Living on an Army test facility (ex is DoD) near a Marine Corps Air Station in Arizona. Stopped to pick up pancakes on the way to work and the waitresses were crying because they couldn’t get through to their pilot husbands. Manager had gone to motel next door to see the tv news. 1/
I called the number for Range Control (was lucky I had that kind of info) to ask if the range was shut down (it’s the size of Rhode Island, but still a military target). Control confirmed. I was at work all day but didn’t do much. 3/
The main post where I lived had just posted guards a few days. Young guard had waved goodbye that morning. 12 hours later he was still there. He look shell shocked as he stared at my ID and said “Oh. Mrs A. I know you, right?” /fin
I got to CPA firm where I worked and we had little tv in the library. Watched the second tower fall as the audio from a reporter in the tower garage was pulled away from the phone. Coworker didn’t understand why I was crying because he couldn’t comprehend what was happening. 2/
i got to campus early so i could print out my paper. friend next to me in computer lab said “a plane flew into one of the Twin Towers” and i thought it was a little two-seater bc that had happened a few years before. then in class someone came in to tell the prof. so we went to watch the rest on TV
we watched the whole thing on TV and then after the towers fell they encouraged us all to go home. lots of tears. everyone was trying to call home and the lines were busy. it took a couple hours to get thru to my parents in the US (i was in Rome).
I was running around scared getting my kid out of school while frantically waiting for news on my sister, who was stuck in the city since they closed all the bridges. Scariest time of my life.
in class, a sociology course focused on the Middle East. My Egyptian prof broke the news (I’d seen footage but the Aaliyah crash was fresh in my mind so I didn’t put 2+2 together that it was an attack)
I'm listening to a radio report right now, it's after the second plane has hit and they still can't fathom that it's an attack, they are saying it could be, but also it can't be.The person being interviewed is just searching in confusion and horror for possible explanations and nothing makes sense
Active Duty on MCAS Miramar in San Diego. Woke up that morning with a generally uneasy feeling, and remember starting the walk to the hanger overhearing people talking about a plane hitting the WTC. I get picked up by a car almost immediately upon leaving the barracks, where I bring up what I heard.
Getting someone to pick you up on the walk to the hanger was pretty rare, so it was even weirder to get one IMMEDIATELY. He was already listening to the radio. "Two." he replied. Another plane just hit the other tower."
The rest of the day was a weird muddled mash. I was taking my CDI test that day.
So the entire day was combing though maintenance books for answers while I overheard the television coverage and watched the towers crumble. Remember one tactless dipshit cheerfully walking through the hanger cheerfully shouting "We're going to war!"
The means everyone processed the day was... odd.
I talked with an online friend from the East Coast over my pre-flipphone era Nokia adjacent brick cellphone. She was in a panic assuming everything was going to get attacked, and that we were next, like they were going to come onto our base and start taking our planes. I found that idea hilarious.
I lived in SD at the time and started thinking of all the military bases and industries in the area, just to refresh my memory of how incredibly nukeable the city and surrounding area is.
I was in Computer Art class (junior year of high school), and the ol' Strapped TV got wheeled into the room and we saw the whole thing go down. School got really weird REALLY FAST. Parents were calling their ROTC kids afraid they were going to get drafted into war. INSTANT RACISM!
Speaking of the INSTANT RACISM, this was in Houston, TX, and that racism was NOT coming from white people. It was a few fellow black peeps wanting to "beat up muslims" when they really meant "any middle eastern looking motherfucker"...
I was in a Windows 2k3 server training course, ran out and found a phone to call home, since cell service had already gone (I was in downtown Boston). My mom was visiting with my Aunt and I asked what was happening and all I could hear was my Aunt shrieking in the background. I think I walked home.
I was at work in DC. We heard lots of rumors via work email, like “the National Mall is on fire” but it was hard to get real info. We were all huddled around admin assistants’ desks listening to their radios/mini TV’s.
They closed the office at 3pm. It was hard to get home because most bridges were closed. I didn’t know what happened fr until I got home and saw the planes hit the towers on tv. Next day my bus drove by the smoking wreckage at the pentagon. That hole still haunts me.
