I'm sorry but Jasmine Crockett saying, F"ind a little trans child that is ruining your life!" is well giving me life. She is both very right and very funny.
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I’ve deleted my TikTok but I was on it long enough to know that “Find a little trans child that is ruining your life” is about to go triple platinum as a sound template.
She’s absolutely right. I had a conversation with someone who didn’t believe same-sex marriage should be called “marriage” (for religious reasons 🙄). When pressed about how that impacts their life, they couldn’t answer. Because it doesn’t change their life one bit. Same thing regarding trans- 1/
2/ rights issues. It just makes most non-trans people uncomfortable so it’s easy to get people riled up against anything related to rights for trans men/women.
I want to disassemble why it works but it feels like that old saw about dissecting a joke is like dissecting a frog you can do it but you'll kill the frog (joke) in the process.
I've watched this clip a dozen times and laugh every single time.
Part of the genius of it is that she hints at a real argument - "who fucking cares if your mid high school athlete daughter has a marginally greater chance of losing the 50 meter?" - without sounding callous.
Like she's avoiding the tedium of having to explain how like trans people are not in general super specially athletically gifted, or that below a certain age there's little difference in athletic performance by gender anyway. "ruining your life" is carrying so much.
parents who are worried that the trans kid is going to take away their daughter's chance at a D1 scholarship should be much more worried about wealthy families who pay out the nose for club/travel teams, pro-level coaching, personal training, elite summer camps, etc
Not long ago, my R parent asked what I thought about the issue of trans kids nabbing all the high school athletics trophies and scholarships. I replied that I'd had less than no concern about it.
And at the US educational system's reliance on big sports sponsorships for funding, leading to the situation where the colleges are really just sports training grounds with other educational facilities attached
Hallelujah Jesus someone finally noticed they are CHILDREN. Little kids! Targeting kids is some real forked up shit the Dems are dabbling in. She reveals that it's freaky and stupid without being too heavy handed.
Totally. She is just like... This is so preposterous. They're making something out of nothing. It's not worth my time to engage. Let's move on to shit that actually is causing people harm. Love it!!!
A wee moment of national pride here, but we in Scotland got on the 'call 'em weirdoes' train a while back. It works, which is unfortunately why politicians seem to abandon or disregard the strategy almost instantly:
I also think part of what’s good is that she starts out saying “they” and ends up saying “we”—“what are we doing?” Which both avoids demonizing the folks who have been manipulated into a moral panic, and correctly places the responsibility on everyone to wake up and stop it
i would like to add to this that there isn't a 'marginally greater chance of losing'; feminizing hormone treatment undoes any such 'biological advantage' and the notion that it doesn't is a result of the right exploiting that nobody knows very much about this except trans ppl
...and even if someone wants to try to argue about 'bone structure' (do bones make you stronger or faster..?) i would remind that ~trans kids receiving appropriate health care do not develop the traits of their assigned physical sex, that's the entire point of said healthcare~
i think if she becomes the most famous Crockett in American history then things will end up okay for this country. She's a true power for good and against cruelties.
but but but there was this lady on fox news that talked about a person on twitter who found out there was a dude who knew a guy who knew a guy that believed to have witnessed that one incident many many years ago
I think this works so well because she simplifies the issue without trivializing it. Dems have so much to learn about plain/natural language and not sounding robotic
She is absolutely another person who needs to be amplified and encouraged. SHE is one of the people we need to keep in office and elevate to leadership in the Democratic party.
I mean, these are people who started out the gate completely believing that classrooms now require litter boxes for kids who think they're cats. I need to see all the Dems give us more pointing and laughing, loudly and relentlessly.
It's an excellent thing that this doesn't happen. People have to fucking cherry pick statistics to frame trans women this way. The stats they choose for Lia Thomas are literally for the years she was on HRT PRIOR to being allowed to participate with the other women. Evidence the claims are wrong.
Lol she perfectly navigates the conundrum of questioning why MAGA ppl are so preoccupied with trans ppl without sounding like I'm saying we shouldn't care too much about trans ppl.
I had a heated argument like this with my grandmother over gay marriage and she had to concede it doesn’t affect her at all, but insisted she must oppose something that is against nature 🙄
lol you don’t know how right you are rn because my grandmother has a god complex and is so overbearing I gave up ever living in Beijing, a city of 22 million, because I’d have to deal with her also being there
Nature is like "let's just cage match 20k chromosomes in fungus and see what happens," it has come up with the most ridiculous and magnificent solutions to problems that grandma doesn't even know about. It can take care of itself 🤷
Oooh, you should tell her about my fav mole/vole type animal:
the species has only females. They take turns dry humping each other, the 'humpee' spontaneously gets pregnant — parthenogenesis is what it's called — and that's how they procreate.
