Kentucky did this - they named the state insurance program (which was the ACA) "KYNECT" and people loved it. Many had never had insurance in their whole life and were amazing that the state could pay their medical bills.
Asked about Obamacare and they were like "NOPE! NEVER!!"
not looking for beef, and thanks for not putting it in the alt text, but if you really wanna make your screenshot posts accessible, redacting the disability slur would be appreciated 👍
Right wingers are voting for their own deaths if it means to go online and say “hey look i owned the libs lol” meanwhile Republicans destroy their healthcare
I always had a sneaking suspicion that 4chan was compromised from the very beginning when they wanted to go frame vinnyvinesauce for "shits n' giggles".
It's 2024, literally anyone and their mom has access to internet... and yet these morons cannot afford to spend 5 minutes to google what they are talking about!
Your education system is underfunded teachers earn peanuts, but at least you all know what to do in a violent shooting incident at school. Your health insurance system costs more than anywhere else and you get less. Capitalism, greed, and zealotry has fucked the US. 😔
I am from the EU. It is shocking that Trump ran on a platform of denaturalization, concentration camps, deportations, making women into slaves, hurting LGBTQ+ people, and his voters and non-voters were fine with all of these. This is simply moral poverty not just lack of institutionalized education.
It’s both. Trump won the cultural war this election, because Dems were incredibly ineffective in their messaging and stances. It bred apathy from voters.
And, most Trump voters believe he’s better economically (which is also misinformation), but that requires education to see through the misinfo
And of course there is the moral failures of the right. Sexism, racism, transphobia, anti-abortion single issue voters, etc. all major moral failures. Much of these can be reduced by education as well, but there will always be intentional ignorant people.
I agree in general, but everyone has a phone with search engine and they do use it. Whoever posted the above was able to get online and communicate. ACA was passed in 2012, can't people google?
The problem is the misinformation that leads the poorly educated to disregard actual information. Anyone can get that info, but people like the above wouldn't bother to try because they've been deceived by misinfo to not give it a second thought - "Obama bad", "education bad", "schools bad", etc
Well, why bother googling, if you already 'know' that Obamacare is bad and the ACA is good? If someone already holds a position, why would they bother trying to find proof against it?
And I think this is generally true for most people. People are going to believe friends, family, and sources they trust over a google search anyways. There has to be both a desire to learn and seeds of doubt in existing sources for someone to question prior knowledge.
This is true in a very broad sense because educational standards have been nosediving ever since Bush 2. The broad push toward standardized testing, which we now know as an incredible failure, has produced an electorate that isn't educated, except beyond what their schools needed for funding.
Standardized testing isnt even the real issue. There’s been research into school without it, and student perform even worse without testing. The real issue is funding. Teachers are overworked and underpaid, and their classes dont even have the materials they need.
Your zipcode pretty much decides your status in life, because of how little funding so many schools get. Plus add on issues like students having to pay for lunches and coming out of school malnourished and in debt.
Republicans eventually abandoned that policy in order to set up charter and private schools and then introduce legislation to funnel public money to those schools via vouchers, only to realize they'd have to eventually accommodate every student if that it's logical conclusion.
So now they'll just remove the Department of Education altogether and parents will have to either pay for private schooling, homeschool based on whatever standards, hope their child qualifies for a charter, or send them to whatever's left of public school.
I'll add here that I'm speaking from a particular Florida perspective, and has more context so absolutely go read what they wrote
The push to abolish the DoE is much older, pretty much from the day it was established in 1979. As with everything on the Republican agenda, it's the revenge of the John Birch Society. Took them 60+ years, but here we are.
I often think of an article that came out in 2016 describing how Rep voters had lower intelligence which caused them to be attracted to Rs simple, black and white messages. They couldn’t understand Dems more complex, nuanced arguments, so they rejected them.
I think about that from time to time.
The role of a political party is to educate people, not just harvest votes.
Electoral campaigning is only one part of a political parties obligations. It's also about advocating for a set of beliefs, changing opinions, forming them, educating people.