I was teaching at a small university in California. My first class was a small group of frosh. By the time class started one of the towers had fallen. One of the students told me and I couldn’t believe it. At that point we all headed to the student union to watch the news coverage on TV
Law school at IU had just started for my now ex-wife—I was doing IT for the school of music. I got to work, the bandwidth was 0. Called the Music Admin office & they told me what happened. I met my ex-wife for lunch at the bar, Nick’s. Her, her friends & I sat and watched the horror on big screens.
It was a big deal, moving from TX, just married, and I had started to prep for grad school. I couldn’t function for over a week, it was all very depressing. There was a mini-recession right after (caused by? Dunno), and I couldn’t bring myself to even take the GMAT.
I lived on the west coast so a lot of it had already happened by the time I got out of bed. Both planes had already hit the WTC and my mom told me that a plane had just hit the Pentagon.
I heard about the building collapses on the radio while I was driving to school.
I was a senior in high school and a lot of people were talking about how there was going to be a draft, which certainly felt like a real possibility at the time, especially when Bush gave his speech essentially promising a new world war.
We spent hours watching CNN, of course. Pretty sure they tried to get us back to doing school work about the time one of the networks had Tom Clancy call in to give his thoughts.
I worked at a call center and before I went on vacation the plan was to work on a British airways campaign. Saw the second plane hit while channel surfing on CNN.
The TV news looked like an action movie with smoke and fire. When I got to school, the second tower was already hit. Our math teacher, a Christian fanatic, told us these were the end days and he was glad we were alive to see it. The streets were empty on the walk home.
Me as a 2 year old probably: why yes, I would love to know more about damnation please remind me once a week but also let me put on a suit and tie so I can feel extra uncomfortable
Feeding 1-year old son in the bedroom in California. Mother-in-law came in, told us what was happening. Like everyone, we thought it was an accident, then thought we were at war.
Fucking nightmare. Glued to the TV all day, except when Terry needed to be soothed, played with. Fucked up day.
Watching it from Denver: called in-laws to check on them - cousin ran barefoot from the courthouse down the street all the way to midtown, grabbed some clothes, never came back; Friend on the train headed to station 1, stopped on the bridge & watched as people fell from WTC. So yes, I remember
Woke up hungover as hell on the couch and turned on the TV, saw the news coverage. My roommates thought I was joking when I told them what I was seeing.
I was in highschool during the equivalent of shop class. Our group was learning how to build bridges with straws and paper. Some kids were laughing when the first plane hit. When the second one hit, nobody was laughing.
im canadian and i was 9!!! they didnt send us home from school and it was a tuesday so i only remember the days after! i remember where i was when i heard about the space shuttle columbia though
i distinctly remember being in my second grade classroom with my second grade teacher but mathematically i should have been in first grade. confusing to be sure
yup, i was at the end of kindergarten when we moved in Feb 01, so i should've been in first grade in sept 01. and i know my grade always lines up with the year. 01-02 is first grade, 02-03 is second, and so on
Oh weird. Maybe first grade teacher stayed home or something and they combined classes. I was in 6th but was in my 8th grade history classroom all day cause every one left
7 years old, on my asthma machine at home; skipping school because of the asthma attack. I still remember the first plane hitting, mixed in with the rumble and hiss of the machine.
Are you being ironic? Logically speaking someone's personal memory of an event has no bearing on their ability the interpret it. But even setting that aside, these memories are often inaccurate and only grow less accurate over time.
I remember some stuff. Watching the news on Telemundo at school because it aired from NJ. Walking home to tribeca from the UWS because the subways were shut down. Finding out I was supposedly in the evac zone even though nobody evacuated us. Lots of gaps though, it was a fucked up day
My roommate roused everyone out of bed that morning, we were all in various levels of hangover after hosting a party the night before. We watched the second plane hit, then spent the rest of the day wondering how many more planes had been highjacked, calling home, etc
i remember my 2nd grade class being escorted out single file. watching the smoke fill the horizon. meeting w my older sister outside, waiting for my mom to pick us up, learning what happened. waiting to hear if my dad got off the island okay. watching the same clip over on the news with my sister
went to a jets game days earlier and saw the towers on the drive in. heard the news on the radio driving to work so I turned around and just went home. did some wfh but mostly watched TV news and wondered which nation had finally had enough of US foreign policy
dad was working near the pentagon and the phones went down.
mom took me out of school early cuz it was right around the corner.
i was talking mad shit because i didn’t understand the concept of terrorism and “Microsoft Flight Simulator isn’t even hard”
Algebra II. They wheeled a TV into every class that day, I think, and depending on how fast that happened, it's possible my entire high school watched the second plane hit in real time.