Biologists had been baffled for years because they'd
only ever found females of said species (I forget the specific scientific name, I DO remember it was a mole/vole type thing) until camera technology finally caught up,
they were able to finally see in their underground nests, and finally see how they procreated.
What a neat surprise it was!
How pathetic do you have to be to be afraid 0.5 to 1.6% of the population? and who do nothing to harm anyone else?? If only they were as fearful of degenerate white boys who slaughter children in the classroom, concerts, church, etc. Wake up people and get your priorities in order!
This clip is a gift. Outside of sports, I’ve heard us (Black women) say that trans ppl/kids are a burden in their job because god forbid they have to learn pronouns; and they feel like trans people are being pushed on them and being forced to “accept” them. Hearing this from Rep. Jasmine cuts the BS
why can't more democrats talk like this lol. even now the critical mass of the ones who do vote correct on anti-trans bills and the like seem to do so in this "im doing this but i don't want to stand by it in case it becomes a liability" sort of way
more dems need to show us full throated rejection of transphobia and anti-lgbtq sentiment, more dems need to speak explicitly FOR trans rights. if the dems tiptoe around trans rights like it's some taboo that shouldn't be mentioned, they're giving the narrative to the right, that's it
MAKE THEM TALK LIKE THIS. Trans survival is not up to them.
I am as cis straight white dude and a cringey liberal, but fk the dems forever if they tolerate even ONE member who will throw my trans kid under a bus.
Fkn cheer for dems that do like Crockett here, and unleash hell on the ones who don't. The party SHOULD die if it is willing to let my kid or anybody's loved one be killed by those eliminationalist fucks in the GOP.
True but knowing even his fellow Republicans fucking despise him makes Cruz losing and no longer having any leverage would be so satisfying ideally even being unable to get public speaking gigs or wing nut welfare
White elites in America control the white underclass by holding up the latest boogey man that “explains” why their lives suck. Trans kids are obviously the ones on deck these days. 😕
You would these people would have figured out the game by now. It’s only been going a few hundred of years.
Yes, it is beyond frustrating that the average Democratic politician won't call Republican bullshit what it is, bullshit. By contrast, Jasmine Crockett does it effortlessly.
Something I read that moved me on this topic - a poster who described anti trans sports as "Fuck with Britney laws". Because there are not many trans athletes and the law just ends up being "fuck over this one kid in particular who just wants to play sports with their friends."
It's not that there are low numbers of trans athletes - everyone deserves protection and compassion whether they are few or many - it's that all this fuss is just about kids who want to play sports with their friends. Only monsters are against that. The argument can only be in bad faith.
Let the official sporting bodies figure it out!!! They’ve been dealing with it since the damn 70s.
And by that I mean she can look anyone in the eye and meet them on their own field, and beat them with their own stick.
I've watched this clip a dozen times and laugh every single time.
Dissecting a joke cannot kill a good one. It only allows people to understand enough to make new ones of the same quality or better.
I think Doug’s comment (and the two before it in the thread) are getting it exactly right.
Agree/disagree? Why? What else, if anything, do you see going on there?
She said "white people think they are the chosen but one trans kid is enough to take you down lol?"
Just belittle bigots til their heads explode. The only way.
The *outrage* in her voice!
The way she says “the sports” sets it up so well.
We all praise athletes and their accolades, yet dismiss those of little girls having them stripped away by boys in dresses.
You don’t get to be a girl just because you suck at being a boy.
The way people say, "nature" cause they really mean their version of God.
Cellphones are against nature
ppl need to learn history!!
Like, hey grandma, diseases are natural so us not dying from smallpox or measles is unnatural.
the species has only females. They take turns dry humping each other, the 'humpee' spontaneously gets pregnant — parthenogenesis is what it's called — and that's how they procreate.
Biologists had been baffled for years because they'd
they were able to finally see in their underground nests, and finally see how they procreated.
What a neat surprise it was!
*evil laugh*
I wish I were more like her, I wish more people were like her.
(And AOC, and Bernie.)
Please sign and
I am as cis straight white dude and a cringey liberal, but fk the dems forever if they tolerate even ONE member who will throw my trans kid under a bus.
I wanted both HRC and Kamala and they were still more centrist than I wanted.
I'm not saying AOC/Crockett, but I'm not saying one of them shouldn't be on the ticket. (Did I double negative correctly here?)
You would these people would have figured out the game by now. It’s only been going a few hundred of years.
Real talk, though: our parents fucking hate us. Our extended families, they usually fucking hate us. And it’s not even about religion.
They signed up to have a specific type of kid. Boomer parents did not understand themselves to be “rolling the dice” on this.