Privileged people generally experience the system as biased against and as singling them out for abuse, because they cannot imagine that’s just how the system treats people.
Reposted from
Barry Dorrans
From what I understand from listening to Weinstein isn't getting any special treatment, and this is how it is for everyone at Rikers, but no, he thinks he's being picked on.
He deserves no less than he is getting.
Anyway, thinking about a vegetarian dinner, red beans and rice and some veggie chorizo.
Having said that he’s just reaping the rewards of his actions
If people have Netflix, they need to watch two different shows. One is the A&E show, 90 Days In. Compare how those county jails are ran compared to max security prisons in Germany, Finland, or Norway are ran. Which are from...
People would be wise to note. No documentary crew has ever been allowed inside a state ran or federal ran prisons. These crews have only been allowed in county jails.
Where 75% of those in one haven't been convicted of anything.
It’s for *those kinds of people.*
(I dunno, maybe she does. If so it’s not well publicized.)
They very much can imagine that the system treats other people that way and they consider it just.
But they consider a fair and just world as one that gives them the special treatment to which they're entitled, so treating them like a peasant is singling them out.
I just think it's a sense that they sincerely feel "victimized" by being treated the same as everyone else versus believing that the poors are receiving treatment that they'd happily trade for.
(welcome to the world, jackass)
Deliberate mistreatment is complementary for all at Rikers.
Time to say good bye.
What an icky bitch.
My favorite line "you get to grab your sack and cough?"
The look of shame, priceless.
Welcome to the party.
They had no reason to stop me, or treat me like I'm a criminal! he insists. Can't wait to show him the video.
Attorney: Great! Let’s watch the body cam video
C on video: Ossifer go f—k yourshelf ya glarbleglarble (tries to run, stumbles sideways and faceplants)
Me: Your heart is totally in the right place but it’s just a tad more complicated than that
Hadn't been teargassed, beaten, shot or arrested without cause, but Fox told him he was being treated worse.
"No way our awesome criminal justice system allowed Epstein to commit suicide! It must have been murder."
"why wouldn't they? Those candy crush levels won't clear themselves and it's not like COs would suffer consequences regardless of whst happens.
So, to quote another child predator, this really is a “the food here is awful and the portions are so small” situation
Is it possible he was murdered? Yes
Is it just as possible, if not even more likely, that he actually did kill himself and the guards missed it because they absolutely dgaf about him or anyone else in their custody? Also yes
The guards were supposed to check on him as he was on suicide watch and didn’t. Not because of a conspiracy but because too many DoC officers are shitty at their jobs
–somebody, I forget
90 Days In, shows how poorly US county jails are ran. So poorly, Sheriffs need informants from the outside to tell them.
Season 7 hit Netflix back in October.
Everyone informant they sent in for that season was an ex-con.
Cons don't give one fuck about people. All they care about is property and money.
It's why the US has a huge ass gun fetish.
The purpose of prison is to remove an individual from society so they can’t do more harm, and to ideally reform them. Depriving the prisoner of freedom of movement and free association with friends/family is the resulting punishment.
Our prison system perpetuates crime and mental illness and puts it somewhere that people don't have to think about it.
Until the prisoner is released. Then we do almost nothing to help them integrate back into society. It's state-sponsored cruelty.
Because I’m going to speed right past the jokey tone and respond with “you’re siding with a rapist” every damn time. And yes I will kill the mood. And your fun.
They allowed him the same quarter he gave to his victims.
Fuck him…
Next Question
People who've been protected from dealing w systems (assts to do all that, never spent own time on hold with health ins, tech, etc) have no idea what systems are actually like. And I say this as a relatively privileged person who hasn't experienced the worst systems.
I don't think mocking someone being denied cancer treatment for thinking they're being "picked on" is an answer.
Harvey Weinstein should make a movie about that, if he ever gets out.
Everyone assumes that the incarcerated deserve it, without knowing what ‘it’ is.
I think privileged people would not tolerate being treated like everyone else even if the treatment was humane.
Its to dense for me to transcribe so I seek assistance.
(i enjoy constant pain... grrrr)
#Alt4Me please & thank you wonderful person
See also also: Jan 6 Rioter, 'They won't arrest me, I'm white!'.
I think one died after a year waiting for trial for stealing a toothbrush from DuaneRead.
It actually is a conspiracy, but not against them. They just got on the losing side of a conspiracy that they were accustomed to being on the winning side of.
Have a friend who grew up hard. Like, never enough to eat hard. She’s a lawyer and works with the “1%”. She talks about this scene often. Especially the “they don’t call” line