Rudy Giuliani had found a new lawyer, who has thoughts about the case in which the former mayor faces the risk of being held in contempt.
Not just very political.
Very, very political.
"very very political" is, in fact, correct :-)
The crazier Giuliani becomes, the smaller the number of attorneys will be who are willing to represent him. This dooofus is making a political argument because that's the only one he CAN make.
The legal industry has a well earned reputation for terrible writing but JFC
Yeah dude-- that's why they sued you.
And I'm an autoworker
"Hopefully the Honor Judge will be able to remain unbiased against Defendant."
He leaves out that the judge was nominated by Trump.
The funniest part is, I assume the judge didn’t remember the connection at all (since he probably wasn’t that concerned about his dad’s clients during his dad’s death!) and wouldn’t have held a grudge or been angry. But now he will be.
Chris Christie got exiled for prosecution of Charles Kushner was unforgiveable.
Everything is personal when you don't think you did anything wrong.
hris Christie
EXORCIST: Don't talk about my mother, please.
POSSESSED CHILD: What?! You don't know what I was going to say about your mother. Maybe it was something good!
(The case is about the homestead status of his Palm Beach condo.)
so funny and also 😒
Why do you suppose that is?
Everything else is just fine, naturally…
He doesn't owe them the money because . . . he doesn't believe in liberal democracy?
"Dear Mr Cammarata,
I write to you to inform you of a potentially serious situation: some asshole is filing preposterous legal filings using your name and bar number. ..."
Which is not entirely fair, but c'est la vie.
Pls give us a dramatic reading of this on the next episode :D
This is...something.
Oh, and make sure you mention Hunter Biden as many times as possible!🤦🏽
I mean, public opinion of lawyers has always been low, but this digs room for a new bottom.
Also, an AI would’ve used better logic, grammar & spelling, & would’ve made this wholly fatuous argument less incoherent.
Does he know that's not a thing?
No human being proofread this -- unless the proofreader didn't speak or write English.
"what the fuck? republic mayor?"
Also: Spelling. How does it work?