I spent years in California working on my CS studies. Luckily no big fires but I have seen how good the LAFD is. I guess we're just lucky nobody in the Trump family ever considered doing a for-profit fire department or that song probably would have been created.
That doesn't surprise me since they have several (lots of?) gated communities in Palisades. Depending on how gated they are they would be required to have their own fire trucks and other maintenance vehicles. Of course if you can afford a house for $10++ million you can afford $2500+/mo HOA fees.
Behind the scenes. I can assure you- medically- most suck and treat with diesel. And as far as the antics within departments, harassment, SA, intoxication on duty...they are WILD. Glad you got a good outcome, but they are low level in the prehospital game almost across the board.
There’s a two-story fire station about a mile from me with floor-to-ceiling windows on the corner. The upper floor has a Stairmaster facing that corner. Everyone in the neighborhood gets to watch firefighters work out. PR genius.
Please don't just share on this forum. Get on the phone or e-mail and tell someone in DC what you think. It only takes a few minutes and best of all..it doesn’t cost any money.
We don’t need money in politics. We just need people to participate.
Also, thank you to the prisoners fighting the fires for low/no pay, unable to use their valuable training once released as felons cannot become firefighters once released.
Some states are now allowing felons to apply for state jobs because of felon 45. And I say good. At least these folks can now shed that collar and get a good job. Something good finally came from this horror show.
Preferable to addressing the reason we have so many “felons” under our current laws I guess…. both parties, heck all Americans, support the school to prison pipeline.
That's disinformation. Prisoners who work as firefighters in California ARE allowed to join when they get out. They passed a law in California specifically helping them to transition to full time firemen/women when they complete their sentences.
That is what irritates the fuck outta me. W gave these heroes, yes heroes, a valuable skill and then are going to release them with no ability to use that skill. That's a total waste of talent, time, man power and hours. Just build these men up to break them down. Only to return to prison.
Except that's rightwing agitprop. It's not true - not in California at least. They passed a law to make sure they COULD become firemen/women upon release.
PT Barnum II needs a vocabulary lesson to understand what "surplus" means. Also "humanitarian." That family must scoff at how Jimmy Carter spent his life. I hate to think how PT Barnum's grandchildren are being raised.
I actually didn’t. I called the police non-emergency number. THEY sent the Fire Department.
I think b/c they can haul you to the hospital if you get bit while waiting. All I said to the police was “There’s a rattler in my yard and I don’t know what to do.” They said “Keep an eye on it” & sent the FD
Where I live the fire dept has a free program of taking them away and relocating them. But they told me it has to be within a mile or the snake will die. Don’t know why.
Yeah, must be because they can rush you to the hospital if anyone gets bit in the process.
Who knew SoCal is loaded with rattlers? I lived in AZ 26 years. Saw many snakes but never a rattler. But I’ve had TWO in my yard in 8 years, 1 hr N of San Diego — only 1 of which bit me when I didn’t see it.
Our Fire Department, and at least one adjoining town, have trained Fire Responders who bring a bucket and a looooong stick with a tongs on the end…they’ve taken away 2 rattlers out of my yard at no charge (only one of which bit me after I accidentally stepped on it). Saved my dogs!!
Thank you! From CA… there have been so many resources given to us.. more coming.. it’s heart breaking.. but everyone here is feeling the love that is being sent.. and Trump can fuck right off ..
Um.Firefighters have always been a huge part of housing discrimination and anti-protest efforts. Firefighters let the houses of POC burn to push them out of community.They also assaulted protesters with fire hoses. We’ve all SEEN FOOTAGE of firefighters spraying civil rights protesters point blank.
Thank you CDC inmates who were making all of 3$ a day doing this as well. Taking on just as much risk too. Shoutout all the firefighters out there. Salute.
Whatever they did to wind up in jail, they chose to volunteer, train, and serve the community. Once they are released I hope that those who wish to continue as firefighters are able to do so.
I thought the law was changed so that the inmate firefighters have their records expunged and are able to apply without having to wait out their parole first
Prisoners are rarely able to continue in firefighting because of the perceived risk to vulnerable (in need of rescue) people. It's just dumb. "I don't want the guy who served time rescuing my sweet granny".
(AMA firefighter, people love us in the abstract but specific individuals get amazingly pissy when we track mud in while fighting fires or hauling all 500lbs of MeMaw out of the basement.)
It's a low occurrence. Almost negligible to the number of firefighters. Driven mostly by boredom and the need to be a hero and recognized. They tend to be better people than cops as a whole can still be a bit of a clique. (Racist misogynistic but not as bad as cops, from what I rearched)
I live in Florida, good and bad, but FPL never disappoints. Those guys are badasses when it comes to restoring power. I feel y’all are getting the same from your fire departments. I’m happy you have them. They are the true working heroes.