Same but in my next class, my pre-calc teacher insisted on teaching like everything was normal bc her son was in tower 1. He was ok, but seeing her fear affected me deeply. Later that night I heard someone on my fave radio station call for rounding up Muslims
I could have been off school sick, or I could be conflating it with my memories of finding about Princess Diana dying early in the morning when I turned the TV on to watch cartoons and it was nothing but news.
My parents were supposed to be on an internal flight from Denver to Washington.
I spent the most agonising 8 hours of my life waiting here in the UK to find out they weren’t on the plane that went into the Pentagon.
I’d seen it at work, like most people on the BBC, sent a text to my Dad, not knowing that all communications in and out had been stopped.
Got sent home because I was beside myself with worry and didn’t move from the tv for 8 hours.
Never cried so much as when he rang to say they were ok.
They’d got to the airport just as all aircraft were grounded, so obviously went back to their B&B.
The landlady let them use the landline when they could.
They spent the next 4 days driving up to Washington. Mum said she’s never seen anything like it, a whole country in shock.
They were on holiday & Dad was supposed to have a job interview in Washington that day, hence the internal flight.
The guy who he was supposed to be interviewing with lost a brother and SiL in New York 😔
Oh they will show up here...I covered them on Twitter, and I am slowly but surely migrating the 1,000+ foods I've covered there to this app, so stay tuned!
I was sleeping in because I didn’t have a morning class. My mom called me and told me to turn on the tv. I saw the second plane hit and texted my bf and friends. Then I went to my psych class. It was canceled, but we all sat together anyway, and people talked about the people they were worried about
There are full-grown adults now with college degrees who were not born then. They can drive cars, vote, drink, own guns, and in some cases be millionaires.
My phone rang and woke me up. My friend told me a plane just hit the first tower, so my lucky ass got to her place in time to see the second plane hit. At work, the entire company was clustered around half-a-dozen workstations streaming audio and occasionally video, talking.
My boss told us all to go home around 11 or so, but go home to what? We had broadband at the office and could stream news feeds, etc. We were more plugged in there, and it was something adjacent to a support group. I don't remember much more of the day besides calling and emailing.
I spent hours trying to reach friends to make sure they were okay, called people not in NYC to see if they had heard from them, etc. I think I eventually wound up back at my friend's place, but I was numb by then.
8th grade English class - they stopped classes and just had everyone chill in whatever room they were in while parents came and picked us up throughout the day. Mr. Cordenner put on the news and I heard him curse for the first time “those fucking bastards”
had just gotten to school, i was in the hallway and saw the principal go in and whisper something to my teacher…teacher announced the news to us a few minutes later but proceeded to go through the whole day like normal so i didn’t really get it until after i got home & saw it on tv
In the UK. Was on the school run and passing the local RAF, base & puzzled to see so much activity,pushing all the planes back into hangars, MP's flying around in jeeps etc. Then the news brokewe didn't know what was happening. I just flew to collect the kids, & get home & watched the news in horror
It was the beginning of terrorists starting to use everyday vehicles to attack individuals, on a smaller scale but equally horrific ways.
We saw many such attacks in London.
Driving back to Belfast, having spent the morning in Downpatrick Planning Office. We all piled into the boardroom and spent the rest of the day watching TV news in utter disbelief.
I used to wake up at 5:57 am (MST, this is Arizona) listening to the NPR news recap. I heard a plane had crashed into the WTC, bounced out of bed and had the TV on soon enough to see the 2nd plane crash into the WTC. Then the Pentagon. Then I had to go to work.
i worked evenings so was at home (uk) watching it on cable tv news in my bedroom
remember after the 1st plane hit it was initially being reported as an accident
then the 2nd plane hit
my mum thought world war 3 had started and it would ruin her trip to the scottish highlands (priorities!)
