I hope they do every bit of this. I hope coffee is $20/cup and only the actually rich have avocados. I’m willing to endure a lot of suffering for four years if it will teach all of the morons out there a lesson. And I mean A LOT, because I hate this idiocy so much.
Serious question: What do they *think* they are accomplishing?
Setting aside reality, just in terms of their own fantasy view of the world what do they think is the benefit of substituting American fish for Mexican avocados? Is it just to stick it to Mexico?
If you're looking for a plant-based alternative in a dish where you need a creamy element, mashed chickpeas, white beans, or even a combination of mashed banana and nut butter could work better depending on the recipe. 🥑 😱
I've lived in Costa Rica for years, a high tariff country, and it's probably my least favorite thing (high food prices, fewer options) about an otherwise incredible place to live.
I'm in the US visiting now, and avocados are cheaper here than in Costa Rica, a country that has the climate to grow them domestically with minimal transport costs to bring them to market. Think about that...
I unironically think if the tariffs actually did triple the cost of guacamole at chipotle, 2026 will be the dem version of 1994 and 2028 will be something like 1936.
to be fair Americans have no idea what tariffs do, so promising them & saying it means that xi jinping is gonna pay part of your grocery tab was pretty solid strategy
And coffee, can you imagine?
Ah, one of the drawbacks about this whole thing is the fact, shortages are a possibility, besides the obvious issues, people will hoard products.
Bold of you to assume that there's any connection between what elected officials have the power to do and what the electorate will get mad at them for doing/not doing.
Did Trump really win based on those promised tariffs? It seems like Golden is needlessly tying himself to protectionist policy based on the probably baseless fear that it's a make or break issue for voters.
Either that or he genuinely believes this stuff, which would be pretty scary
I think the idea of bringing back manufacturing jobs to the US was a regular theme, and the tariffs have been explicitly positioned as the first step to that.
United States imports about 60% of its fresh fruit and 40% of its fresh vegetables.
99% of the coffee we drink is IMPORTED
so maga xenophobes use foreign products everyday and will pay more for them in Trump taxes!
Avocados are 59 cents at Aldi now. You have to ripen them, but that means I buy 8 of them, leave 4 ripening in a bowl, and 5 days later, I have a king's ransom of cheap avocado. If Trump fucks this up for me, I will be royally pissed. But it's probably better to pick a different example food.
If he thinks his constituents are sufficiently confused about reality to think this is what they want, who am I to disagree? No doubt he knows them better than I do. But I'd like to think he's wrong about that.
You're thinking too small here. We just put a bunch of climate deniers in charge, Jared's just thinking ahead to when a now tropical Maine becomes the banana capital of the world
Oh come on, they’re a cheap, sustainable resource high in nutrients that are easy to get your hands on nearly any time of the year! Oh wait, I’ve confused fish with avocados. Again.
You are giving me flashbacks to my favorite twitter discourse ever: The communist lady who said bananas were capitalist decadence or something. And then revealed she had a massive cocaine habit, which is totally not capitalist decadence.
Wired: The Avocado Party
Setting aside reality, just in terms of their own fantasy view of the world what do they think is the benefit of substituting American fish for Mexican avocados? Is it just to stick it to Mexico?
Ah, one of the drawbacks about this whole thing is the fact, shortages are a possibility, besides the obvious issues, people will hoard products.
Either that or he genuinely believes this stuff, which would be pretty scary
Just as rotten and imperial
as when George the 3rd taxed tea!
99% of the coffee we drink is IMPORTED
so maga xenophobes use foreign products everyday and will pay more for them in Trump taxes!
Because boy, this is quite the few paragraphs!
(Vote for me)
Honestly admired Liz Truss, England Brexited so she made a direct case for autarky, but we're the US!
Time to find those substitutions in the basket
Instead of: avocado toast
Try: cooking beans and rice from the dry goods section! So affordable!
Instead of: coffee
Try: industrial sludge watered with your own tears! So available!
"but do we really need tropical fruits?"
Good times. Good times.
I need to look up the Joker reference. Was he sent round the bend by human stupidity?
Joey, you're the one with your intellect still functioning.