My code just redirected to some video of a guy dancing around in a trench coat signing about never giving me up or letting me down or something, please update with correct link. thank you.
Sorry, it's the first rule of Bluesky 2: no d dot. In compensation, they're replacing the Discover feed with just your timeline, so enjoy all the new replyguys!
i didnt get one, is it possible you misunderstand my sarcastic misunderstanding of jokes? im hesitant to send you an invite to bleuskai because of this :P
(im an ally btw)
thank you jerry for NOT inviting me
I thought I had a sense of humour but my inbox is empty.
If you don’t know about Bluesky 2 it means you didn’t get the invites ;)
don't leave me here with the normies Jerry
If Bluesky is gonna be like phones and have yearly upgrades, I’ll wait till #4 😉
I am thinking you might not exist.