I was working in downtown DC & couldn’t get through to anyone by phone, got an email to the missus saying I’d be home eventually, in the meantime my aunt & great aunt (in the UK) were calling my mother (in California) convinced I was dead because nobody had heard from me
I don’t know of it’s funny as such, but when I was taking an indirect driving route home, we saw the smoke coming off the pentagon, & it looked bad but my measure of “shit’s on fire yo” was driving out of South Central LA during the Rodney King riots so…
when I eventually got through to my aunt she was talking about how heartbreaking it had been to see people jumping from the WTC towers & I had no idea what she was talking about because they didn’t show it here
walked into first period senior year of high school. lived just outside of NYC, teacher had her head in her hands and said "we're being bombed" (details weren't clear yet). We learned the truth soon. I think 2 kids in my HS lost one of their parents =/
I went to school in NoVa, near DC. Teacher was pulled into the hall, came back into the classroom, said "something terrible has happened. you're all going home early." Cue a class of 2nd graders unknowingly cheering for 9/11. Didn't even know what happened until I got home lol
lol no i was definitely not a scene kid . i mostly posted on the board because it was probably the funnest community back then. I still talk to some of those people 20 years later. early MOC was a lot of hardcore kids from philly nyc and boston
Midwest, and I'm almost positive I posted there, but I was already an old head by that point. Weirdly, I actually met people on there who wanted to make out LOL
At first I thought they were talking about the twin towers in my small Canadian city because I couldn’t figure out why anyone cared if it was anywhere else, and then our French teacher told us why he felt America had it coming lmao
I was getting read for work (financial aid counselor), happened to have the news on. I saw the second plane hit and said 'what the fuck is this Tom Clancy shit?!.
I saw how flag waving was near-instantly turned into xenophobia.
I was in high school. Learned about it during AP Spanish, and my teacher usually *only* spoke Spanish during class. I was confused over why she was telling a story in English ⏩ Wait, this is real? ⏩ TVs in every classroom the rest of the day. Very surreal. Aftermath made me question neocons.
I grew up in a very politically conservative community - and am way more politically liberal now. A few years later, a conversation with a college friend about abortion rights really flipped things for me, but the actions of the Bush admin might have made me more open to question my prior leanings.
Since folks are serious, I guess I'll be too. Attended first sesh class, heard about it and thought it was like that time a small plane hit the Empire State: no big deal.
Attended a CC in Jersey City and they canceled class. Stepped out to get the bus home and saw only one tower smouldering.
Cell service down, lots of folks waiting for a way home unsure what to think. When the bus picked us up the second tower collapsed.
Family made it back eventually but they mostly hoofed it across to NJ. Day after on bus people on NJ Transit were openly debating why you don't bomb an entire country
I heard "We can drill through glass" FAR too many times. By which I mean I heard people actually and casually say that out loud. A lot of masks came off that day.
It really said a lot to me that a lot of the assholes were white blue collars and/or people who were unpopular in life while the folks saying maybe let's not go all out were desi that already dealt with a lot of otherness as-is.
Don't forget white white-collar workers. I was working in tech at the time, and knew A LOT of people with names that weren't Steve or Jack, and therefore got nicknames applied.
I ran the vegan/vegetarian grill for company functions and so I got to know most of the Indian workers and made a point of learning their names, proper pronunciation, etc. Simple respect, right? Their families were often surprised when I greeted them by name with at least passable pronunciation.
please, it was after B period and before A period, discrete math. and i remember a kid going "the pentagon is on fire" and we were all like "is this a bit"
we all tried to download counterstrike onto the school computers in the lab so we could have a sick LAN party but gooseman disabled the download link "out of respect"
Was doing marching band practice, my section was inside practicing and then saw the news on TV while everyone else was outside unaware. We ended up going out to tell the rest of the band.
Also had some homework to see how different news stations reported the news. So I did a CNN/PBS comp.
It was a shock, but I think the subsequent slide into the Iraq War made more of an impression on me. It just felt like we were running into disaster. I was watching Young Frankenstein with my parents and afterwards we saw the news that the war had begun and it was a giant moment of "Oh Fuck".
It’s weird to think some big stuff I remember happen as a child have basically always been history for others. I remember seeing the challenger explode on the news, and Chernobyl as like the first really big news stories I remember. Also the fall of the Berlin Wall.
I was cleaning cages at the vet hospital where I worked and listening to Howard Stern. I had just moved out of the city a couple of months before; I had been living near the South Street Seaport. My mother called me in a panic, thinking I might be there. I called all my friends in the city.
I’m old; so i was late for work that morning (i biked in), the first plane had already hit when i got there. We put on NPR and listened to the other three go down. I genuinely got a little excited, i thought this was it, the end of civilization.
