So Mace walked into the House today with her arm in a sling and posted 500 tweets that she was the victim of a violent assault and THIS is what happened????
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Hey, I appreciate your support for trans people and share your disdain for Mace, but this post ain't it. We don't have to use misogyny and transphobia to attack misogynistic transphobes, we can do better than that.
Not to get nitpicky--that doesn't just look like a sling. It looks like the heavy-duty immobilizer I had to wear after I had shoulder surgery to fix a full-thickness tear of the rotator cuff. She's implying her injury was that bad. FFS.
Another snowflake crying because nobody is paying attention to her. Does she realize she was elected by the people to be their voice, not their village idiot?
Unfortunately, when you're such a horrible person it rots you from the inside out. Her bones can't handle the mild hand shake of a person who defends trans people.
I have known too many narcissistic, performative, women like this throughout my life. They are exhausting. She needs help. Although, personality disorders are difficult to treat.
She’s running out of material.
She better rub up against some
of those conservative Hollywood
actors. Maybe they know some
And there’s Roseanne Barr
Nan needs to WORK those connects!
She’s a malignant narcissist who abuses her staff, discusses her sex life at work and is embroiled in a legal dispute with her ex: she won’t move out of *his* house.
What a diseased cunt. And yes I resorted to childish name calling because there won’t be any consequences for her lying to the police and I am also not allowed to punch her in her face. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
You’re 100% correct, there don’t seem to be any consequences for this lot anymore. Someone else called her a ‘Trunt’ & I laughed so hard I almost had a heart attack. What an evil biatch she is. 🤨
Yes! Remember how he shook hands in the beginning?Where he’d yank the person towards him? That was before they taught him how to stop dislocating shoulders and speak in singsong.
Perhaps she could find that sweater with the 'scarlet A' that she sported after she bought her new breasts. That may garner more attention than this faux sling. I hope attorneys for the person who was charged demands medical records for her 'treatment'. She is truly pathetic and desperate.
Today's equivalent of Maxi-pads on ears. These people are not serious, but they are toxic.
I hope the constituent she had arrested for shaking her hand sues her for defamation.
She can play dress up all she wants but now she is charging innocent people with felonies. This needs to stop. There’s a camera recording of this somewhere. I guarantee if it was some black kid taking a penny from a jar the video would already be out.
An interesting choice of clothing considering her arm is in a sling. I would think it would be easier to slip on a dress than to struggle with slacks, but that's just me.
I guarantee this: There is some very dark trauma history driving her behavior. She could know herself better if she wanted to, but it must be too scary for her to face rn. Always remember, everyone carries a heavy burden. But seriously, she's an evil witch.
She is very sick along with the other cluster a and b disorders in Washington and soon to be presidents. Very sick. Nothing is more dangerous than someone sick with power.
We all know people like that. ( if you don't, count your blessings)
She is 100% of the time looking for a way to be a victim. She is absolutely the opposite of the type of people we need leading our country.
The opposite!
Did she also have the fake sic note from her mom, that her friend made for her? And where is the wrist brace? Come on get your fake straight, do it right!
I’m no orthopedist, but I’m going with overuse injury.
You have to hold everything with your right hand/arm when you have a bullhorn surgically attached to your left. It’s science.
It's not that she's delusional, it's that she's so full of hate that she'll tell bold lies to rile up the people on her side and to punish the people who aren't.
NO, SHE DOESN'T. Like I guess it was silly of me to think a new site meant we weren't doing this crap. Once again, for those in back. Bad behavior /= mental illness. You are adding the stigma actually mentally face daily & are causing actual harm.
How long will it take for her to show up on either Fox News Propaganda Channel or Newsmax pretending to play the victim and get fake sympathy from dumbass MAGAts? She wants to be a paid IQ45 propaganda mouthpiece not in Congress but on TV b/c that's where all the money is at.
Just like Trump with his sanity pad on his ear after the fake assination !! Drama queens,liars just out to instigate divisions+hate.
No one go near this vile woman, keep well away,don't shake her hand,don't bump into her or breath nr her as she'd accuse you of assaulting her with your breath !
Trump bitch… such an embarrassment ! Will she under Trumps fascist regime then have people sent to concentration camps ! Will they be adding showers to the camps when, It’s gets to expensive like Shitzler did … not kidding! Will executions become a viewing thing like gladiators and lions!
James McIntyre sounds like he needs to counter sue her. I know there's plenty of attorneys on here that sounds like a really fat solid pro bono easy win.
