i suspect Mar-A-Lago will go down as one of our generation's infamous international spy hubs, the same way Cold War Berlin or World War 2 Campione d'Italia were. There's probably spies installing listening devices who are finding other spies' listening devices already there.
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my takeaway from reading this is that i have to assume that every half-competent intelligence agency in the world has an almost real-time glimpse into what the white house and the pentagon are doing
Chinese cutout: hey dude here’s 5000 dollars, can you get my nephew a waiter job? He wants a selfie with the president
3rd largest cardboard box manufacturer in Florida: sure thing
“No, ISI. Ben at table 12 is Mossad.”
“Right. He’s dating the GRU girl at reception, right?”
“No, they split up. He’s hooking up with Sophie from Paris. That canteen off the Champs Elysée…”
Commonly called junk.
But of course he wants to bill taxpayers for the MAL expenses.
(sadly/luckily departed)
This is a dream come true for adversarial intel agencies.