It got a lot realer when i got home and saw the images on tv. Then it was just horrifying. The 2-3 days after when nobody knew what the hell was going on were… interesting.
He’s both the foot in the door and the foot holding the door shut. I’m probably not informed enough to have an opinion worth listening to.
Sitting in 9th grade civics class when my teacher threw it up on the TV, the whole class just sat in disbelief. We spent the rest of the day hopping from class to class watching the news and getting no work done.
Was still on the east coast, at work.
Lots of details I won't go into online, but short-short version:
Co-worker who was out sick called in to tell us to find a news source ASAP.
Nobody got any work done in our entire corporate division, suspect it was similar across a LOT of businesses that day.
Woke up in Seattle to my radio tellling me there had been a plane crash in NY.
My father was an airline pilot, and I didn't know where he was working that day.
Then the second plane hit, and I spent over an hour pleading with the news reporters to say what airlines the planes had been with.
Finally heard from my mom, who told me Dad wasn't flying anywhere near NY that week. When he got through to us that night, he was stuck in Denver. I felt guilty for being relieved, and utterly horrified at what had been done.
I had just woken up in my Long Island studio the size of a thimble in the back of some couple's house because I didn't go into work that day. I fired up my laptop (it was one of those blue Apple iMacs that looked like a toilet seat) & the homepage of the university was replaced with an American flag
A lot of my colleagues were teaching that day and found out in the middle of their classes. Those were hard stories to hear. Some of them were crying in class, everyone was confused. A lot of the local people were trying to track their loved ones.
I was in Philly at a breakfast meeting with two other managers. As we were leaving the restaurant we heard talk about an explosion in NYC. As we walked down Sansom street towards the office we could see the TV through the window of a salon. We walked in to see what was happening.
As soon as we realized it was a plane crash we rushed back to the office, a very large corporate travel agency to start damage control for hundreds of travelers we had scattered across the U.S. and the world. At 9:45 the FAA grounded all flights and shortly thereafter calls started coming in from
Travelers desperate to get home. It was a harrowing day. In the early afternoon the mayor ordered an evacuation of all taller buildings and began to shut down the bridges to NJ. One of my coworkers lived in the burbs and couldn’t get home because the trains were packed. He went with two of us who
Who lived in town to Woody’s, the main gay bar at the time, where we watched the news and drank. We finally headed home about 10:00pm. I remember the day far too well. My company had clients on each of the flights.
Getting ready for class, but we apparently had the wrong channel on our dorm room TV because I didn’t hear about it until later when I was in class. Only one person there had a vague idea of what had happened, and the next thing I knew we were told to go to the chapel at 11 & classes were canceled.
4th grade; teacher drew a burning building and plane on the white board while trying to explain what happened, we all laughed. when i got back home and cartoon network wasnt on i realized something serious had happened
I had a morning meeting in a prominent high rise in San Fransisco, which many of us had flown in for. We were the only ones in the bldg. I got to drive home but my colleagues were either stuck for days or had to rent a car to get home.
2nd day of Freshman year of catholic high-school in NY. We were getting news in bits in pieces. We were all terrified of newness already, now there was actual terrorism in the mix and it became the only thing a lot of NY-ers ever talked about the entire 4 years, whether it affected them or not.
I remember a weird vibe at school, they cancelled all the after-school stuff and I heard rumors a small plane hit the World Trade Center in Boston) from a kid while I was in line for lunch. Other than that it was a Tuesday until I talked to my parents about it.
I was sitting in Elementary School. Teachers didnt tell us anything, but we knew they were all watching the news all day behind our backs. kids kept getting pulled out of class one by one, till I was pulled. Stepmom had picked me up early. said the country was under attack. went home watched news
I was up for work when the planes hit, and had to go into the office (I was only 24 and afraid to lose my job) but I took a radio so I could keep listening to the news. It was surreal having to go do “normal” shit when the world seemed to be falling apart.
I woke up at a shitty hotel in Hollywood with an early checkout time and then as I was walking down Hollywood Blvd someone from one of the shops stopped me and asked "did you hear what happened?" I hadn't
I was at work when it happened. We were all watching the TV. By the time I got home we had fully armed military walking our streets. We lived a few blocks from the Air Force Base. Sonic booms were shaking the house.
I slept through the planes. Then I went straight to the mall to buy a playstation. An hour by bus. Headphones on the whole time. The mall was closed “due to the recent tragedy” and I thought “who tf died” and then went home (another hour by bus). Found out 9/11 happened.
