It's critical for everyone to remember what an Executive Order is. It is the President communicating orders to members of the executive branch. Policies to pursue, actions to take, etc. They are not laws. They are not close to being laws. They are formalized memos to employees. That's all.
From Cornell Law, "Executive Orders of the President of the United States are declarations with the force of law, which can take effect without the intervention of Congress."
They are not fundamentally like laws.
And they didn't.
But if his employees act on it, and they will, a lot of damage will be done before the Courts rule that it's illegal. Then it's 50 50 Dicktator Don complies.
My only answer that a court could grant the states the right to garnish federal withholding in their states. Since it would be a court order, states could do it.
Trump is a dictator wannabe and he is trying to destroy the country. At what point will the country stand up and fight back?
He’s laying the groundwork for challenging 2026 mid-term election results. States that don’t comply with his EO are running “fraudulent” elections & GOP will refuse to recognize blue state election results.
At least that is how it functions when you don’t have a DOdGEy coup department
January 6th. The problem isn’t our understanding of EOs, the problem is their understanding of EOs…they might just as well come directly from god on Mt. Sinai
The concept of honor might have played well in the 18th century to some degree; but, as you know, Republicans have trashed ethics for the sake of power.
Sure, Vance is almost as much of a moron as he is, but the Republicans don't fear him like they do Dump.
They don't give a royal shit about their constituents. Not one bit.
Sadly 😢
Remember we still hold an amendment you need to worry about Trump.
(though, yes, it's more complicated than my single sentence above)
Well, fuck 'em. They're wrong.
Also, we have to ask other branches if those orders are really lawful.
That is why Congress has been giving them so much 😵💫 trouble.
The difference between "EOs" and "Laws" is nuanced.
Legal battles over Trump's silly P2025 EOs (not even written by him) are really just beginning.
And people are jumping when they do not have to
Why would anyone vote that clown back into office with that kind of a track (golf) record?
EVERYONE WORLDWIDE needs to see this and understand the importance of voting.
This needs to change, and QUICKLY!
And we need to talk about them in this light, instead of treating them as royal proclamations that have the force of law. Trump didn't "do" anything. He "said" some shit that has no legal basis.
With respect to the President’s exercise of his core constitutional powers, this immunity must be absolute.
Sounds like total Presidential immunity to me
1. Jan 6 Insurrection
2. For refusing to give back classified documents that belong to the National Archives
According to the Constitution he shouldn't be President, but here we are
There is no law, there's just things that have happened and things that are happening, and nobody can protect themselves or each other from those things.
they are illegal and unconstitutional if democrats do them...
And when those EOs are instructions to do illegal things, the Courts will tell them to stop.
It's been two months and they have basically dismantled EVERYTHING our Constitution stands for and no judge is stopping them.
Soooooo.......I think it's critical that everyone remembers that rule of law only extends as far as people are willing to enforce.
Executive Orders - Bureau of Justice Assistance
He will brag he did what he said.
All a win-win for him!!
that needs
WTF were they doing?
Call Reps and Senate
Lol, executive order to behead journalists who don't spout the party line, "don't worry, its not a law or anything" as head falls into basket.
Ffs people are already being shifted prisons over being trans
But yeah, "don't worry about it"
The whole govt is in shambles on account of this shit, so im o my giving them the credit due...that harm is being done with EOs
This is standard tactics to make an adversary burn time and energy while the admin continues to shit all over the place
Hear ye, Hear ye !
All Hail Donald the First ! Oracle of The Almighty, Owner of The Mandate, Companion of The Elon, Permanent Club Champion, and He Who's Diapers Do Not Stink !!
Hear this Decree! This EO replaces any and All
Laws, Rules or Constitution !
So this Dt guy shows up & is the facility coordinator to get you to let down your guard
and in turns stomps you for fun repeatedly
Until you give me what the person wants, like free batch of cookies for a year or in Dt’s life money to fund his lifestyle or new shelves in a museum
If he is not patient or happy with the congress' pace in pushing through new laws, he can resign.
It just seems like he signs an executive order and stuff happens.
Aren’t the tarifs on Canada an executive order?
Then, what happens?
That's one of my concerns right now.
I thought he was the best from the very first time I saw him on TV... A real US conscious, truth teller, explainer.
(I am sure there is a fantastic word to describe this)
Have more coffee breaks.
I sincerely hope we don't get to the millions arrested and killed part for which the rest of them are known.
We could have a friendly divorce without violence.
Do you want to rethink your .. er .. fantasy?
#.Judicial Branch- interprets the Constitution and whether laws or regulations etc. violate it & pass judgements (opinions) .
I’m not sure why anyone obeyed the Muskrats to begin with as they were being closed out illegally.
This generation is just getting its protest chops. People will be shot before this is over.
That’s the price.
We need to stop "Um Actually"ing this admin and start doing something about it. While everyone waits 6 months - 4 years for courts, the damage is done.