MAGA is roughly one third of eligible voters. They’re not the electorate - their votes are spoken for. Even if you write them all off you win the campaign by getting a little more than half of whoever’s left to show up for you.
Exactly, I hear a lot of arguments of she should've done x or y, and some of them could've made tiny gains, and different loses elsewhere. His campaign was a mess, and he probably won a lot with fear of non existent issues.
It might be hard for people who don't do any actual work, but think about someone who punches a clock and something they might want, like healthcare, housing, and retirement.
Anything that appeals to workers will hurt Pelosi's stock, therefore impossible.
I'm hearing a lot of ideas about paths forward that absolutely do not survive first contact with "voters constantly believe right-wing propaganda and messaging."
Either find a way to reach them with actual correct information (& convince them to listen to you), or find a way to get more current nonvoters to vote. 2nd part incl stuff like countering voter roll purges w/ massive registeration efforts. both need good/believable/tangible policy promises w/ them
Someone like that prob isn't directly changing their mind at this point, but then again, what exactly is even trying to do? We know their media sources are trash, but there's often no non-rightwing alternatives for them either, just FOX/etc blowing the same anti-Dem + anti-Left smoke in their face
Seen that sort of sentiment in non 4chan spaces plenty. Unironic "Keep your government hands off my Medicare" type thinking. Even that sort can get that a policy is good for them, but they need info sources correcting the record and properly connecting dots that the right-wing actively muddles
Those people do have agency of course, and there's gotta be some level of want on their end for any of this to work, obvs. But that aspect can't be controlled; only what actually can be is what efforts should be focused on
I do think even they could still eventually come around longterm if good policies are implemented and touted, but they shouldn't be the focus. Imo the effort should be to reach those not as actively hostile, and if those who are currently ungettable like that eventually come around it's a bonus
It always works because the dems suck at letting the pubs name things and consistantly let them do it. Global warming instead of climate change. Pro life instead of womens healthcare etc.
Yes & what did this dum dum go to next? It’s the Democrats fault for giving it 2 names. What sucks is a ton of Trump voters believe the 2 differ. They also believe Trump took down the price of insulin. 50+ years of conservatives gutting education so they’d vote against their own interests.
I think Dems decided to go along with the nickname 'Obamacare' b/c they thought they'd be associating Obama's administration with something popular & beloved but instead . . . this happened.
Dems pushed back for about two weeks because it was obvious propaganda, then caved because even after twenty years they are utterly incapable of standing up to Fox News.
I don’t think it worked the way Rs intended because comically for them “Obamacare” is popular. This dipshit is indicative of an entirely different problem…
Oh, it absolutely did--the mistake this dipshit is making is one we have heard from voters from basically day one. Republicans ran on repealing "Obamacare" for YEARS (and Trump brought it back). They held DOZENS of repeal votes in Congress, they all failed, but it only benefited them politically.
Yes. Sadly, too many people seem to think Republicans are never at fault for anything and all blame should go to anyone but them, especially for their actions.
It wasn’t the Democrats that thought up Obamacare though. It’s the party of stupid red hats that thought it up when they were still pretending to throw crates of tea overboard and thinking the world would be proud of them.
Blaming the democrats for the idiotic name given to it by the republicans after being tricked to get rid of it by republicans is spot on for our situation.
Doubt Orias would have anything to do with that... can't vouch for the rest though. I try to keep my dealings with the Ars Goetia to a minimum. Orias, Marbas, Gemory and sometimes Ose. Don't want to look into who would float RFK but pretty sure these 4 wouldn't.
no this dipshit and his ilk will get teary eyed coverage on cnn and think pieces in the post about how "they just wanted what was best for their families" because this country is built on rot.
It’s easier for them to manipulate dumb people, so they will try to hold the status quo’s.
If they reduce the possibility’s of getting a good education, they will prevail !
at first you just ask “wtf! where do they get their information?!?!” and then you stop and think “yeah…sounds about right”. why education in this country matters so much…and why some people want to keep them uneducated…
How does anyone see this as anything other than obvious trolling? This isn’t a serious person. It’s a fake conversation set up to encourage your smug replies.