I was 20 and stupid and it didn’t seem like a bigger deal than Oklahoma City or Waco. I made jokes. I got upset that the coverage was sensationalizing the whole thing.
I think in retrospect Oklahoma city bombing was the far more troubling precedent because the radicalization of the maga militia has never stopped since then and there's been no serious effort from govt to even admit there's a problem because they vote Republican
i think for stupid propaganda reasons Americans Are Only Now Beginning to finish the reconning we should have had ages ago with the ramifications of Waco
Like A LOT of other people, I went to donate blood, thinking it might help. When I say a lot, I think the line to donate took two hours and the people there looked exhausted. Pretty sure they were only taking blood to make people donating it feel like they weren't helpless and could do SOMETHING.
On a conference call with my staff watching CNBC. Then, watching a friend die on said tv and scrambling to get as much control over our internal systems even though we just lost a major office and our entire infrastructure was running away. Being a broker then kinda sucked.
It did buy booze. Lots of booze. A lot of us started drinking heavily then kept it up for years. Also, since most people's pay was based on assets under management, that 50% haircut everyone took humbled people that needed it.
Oh totally. Being an arrogant douchebag was a literal job requirement. Lots of people couldn't handle the aftermath and had to seriously challenge every assumption they had.
After I quit and went into the real world did I finally grasp what utter bullshit it all was.
The rest of the day was a weird muddled mash. I was taking my CDI test that day.
The means everyone processed the day was... odd. one got beat up. Ever.
I heard about the building collapses on the radio while I was driving to school.
Fucking nightmare. Glued to the TV all day, except when Terry needed to be soothed, played with. Fucked up day.
"woah. like, what is this gonna do to the economy. it was the world TRADE center"
i was a fuckin genius to the other kids out by the portables. my feet hurt the rest of the week cause the shoe didn't walk flat anymore
Then I told the guidance counselor I was sad about America so I could go home for the afternoon
Then I played DDR and watched Toonami
and the liberation of estonia from a motel TV as a kid on vacation in PEI
I might've tried to eat a sandwich, too, it's hazy.
mom took me out of school early cuz it was right around the corner.
i was talking mad shit because i didn’t understand the concept of terrorism and “Microsoft Flight Simulator isn’t even hard”
Flying A Plane Looks Easy AF
I spent the most agonising 8 hours of my life waiting here in the UK to find out they weren’t on the plane that went into the Pentagon.
Got sent home because I was beside myself with worry and didn’t move from the tv for 8 hours.
Never cried so much as when he rang to say they were ok.
The landlady let them use the landline when they could.
They spent the next 4 days driving up to Washington. Mum said she’s never seen anything like it, a whole country in shock.
The guy who he was supposed to be interviewing with lost a brother and SiL in New York 😔
I got a Salad Shaker from McDonald's and told the lady "I dunno I wanted to try it out. What if we all die and I never tried it?"
It wasn't good.
We saw many such attacks in London.
Nevermind We Back Again
remember after the 1st plane hit it was initially being reported as an accident
then the 2nd plane hit
my mum thought world war 3 had started and it would ruin her trip to the scottish highlands (priorities!)
I saw how flag waving was near-instantly turned into xenophobia.
I was out there protesting against wars, again.
Attended a CC in Jersey City and they canceled class. Stepped out to get the bus home and saw only one tower smouldering.
Family made it back eventually but they mostly hoofed it across to NJ. Day after on bus people on NJ Transit were openly debating why you don't bomb an entire country
Also had some homework to see how different news stations reported the news. So I did a CNN/PBS comp.
"Son, wake up, America has been attacked."
He’s both the foot in the door and the foot holding the door shut. I’m probably not informed enough to have an opinion worth listening to.
Lots of details I won't go into online, but short-short version:
Co-worker who was out sick called in to tell us to find a news source ASAP.
Nobody got any work done in our entire corporate division, suspect it was similar across a LOT of businesses that day.
My father was an airline pilot, and I didn't know where he was working that day.
Then the second plane hit, and I spent over an hour pleading with the news reporters to say what airlines the planes had been with.
Business definitely slowed. I had one package to run.
but with modern technology the performative patriotism happens with the SPEED OF CYBERSPACE
can i have some??
After I quit and went into the real world did I finally grasp what utter bullshit it all was.