That would be really great of you you're definitely get a lot of money even though you should have to work pro bono but it's easy money providing that we actually don't have a complete and total kangaroo court system which is turning into
If she was really hurt, needs an MRI showing damage to her arm... How could we know it's not a false accusation considering her atrocious personality? It's ridiculous to arrest him if there is no physical proof. If she has no medical proof, he can't be charged. Reminds me of Giuliani's backslap.
I think she has had a few screws loose her entire life.I also think she is habitual liar.Hate to say this as a woman, but I don’t believe she was very raped.I think she was the girl in high school & at Academy that put out for anybody to be popular.
‼️‼️We are now hearing Senior House staffers reporting that Mace has also appeared in a neck brace claiming she “felt something snap” when whipping her head around to yell obscenities at a trans activist. #MaceInABrace
Joe is a good kid from Illinois. He grew up in the Foster system and had some pretty rough experiences. She has no business calling herself a representative of the people if she can't deal with such a nice guy like him. Their treatment of him is downright shameful.
Anything for photo ops and to malign someone standing up for #Trans youth.
People, stay away from the evil GOP. Don't get near them, don't talk to them, unless you're in office yourself. They will do anything to twist any good non-MAGA's try to do.
Yup. Normally, one should be able to point out hyocrisy, the hypocrite listens, and maybe even changes their opinion. With racists, they see nothing wrong with the hypocrisy. It's a feature, not a bug.
Cry wolf you two faced blemish on this earth. I’m sick of your attention crying attempts. I now know you were never sexually assaulted. You just want attention. You are making a fool out of all women especially those who have been sexually assaulted for real.
This woman is not mentally well. I'm not a professional in any MH capacity but some switch flipped or burnt out. She was a huge supporter, kisssssed a woman & seemed like your average soccer mom. It's beyond trying to get votes & acting like a lunatic would not...nevermind.
Even when these allegations are proven false, the damage has been done. The narrative is set.
The propagandists will flood the airwaves with the story that trans rights supporters are radical, violent lunatics. Nancy will claim she is an unbelieved victim.
She’s the latest Attention Wh*re in the Republican Party. What a vile human. I imagine her, if she was an adult during the Civil Rights Movement, being caught on film spitting on a young Black child.
What does "macro targeting clare" have to say about this? After all she is "Karen's" puppet master??
These people are the epitome of performance politics.
Kamala Harris was in receipt of one of Trump's forceful handshakes and nothing happened to her arm. By all eyewitness accounts, this one was a very normal handshake.
It actually sort of explains her. Bullies tend to have been bullied. Although she’s not a typical bully - she’s excessively dramatic. But be cruelty part with no thought for others fits
Looking at that photo, if she had a damaged hand/wrist as claimed she would not still have a ring on her finger - you'd expect to see swelling. What a toadie she is.
She's just another MAGA media whore. Her own former staff member said she'd do absolutely anything to get in front of the cameras. Don't give her the time of day!
No one victims like Republicans, William. More evidence that the GOP is rife with mental illness that manifests in addiction, various antisocial behavior and personality disorders as you mention plus pathological lying and delusional behavior, criminality--basically a cornucopia of crazy.
Mace should be indicted on false charges. Our politicians should be held to a HIGHER account, not a lower one. They are examples we look to for guidance. When daddy gets drunk and beats mommy do we blame the doorknob? 🚪
So…wait…does this mean that Macron (and all the others who’ve been forced to endure Tr’s bizarre “handshakes” can sue him? Seems like they’d have a better case and plenty of video evidence available in the public sphere.
Medical Records Will Be Released—At Same Time As Trump’s Medical Records Of Fake Assassination And Proof Of 2020 Election Fraud. Stay Tuned Or Alive While Waiting.
What is the point of wearing a maxi pad on your ear. Whats the symbolism? Even Trump had to have looked down & thought oh brother, what's wrong with these morons.
#EridTrump told the World his "dad's EAR was Blown OFF/a Hole Was Blown Through It" 🙄 It's amazing that Dr Ronny Johnson Jackson can Rx His #HappyPillz & a #MagicTamponPad & now a #MagicSling, say a Prayer While Waving His #MagicStethoscopeWAND🩺 #MAGAts
I've known many plastic surgeons over the years. Some were awesome healers, some just wanted to become rich. I even know of one who after being sued for malpractice went back to school and BECAME a malpractice attorney. Still attends plastic surgery conventions where he's a pariah.
I don't think it's photoshopped and I believe women have the right to body-autonomy, just like men. That said, my years in surgery tell me women have been sold lies about breast enhancements. Even if you use saline implants the shell is silicone. Natural response overtime is to encapsulate, harden.
