type threat.
Drones IMO are musk trying out a new kind of surveillance Or the military and they sent talking. This is ludicrous
It is not illegal to take a picture of a missile site. Here's one I took near my home.
I don’t see how the gov’t can say they don’t know where they’re from, yet they know they’re not a threat.
Maybe just more tinfoil!
New Jersey
New York
Philly PA
New Jersey
New York
Philly PA
Akron Ohio
Canada Toronto
Cape Cod Harwich
I'm creating a playlist on my you tube channel, same name.
I'm now using IQ45.
He could use his “hell no” power for good for once in his miserable life
That mthrfkr has never done an ethical thing in its life.
Imagine if China invaded & they have to call Hegseth at 3am.
He'd probably be drunk & not even take the call.
No wonder the world is on edge!
Neither one meaningful at all.
Also, no real answers because up is down, evil is good, etc.
Thank you for being on Bluesky and for all you do !
If your governor is a Democrat, make sure to call/write/ post on his /her / their page and urge them to join forces with Gov. Newsom ( CA) , Gov. Pritzker ( Ilinois) and many others
If your governor is a Republican- let them know that they need to protect their constituents and residents and if that is not done , you and many others will do everything they can to replace him /her/them in the next election:)
Are we really prepared if they do?
They claimed they were working on the deal for months-why do I seriously doubt that?
I think Saudi's just gave it to him the other day w/no work on trump's side-I mean they've all been campaigning for years.
I got an ‘inadequate available supply’ response. :(
I am a carrier...and, especially at the holidays, a superspreader! Cheers!🥃
So you're getting your Christmas gifts from Costco...
Can't go wrong.
Understood about the ‘inadequate available supply’ . 😬
Also, try out New Riff, the best bourbon you’ve never heard of. Exceptional!!
She has her own distillery & he drinks it on his youtube show-it's FAF!
I have the info of where to order it-let me know if you want it.
The last two bottles of Blanton's I found were just out on a liquor store shelf in Ohio.
We need a doctors note proving they have a backbone.
The senate would have to approve a director for the FBI and since Comey acquiesced to Trump, so will everyone else.
She could fight it, but she would ultimately lose, and that would give him the ability to nominate an ‘acting’ director (not Patel, but I’m sure he can find someone awful)
To be clear: they aren’t proposing to get rid of the 250k deposit protection, they just want it to be absorbed by Treasury, which is asinine.
It will take Years to undo the damage he will do this time!
Let’s destroy it😡🤬
For that reason, destroying America’s government and economy is the goal of Putin, billionaires like Musk, Thiel, and Bezos, and also the Heritage Foundation.
Think Thiel was involved.
Indeed. It would need congressional approval, hence AOC.
Remember when a bomber was on its way to Iran and Donald called it back, when told there'd be many casualties.
I’m expecting four years of this.
A. I am still alive or not in prison
B. It's only four years
I don't foresee us coming back from this if he is sworn in. Not for a generation.
So we must stop that from happening
Everything else is distraction.
And I wanted to ask about the drones seen in NY, NJ & Canada. Damn!
Should we start preparing for the end now?
Dumbest timeline ever.
Her father, a cobbler, invented shoes with built in leg braces. Her mother called a priest to perform an exorcism.
Only one of those two things helped.
Remember, RFK jr is a lawyer, not a doctor. He was convinced by a neighbor.
You have only to see some of the people who fill their grocery carts with unregulated supplements, instead of food, to think something is amiss here.
Though, it’s not just right wing media. MSM has sane-washed it all.
And illness.
And I'm sure those doctor's plague masks will be hot ticket items on Amazon...
BTW-what's a wimple b/c they'll probably bring those back too.🙄
Those are off the top of my head. @CraigPittman probably has a full list somewhere
Thank you
Have a nice weekend 😊