I know. They get paid shit, their lives are in danger, they get zero credit. We have to all come to the realization that the powers that be do not give a single fuck if ANY OF US lives or dies
Yes they are today… but still way too strong.. the hope is they will change and reverse on themselves.. but so far not so lucky.. these fires are devastating…
I distinctly remember training with a cop turned firefighter who said he became a firefighter because he realized how corrupt police were or whatever. Had a lot of regrets.
Goes to show the only good cops are not cops at all (retired doesn't count)
All they are doing insanely blaming Biden and democrats with a word of compassion for the people who lost everything, hurt, 2 dead so far or concern for the brave firefighters.
Hold up. Fire departments (and EMS workers) can be just as racist as cops, not to mention that the system regularly "employs" (enslaves) convicts and forces them to work grueling hours in dangerous conditions.
'"Firefighter-arson” is the term used by the United States Fire Association. In the early 1990s, an FBI study concluded that 75 firefighters were responsible for 182 fires,'https://burned.journalism.cuny.edu/the-diverse-minds-of-arsonists/
The thing is California has a great fire department. They gave the money to the police department because the mega lunatics along with conservative media consistently talking about crime. While climate change and income inequality are the real problem. Billionaires draining resources is a disaster.
As a volunteer firefighter (Australian) I always like to point this out (also no one ever sings "fuck the paramedics" - they'd have us firies to deal with if they did).
Unique Google searches for "fuck the fire department song" up by 1000%.
None were disappointed: (song from at least 5 years ago and is at v2.0) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JkrJUAg8aI
The reason we don’t have bike lanes in Baltimore is because of the corrupt fire department. Fire departments are responsible for the grotesquely oversized and inefficient trucks and equipment they use which mandates larger streets and alleys. Fire departments are mostly bastards.
Guess you haven’t heard about the number of times yt firemen would roll up to a burning house and watch the occupants die screaming because they were Black, including babies, only heard about it for the 1st time last year
And yeah, learning something new everyday expands the mind, gotu kola is the herb for getting in touch with your inner genius, speeds up electrical transmission across neural synapses, increases eloquence, fluency, vocal range up to an octave, among other things
Just commenting on your statement that we don't do crazy stuff when pulled over. (Or when someone tries to pull us over. Do a 48 on the ambo, where having the blue light special on your back bumper all the way to the ER is normal, and you may kinda ignore them on the way home...)
I add water damage to existing smoke damage. Sometimes, I demonstrate that any car can become a convertible in about 30 seconds. Occasionally, I participate in an enthusiastic display of crowd-sourced trauma medicine.
But your entire argument is silly off the jump. A song "F*ck the fire department" would be about fire departments abusing the focus of their work... fire. A cop pulls over some dude at night. A fireman fights a fire. The dude and fire are both receivers of the action.
As a 28 year former municipal employee I used to have a very high opinion of firefighters, as opposed my opinion on many of the police officers. That changed over the last few years as I heard more white male firefighters spouting Trump garbage.
There have been lots of scandals around fire departments in the US though. Bribes, embezzlement, scams, posting pictures of victims, washing private vehicles with station facilities etc.
All day I've been imagining what if the LAPD had to fight fires and thinking about them air-dropping water on reporters and sulking over their 'measly' $120m budget increase.
Generally, EMTs and paramedics get paid much, much less than firefighters. EMS also has a much higher percentage of women and minorities. This is not a coincidence.
It's a reminder that EMS gets overlooked and undervalued and that FFs get taken advantage of and underutilized. Hybrid departments are the path forward for better pay for EMS. Ask any IAFF paramedic and guaranteed they are getting paid MUCH MUCH more than a private or EMS only medic.
Not everywhere has cross-trained firefighters, and NOT all EMS is the fire department.
Next time you're at a place that offers a discount or free food to firefighters and cops, ask them if EMTs are included in that discount. The answer is usually "no".
Yes, and the firefighters get all the credit, all the accolades, and all the fancy new equipment, while EMTs get shit on and paid a buck above minimum wage.
Right. FD on the day to day are mostly overpaid and overrated. They screw other First responders out of limited municipal funds and carve out backdoor deals for Million dollar retirements at the expense of private first responders who do the bulk of medical care.
As an aside, whoever told you that he was given "a fatal dose of Narcan" is either extremely misinformed, or is extremely not to be trusted. Ketamine, meth, and opioids can all kill you - Narcan cannot.
