Is muting the word RICO itself a RICO? In this FedSoc lecture I will explore how the real fascists are those muting my free speech online - Jimmie Johns lunch to be provided.
Please do this so that when the Georgia you-know-what case magically revives itself against all logic and legal precedent and brings down Trump, PopeHat is literally the last person on earth to hear about it.
I really do have an earworm of “RIIIIICOOOO… SUAAAAAAAVE” literally every time I see the acronym and I can’t roll my RRRRRRs to save my life so maybe I should follow suit.
OK, you are going to miss out on conversations on all these wonderful topics. I hope you do not care about apricots because "rico" is in that word. Bye bye conversations about apricots. And haricots verts! And Tricolor!
As an American non-lawyer, RICO is a law permitting the prosecution of a longstanding criminal enterprise just for being that. Dramatic outcomes from past trials popularized it as a way to "get the bad guys" but Ken White is always having to explain that most cases of wrongdoing don't fall under it.
Apricots will be so much collateral damage, unless the filter really only matches words. Then you must hope it also matches case, otherwise Puerto Rico will vanish from the feed as well.
😂This is my favorite kind of post. Someone is pissed, possibly swearing at me personally (not this time), takes me a couple of seconds to figure out & the comments are delightful.
Ken is joking, but my professional experience is that maintaining block lists is really difficult. This is why corporations and email providers subscribe to filtering services rather maintaining their own.
[1] It is not RICO.
[2] If it is RICO, see rule #1.
i understand if you feel you must
can't help but wonder though, is muting
only a temporary fix?
Just like we did with HIPPA.
and then the tangents start....
Suave-d by the Bell (jar)
It is feasible or
Convenient to
Organise this type of muting
I also look forward to the new euphemisms your “friends” use to needle you.
Sorry, Ken, you can't win. It's like trying to block Viagra emails.