If Donald Trump & Elon Musk have it their way, your Social Security will be privatized and your benefits will be entirely reliant on the stock market.
If you want a sense of what that'll be like – take a look at your 401k today.
If you want a sense of what that'll be like – take a look at your 401k today.
You’ve studied history Adam, does history show a big difference between fascists and their collaborators?
Stop voting for his cabinet ghouls. And twll chuck to resign
Cutting benefits is unacceptable.
Raise the maximum amount of earnings subject to the payroll tax
No, thank you.
What's scary is you are able to make decisions that affect millions.
And no, voting to confirm an anti-labor clownshow was not "doing something" about it.
If this filthy CR passes, you are all done and because of your failure and our rejection of you ALL, it will mean the fascists WIN. FOREVER.
What more do we need to see 👀, the "brown shirts" marching into NBC Studios ❓❓
Pull your weight. You have leverage. DO SOMETHING to make this as painful as possible for these asswipes.
The Dem Party ignored their base for the last decade and are never going to save this country because they’re backed by the same billionaires.
Your most recent vote was to confirm Trump's nominee for Labour Secretary. But thanks for the tweet, Senator.
Things like Social Security is back by the full faith in US gov. Something that Republicans continually try to undermine.
Privatization of social safety nets just massive grift.
And the bitcoin thing? That's an entirely different shell game he's trying to play.
Such a conflict of interest in the purpose of social security, the name would have to change to
Social insecurity.
I'd like to see the cap on Social Security contributions removed and the tax rate gradually increased by 0.1% per year to 10% on each side.
That would ensure the program remains solvent.
But that isn't how Social Security works. It would be a good idea if part of the dollars were held in index funds and the rest funded current retirees.
They count too, but nobody is addressing the impact cutting Social Security will have on them. This is a serious blind spot in the conversation that is creating a real risk they will be targeted.
Seems like a good time to: Make a plan. Run a new play. Envision counter solutions. Make it so.
Trust is earned, and he has failed, I am so disappointed
— The Addams Family, season 1, episode 31
The only way we can "stop" them having their way is using extra-legal methods, and I know you're not suggesting that.
You, on the other hand, are in the exact place you'd need to be to resist their actions.
So what's the call to action here?
This ain’t it
then it went to a 201K, then a 50K
then Fidelity Mutual started charging me admin fees because I wasn't throwing any more good money after bad
then I took home about $3K from the $300K plus I contributed to my 401K in aught eight
I started donating to my 401K in the nineties
kept on adding to it until things started to go south in the aughts
then cashed it in before Fidelity Mutual could take the rest of it in admin fees
He’s killing people &deliberately tanking the economy.
He’s instigating wars with allies.
He’s a Putin protégée.
He’s betrayed the country.
Get him out
vote NO on the CR.
Another one for the feels incredibly illegal and wrong category.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
TV celebrity...since this is a thing: John Stewart
Nothing over 65, even if its alive
Give me your 401k or do something that helps me.
The people most concerned about losing social security and the ones we need to protect dont have 401k plans and dont care about the stock market.
Y’all have a big disconnect between your lifestyles and the lives of actual Americans that need your help.
These decisions r the decisions of drunk & high people!
* We will Takeover Canada!
*We will make it 51st state!
*Yea Dude will take Mexico too!
We will Fire every one of those Federal Deep State Workers
Yea Dude!
Drug Screens Now! WTH!
I have infusion today for arthritis, it’s 10k, will Medicare pay? I am sweating bullets over it because the only way to find it is to have the procedure…
Also, why did you vote to confirm Rubio
Most Americans do not have 401ks. Slightly more than half AMERICAN WORKERS have 401ks.
Musk has already said that he doesn't think people deserve the entitlement they were specifically taxed for and wants to see Society Security gone.
He literally wants poor people desperate and starving. He truly is a sadist, as ex-employees have said.