Narcan is not used for methamphetamine. Meth is a stimulant. Narcan is used for opioids. It works by blocking the opioid receptors in the brain. It doesn't really have any other clinical effects. It's not something you can feasibly overdose on. https://www.jems.com/major-incidents/the-tragic-case-of-elijah-mcclain/
The case of Elijah McClain was so incredibly, textbook "do not ever fucking do this", that it is truthful to say that those paramedics were not adhering to standard practice, professional ethics, common sense, or the law. If a cop had asked me to sedate somebody, the answer would have been "fuck no"
Just checked that out and am astounded. Seems to me people in the USA call the cops at the drop of a hat and they respond for the most petty things.
Police body cameras generally seem very fragile. I'd cure that via instant dismissal! Three getting knocked off? Behave.
Unfortunately some paramedics wouldn’t question it.
Given that they are sometimes called into dubious situations and the police are the only ones watching their backs it’s easy to see why they would be eager to please.
You know firefighters are the same fucking way, right? Like have you ever spent time around them? There's plenty of racism and misogyny to go around! Plenty of firefighters wouldn't question it, plenty of them are trump supporters, plenty of them "back the blue" more than EMS does.
Police have to enforce laws, which include taking away child rapist, serial killers and other violent people.
When you’re the one having to keep a child rapist behind bars, you’ll understand. You’d likely get fired for abusing an inmate or detainee. 😂 can’t abuse them bro. They have rights too…
12 officers were fired here within 24 hours of investigation, not resigned, fired and 8 charged 💀💀💀 bro they got cooked… we can’t even speak to detainees without camera or audio recording.
One of my students joined my local fire department, and when I asked him what first struck him about his new job, said, "people don't hate us the way they hate the cops".
What TF goes on in California? Like a fire starts and the whole city burns down??? Is it that buildings are so close together? How did this fire start anyway?
Oh, all you have to do is have your local police force act like an occupying warlord, and systematically murder every other municipal budget, in the abstract, and any city leadership who dare to try and correct it.
As Always In America - The Problem Is The Fucking Cops Existence
That's because the fire department does the shady illegal things behind closed doors. A close friend of mine works on an ambulance and tells me in the 10+ years working, he's witnessed more abuse by firefighters than police officers. We just don't hear about it because they don't wear body cams.
I mean, we've had to fight tooth and nail to get body cams on cops and still can't consistently, and even with them, they murder people with impunity. Whatever corruption goes on in fire departments, they're murdering infinitely fewer people than the cops.
That's a good point and not denying that truth, but it isn't just about murders. It's also the discrimination on many levels that we aren't privy to such as racism, income and housing discrimination, the belief that someone is faking a real medical complaint and not being taken seriously, etc.
Thank Canada as well, they sent planes and water…who you want to maybe not thank is the douche form the Wonderful Company who is stealing all your water for pistachios and almonds…
Seriously. Back in the day firefighters were privatized and businesses. Then we realized some things shouldn't be for profit and should be managed by the people
In UK the change from the likes of Sun fire insurance only sending their private firefighters to properties with their Sun Insurance plaque, was the recognition that uninsured buildings on fire were a risk to the insurance company.
We should also thank the prisoners and youth offenders forced to fight fires for little pay and no jobs when they are released. Maybe we can thank them by arguing they should qualify for these jobs when they are released?
Actually the Compton City Council sings this song daily… and it’s been going on for years. #savecomptonfd I’ve never seen a FD in such bad shape, no contract and crap equipment. I’ve been trying to help for over 2 years…
Actually, there are plenty of complaints about the fire department. This is not the time to be rehashing all of them, but there are communities who definitely have suffered because there has not always been equality and equity in firefighting.They used to let black people's houses burn to the ground
It is something that the US seems to do exceptionally well at - hiring the best firefighters. I can’t believe some of the photos I’ve seen in the last 24hrs, yet there they are, away from their own families risking their lives to help others.
Don't get too excited. The fire department has a long racist history. There's a lot of stories (many of them confessions) of firefighters leaving Black people to burn to death.
"nearly" implies they aren't a monolith and the people you're mentioning were based, but a minority.
And cry me a river I'm white I'm just observant -- slang, slurs, place names, institutional violence at every level, even baby games. Oh and genocide. This country was defined by racism.
Normal people read that post and went “ah that’s so bad, those guys sound like assholes, glad I’m not like them”
You went “ah those guys sound like assholes, maybe I’m an asshole, I’ll make an asshole comment”
For clarity, you’re an asshole
are you equating a racist act that amounts to a lynching by fire by members of a government institution with me making a hyperbolic post about said ubiquity of racial violence perpetrated by white people
Agree with the point, but FWIW there is a song called “fuck the fire department” by an artist called Vincent E.L. It’s a banger, and yes, it’s on Spotify.