The proportions look so wrong. Huge head, huge tatas, cause otherwise she could be a trans male looking to sex up all those tasty gravy seals🤢 and I thought maga wanted breeding hips, not 13 year old boy hips.
Maybe the new first "lady" can give her some tips on how to pose for really classy shots.
Same as her fake made up “rape”.
In any interview she gives, she mentions that she got raped no matter what the conversation is about.
No sympathy from me for this circus clown.
What a drama queen!! It would appear she's seeking revalency, attention, perhaps she should be on broadway instead of congress, where she would the attention she so desperately craves.
I use cunt how the rest of the world uses it. It simply means jerk or asshole (arsehole works here too). Anyone can be a cunt. Americans are just super fucking weird about misogyny. They have to make everything universal a slight towards women specifically.
I mean... If they're gonna skew the justice system (more) such that we can be found guilty for things that we DIDN'T do, then what's the incentive not to actually DO those things?
That poor guy. He should have used a Trump MAGA flag for his alleged assault. If he would have, he'd likely not have been arrested and Republicans would say he's a great patriot who loves his country. Fox, NBC, CNN would bury the story and if caught Trump would pardon him.
Was it a Civil assault or Criminal assault?
She better rub up against some
of those conservative Hollywood
actors. Maybe they know some
And there’s Roseanne Barr
Nan needs to WORK those connects!
She's setting herself up to get sued, PITY!
Just lied 🤥 like a dog
I pray that she bought that sling herself and wasn’t issued one by an unassuming health care professional
Grab the smelling salts and pull over the fainting couch, please. She's got the vapors.
I hope the constituent she had arrested for shaking her hand sues her for defamation.
Also known as DARVO.
sling in sympathy ?
I'm worried she may need it amputated.
This is an over the top career ending
But I won't hold my
She is 100% of the time looking for a way to be a victim. She is absolutely the opposite of the type of people we need leading our country.
The opposite!
You have to hold everything with your right hand/arm when you have a bullhorn surgically attached to your left. It’s science.
Maybe too late for her though
which would make the rest of us feel better.
She seems to be dealing with something beyond her ability to cope.
Like Trump, getting worse.
It is a form of OCD and they have meds now. Howie Mandel is the Big Pharma Spokesmodel. Maybe Trump could give Howie a job.
No one go near this vile woman, keep well away,don't shake her hand,don't bump into her or breath nr her as she'd accuse you of assaulting her with your breath !
I mean, if we’re talking non injuries it seems logical
OMG! She really needs to lay off the crack.🤣🤣🤣💙#BlueCrew
Or did she put the pants on BEFORE she "hurt" her arm?
Takes two hands to wiggle into stretch pants, amirite, ladies? You know I'm right!!!
Does. Including DT
This is what I’ve been saying, you don’t vote for or against Harris because she’s a woman, you vote on her policies.
You don’t vote for Mace because she’s a woman, you vote based on her… uh… spineless pursuit of the limelight?
Is that right?
People, stay away from the evil GOP. Don't get near them, don't talk to them, unless you're in office yourself. They will do anything to twist any good non-MAGA's try to do.
She is demented, to behave like this.
sure it wasn’t from shaking Trump’s hand instead?? Have you ever seen a more ridiculous handshake?! What an insecure man🤣
The propagandists will flood the airwaves with the story that trans rights supporters are radical, violent lunatics. Nancy will claim she is an unbelieved victim.
The stage is set for future oppression.
These people are the epitome of performance politics.
Is he in jail
But…. That is her affected fingers,wrist,forearm muscles….. in a sling from trauma.
Just putting this out there:
There is a diagnosis known as Histrionic Personality Disorder, where one fabricates a story to achieve their goal, which is attention.
To some, I suppose individuals who are Other are the new 3/5 of a person.
(except for the stupid as shit IQ test pasted to their stupid as shit pasty heads)
And how can someone look so smug with that tiny floppy shirt collar?
Arthur has a better collar and he's a fucking AARDVARK
That she would be so histrionic as to try and harm someone with legal action over one of her lies is appalling.
No wonder she can’t keep staff!
Maybe the new first "lady" can give her some tips on how to pose for really classy shots.
In any interview she gives, she mentions that she got raped no matter what the conversation is about.
No sympathy from me for this circus clown.
Mace is the kind of woman that would have a consensual relationship with a man, then cry rape.
She heard “trans” and cried assault.
People in Salem were hung for less. She’s dangerous.
Not use some cheap stunt for political gain?
Or is it buried under the medical report regarding Trump's "assassination attempt"?
The trauma she put that man through is unacceptable. She should be held accountable in every way possible.