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Millions cancelling their trips and businesses in the United States due to Trump’s illegal ICE ethnic cleansing operations. The damages created by Trump will exceed in the trillions of dollars. #3E #EndImpunity
Those Paul Weiss has betrayed include lawyers who have worked with the firm and law professors who have steered their students there. Belonging to both groups, I feel doubly betrayed. That once great firm should back out of its Trump deal. Better late than never!
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Good morning guys! 😈
20 minutes ago here in Venetie, Alaska, the skies erupted in a beautiful auroral substorm. Here is just one of many real-time videos I recorded during the show to give you a sense of how fast and dynamic the aurora can move.
Laut Polizei sind es bereits 18 Rechtsextreme, die verhaftet wurden, weil sie Homosexuelle gequält haben sollen. Um es klar einzuordnen: Das ist ein Ausmaß von Terror, wie wir es in Österreich schon sehr lange nicht mehr gekannt haben. Und da wird wohl noch mehr kommen. is not backing down. If he has any fear of retribution, he’s not allowing it to shape his decisions or what he says. That’s incredibly important at this critical moment in history. Paul Weiss isn’t made of the same stuff.
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Xavier transitioned and became Vivian Jenna Wilson. She is alive and well and lives in Japan. No loving parent would ever write such a disgusting thing as this, and it speaks volumes.
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Time to trim? 🟠🍆🟠
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Dan Bongino and Kash Patel are in charge of “redacting” the Epstein files. What could go wrong?
Es ist nicht tragisch, sondern es ist gezielte Propaganda der Fossilisten und Russland-Kuschler innerhalb der ehemaligen DDR-Blockpartei CDU.