But also, there is a good history of fire fighters starting fires so they can look like heroes or some shit. But yeah, generally firefighters are looked at in a good way. Probably because they don't go around shooting everybody and whatnot.
And then he explained in the res5 of the video why someone should make that song. Because they make streets unsafe though, their inclusivity policy is fine.
Some departments are bad
1. First was a fire -- not gonna get into details
2. Second was hit by a car -- fire EMTs were fantastic
They are the first on the scene and depending on who you get, it can make a big difference. For me it did
But they are biding time until the pros show up
Some are worse than others. Racist fire fighters exist, lol MAGA fire fighters exist.
You just don’t hear about it as much
We don’t need money in politics. We just need people to participate.
Truer words were never spoken through falser teeth!!!
Woke the hub up laughing at that one
Sorry, I could not resist
“What about the police?” Well they k*ll innocent people and abuse power. I’ve never seen a firefighter do this😭💯
I think b/c they can haul you to the hospital if you get bit while waiting. All I said to the police was “There’s a rattler in my yard and I don’t know what to do.” They said “Keep an eye on it” & sent the FD
Who knew SoCal is loaded with rattlers? I lived in AZ 26 years. Saw many snakes but never a rattler. But I’ve had TWO in my yard in 8 years, 1 hr N of San Diego — only 1 of which bit me when I didn’t see it.
Cops can at best shoot a snake. Utilities may have tools to hit a snake. EMS can treat your wounds after being bit.
Animal control is usually a handful of cops at most, most places don’t have them.
Just saying.
Canada Water Bombers
Helping Los Angeles
Fight fires and saving lives.
Gracias Canada
#VivaCanada #LAFires
Bring them food
And beverages
They appreciate it
(AMA firefighter, people love us in the abstract but specific individuals get amazingly pissy when we track mud in while fighting fires or hauling all 500lbs of MeMaw out of the basement.)
They think firefighters should be a subscription service or like an insurance policy.
The Police will be busy in 2025 too.
Yes the police department dropped the bomb and told the fire commissioner to let the fire burn, destroying 61 homes..
Goes to show the only good cops are not cops at all (retired doesn't count)
None were disappointed: (song from at least 5 years ago and is at v2.0)
comin' straight from the firehouse
they lookin' at my house to burn it down
Pls halp
Don’t shit on all cops, you look short sighted and ignorant.
We're discussing normal people.
Generally, EMTs and paramedics get paid much, much less than firefighters. EMS also has a much higher percentage of women and minorities. This is not a coincidence.
Next time you're at a place that offers a discount or free food to firefighters and cops, ask them if EMTs are included in that discount. The answer is usually "no".
But most calls that most fire departments roll on are medical calls. Like the huge majority.
Most are solid
Tho some side with cops like the ones that gave that sweet violin boy a lethal dose of Narcan
Police body cameras generally seem very fragile. I'd cure that via instant dismissal! Three getting knocked off? Behave.
Given that they are sometimes called into dubious situations and the police are the only ones watching their backs it’s easy to see why they would be eager to please.
When you’re the one having to keep a child rapist behind bars, you’ll understand. You’d likely get fired for abusing an inmate or detainee. 😂 can’t abuse them bro. They have rights too…
If that happened more consistently police would have a better reputation.
But some were Moved to create this song...
As Always In America - The Problem Is The Fucking Cops Existence
it's also a metaphor for the police.
(this joke ignores that they literally cause controlled fires in forests, shut up)
'"Firefighter-arson” is the term used by the United States Fire Association. In the early 1990s, an FBI study concluded that 75 firefighters were responsible for 182 fires,'
'"Firefighter-arson” is the term used by the United States Fire Association. In the early 1990s, an FBI study concluded that 75 firefighters were responsible for 182 fires,'
And cry me a river I'm white I'm just observant -- slang, slurs, place names, institutional violence at every level, even baby games. Oh and genocide. This country was defined by racism.
You went “ah those guys sound like assholes, maybe I’m an asshole, I’ll make an asshole comment”
For clarity, you’re an asshole
That your perception is so weak you can't infer or ask a properly formed questioned.
"Coherent" enough for you?
Block me please.
Yer in a kiddy pool pretending to ocean.
No. That's not coherent enough for me. How does one "infer a properly formed questioned"? That's just gibberish,
The inferring is separate from a question.
you ARE gibberish.
Inferring from original post would align you with no response at all. *you responded, therfore, you did not infer*
a question (because you didn't infer) is to arrive at a better understanding.
Go away.