When I read a news article that Google searches for "Did Biden drop out of the race?" Skyrocketed on Tuesday, my faith in humanity dipped even lower than where it was. And I didn't think it'd get lower.
Oh my fucking god. Look we can call it TCA and just keep it the same — if we just drop Obamacare from the name and make it Trumpcare with no damn changes to it — they’d love it!!!!
Their primary strength is manipulation for the sake of evil. Trevor Noah had a great post election pod episode where something they pointed out is how bad we are at winning as well. They win & do whatever they want. We win & they try to make sure they still feel included.
Yeah, there've been polls done showing that GOP voters strongly approve of the ACA but strongly disapprove of "Obamacare." GOP thugs' ploy of giving it a second name worked well to dupe their dupes.
Just watching these random interviews of people on street shows how uninformed they are. Many out there with no TVs, no internet. People were googling on Election Day to ask if Biden dropped out.
One, that's exactly why they have different names so chumps like you, 4chan poster, vote against it even though you enjoy it
Two, Jesus Christ in Heaven we're gonna fall into fascism because of the stupidest people to walk the Earth
When I did campaign analysis and consulting there was an expression, "if you're explaining you're losing" you have to talk to the electorate as if they are children with slogans and snappy alliteration.
Kamala never got her message out. People didn’t know who she was 100 days before an election. She was barely on the news all year. We need a major candidate to start traveling now and take interviews nationally daily
Stupid people with the right to vote + propaganda = pedophile traitor president
Fucking idiots cannot be exposed to misinformation because they cannot identify fact from fiction.
Dunning Kruger makes them so sure and they rush out to suck a traitor's balls. Racism preys on the angry unthinking ones
Asked about Obamacare and they were like "NOPE! NEVER!!"
Only really stupid ppl are reproducing.
Jim Crow laws existed
*Exasperatedly* fucking hell...
I suspect a related rule applies to voting.
And, most Trump voters believe he’s better economically (which is also misinformation), but that requires education to see through the misinfo
I think about that from time to time.
Electoral campaigning is only one part of a political parties obligations. It's also about advocating for a set of beliefs, changing opinions, forming them, educating people.
We need to clone Pete B. to go simultaneously on all right-wing media outlets to educate the electorate.
Democrats need better narratives; something which should be easy since, unlike the GOP, they can rely on the truth.
It was always impossible, only some of us thought a few of these fools might accidentally stumble onto the right answer.
Anything that appeals to workers will hurt Pelosi's stock, therefore impossible.
Dems will try racism before healthcare.
There is a lot of work in front of us to roll this back - and it has to come from the bottom up
It's not /pol/ cause there aren't flags so it's probably /r9k/ or a shitpost thread on another board.
We don't know whether it's a red or a blue board because the screenshot is using the Tomorrow theme.
Okay buddy, let’s learn nothing from this
(That was a real sign- probably not the only one- I saw at a protest once.)
If they reduce the possibility’s of getting a good education, they will prevail !
This is real, someone actually thinks this, but it's also 4chan, and those people are not working with a full set of marbles.
Mans gets fooled by Republican phrasing, votes his healthcare out because of it, and blames Democrats.
To be clear, I do mean "want". I can believe someone would make this mistake.
An impressive depth of intellect on this loser.
Because it worked so well when the attacked the Clinton administration’s plan by calling it Hillarycare in the early-1990’s.
One thing about Republicans is when they find something that works in angering their base? They dig in.
Time to take the ball and go home.
A. Unable to do research.
B. See A.
Two, Jesus Christ in Heaven we're gonna fall into fascism because of the stupidest people to walk the Earth
Fucking idiots cannot be exposed to misinformation because they cannot identify fact from fiction.
Dunning Kruger makes them so sure and they rush out to suck a traitor's balls. Racism preys on the angry unthinking ones
Boy does that feel familiar.